Fast as the Wind: A Novel. Gould Nat
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Название: Fast as the Wind: A Novel

Автор: Gould Nat

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ had a quiet luncheon, then went to the stables. Dick engaged no regular trainer, but he had a man named Arnold Brent, who was a first-rate hand with horses, and at the same time an expert gardener; the combination was fortunate for the owner of Torwood. The horses were trained in the neighborhood, where Dick had the privilege of using some good galloping land, with natural fences – an up and down country, but excellent for the purpose. He had two lads who rode most of the work; sometimes he had a mount, and occasionally Brent. Altogether they did very well, and the Torwood horses generally secured a win or two at the local meetings. Dick Langford's favorite battle-grounds were Torquay and Newton Abbot. At the show at the latter place he often took prizes for dogs, poultry and garden produce; the money generally went into Brent's pocket. Brent knew both Picton and the Captain, and admired the former because he knew he was a first-class gentleman rider, although he had not seen him in the saddle. It was Brent who suggested to his master that Mr. Woodridge should ride at the local meeting for them.

      "Not a big enough thing for him," said Dick doubtfully. "He rides at some of the swell meetings."

      "You try him, sir," said Brent, adding, as he caught sight of Rita, "I'll bet he accepts."

      "I hear a terrible account of these horses I am to ride," said Picton, smiling.

      Brent smiled.

      "I expect Mr. Langford's been pulling your leg, sir," he said.

      "Isn't The Rascal a brute, isn't Planet1 another; and Pitcher was described as harmless, I think?" said Picton.

      "The Rascal's all right if you humor him," said Brent. "He's bitten a lad, and crushed another against the wall, but he's not half a bad sort, and he'll win the double easily enough in your hands, sir."

      "If I can mount him," laughed Picton.

      "I'll see to that; he'll stand steady enough with me at his head. That's him – the chestnut with the white face."

      Picton looked the horse over.

      "Bring him out," he said, and The Rascal was led out of his box. As Picton went up to him he laid back his ears, and showed the whites of his eyes; it was a false alarm, he let him pat his neck and pass his hand over him.

      "I like him," said Picton; "he looks a good sort."

      "He is, sir," said Brent.

      "Your favorite?" laughed Picton.

      "Yes, sir."

      Planet and Pitcher were both browns, handy sorts, and Picton thought it highly probable the three would win the races selected for them. He expressed this opinion, at which Dick and his sister were delighted.

      "It is very good of you to come and ride for my brother," she said to him.

      "It is always a pleasure to me to do anything to please you and Dick," he replied.

      They chatted for some time; then she said: "I had an adventure not long before you arrived."

      "Your country has always been full of adventures," he said, smiling.

      "And adventurers, but the man who came here to-day was not an adventurer, poor fellow," she said.

      He looked at her quickly and she went on.

      "I was at the bottom of the garden, near that thick-set hedge, when I heard some one groan. It startled me; some tramp, I thought, and went to the gate. I saw a man sitting by the roadside. He looked up when he saw me, and I shall never forget the suffering in his face, the hunted look in it. I shivered, but I was quite sure he was harmless. I beckoned him; he came, turning his head from time to time in a frightened manner. He said he had tramped many miles, that he was hungry, footsore, weary to death. I took him to the back of the house, gave him something to eat, and offered him money. He refused the money at first, but I insisted and he took it. I gave him one of Dick's old top coats; when he put it on he seemed a different man. I hunted out a pair of old boots – he was very grateful for them. I am sure he was a gentleman; he spoke like one, he expressed himself as such when he left, there was a natural pride about him. He walked in the direction of Torquay; I wonder if you met him on the road."

      Picton Woodridge greatly astonished her by asking her the following questions:

      "Have you told your brother about this?"


      "Did any one see him?"

      "I don't think so. I am almost sure they did not."

      "Will you do me a favor?"


      "Then do not mention this to a soul," said Picton earnestly.



      SHE promised readily, not asking questions, for which he was grateful. She knew there was something she could not penetrate, some mystery; her curiosity was aroused but she restrained it.

      "Thank you," he said. "I have good reasons for asking you to remain silent; some day I will tell you them, whether my conjectures prove right or wrong."

      "I shall not ask your confidence," she said.

      "I will give it to you. I would give it to you now if I thought it would be of any use."

      "I am sure you would."

      "Rita – "

      "Hallo, where are you, Picton?" shouted Dick.

      "Here!" he called. "On the seat near the hedge."

      "Oh, down there. Is Rita with you?"


      "Sorry I shouted; hope I didn't disturb you," sang out Dick.

      "Not in the least," said Picton; "we were just coming up."

      "I wonder what he was going to tell me when he said 'Rita,'" she thought as they walked up the hilly garden path.

      Picton said he would rather return to the yacht for the night; he loved being on the water, it always had a soothing effect and he was not a good sleeper.

      "I must be in tip-top condition for to-morrow – so much depends upon it," he said, smiling.

      Rita thought a good deal about her conversation with him when he left, tried to puzzle out the mystery, but failed.

      "I'll wait until he tells me," she said. "I wish Dick hadn't shouted when he said 'Rita'; it interrupted a pleasant sentence. I wonder how it would have finished?" and she smiled quietly to herself.

      Dick drove them to Torquay, then returned home. Brack rowed them out to the Sea-mew. He was loquacious as usual.

      "Nice night, gents," he said.

      "Beautiful, Brack. Isn't it rather dark though?" said Ben.

      Picton seemed moody.

      "Yes, there's no moon to speak of; it's darker than I've known it at this time o' year."

      The old fellow chatted until they СКАЧАТЬ


"Plant" amended to "Planet".