Fast as the Wind: A Novel. Gould Nat
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Название: Fast as the Wind: A Novel

Автор: Gould Nat

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ attention on their faces. They were silent when he finished.

      "Not bad for Brack, eh?" said Dick.

      The simple question made them start.

      "You fellows seem all nerves this morning," said Dick. "When I told Pic on deck, he staggered; I thought he was going to faint. You're not afraid the fellow will board the yacht, are you?"

      Ben laughed as he said: "No, I don't think we're afraid, not of one man, even if he be an escaped convict."

      "You'll want all your nerve to-morrow," said Dick to Picton. "There's three of my horses to ride, and two of 'em are brutes."

      "Thanks," said Picton, smiling; "a pleasant prospect. Worth coming all these miles for, isn't it, Ben?"

      "Depends upon what Langford calls a brute," replied Ben.

      "Pitcher's not so bad; he's what I call a humorous horse, full of pranks and no vice about him. He's number one. Now we come to the first brute, Planet, a gelding with a temper; as likely as not he'll try and pitch you into the crowd."

      "Then he ought to have been named Pitcher," said Picton.

      "We don't all get our right names, I mean names that fit; we're saddled with 'em by unthinking parents. Sis has a maid, Evangeline Mamie; now that's what I call a big handicap for the girl," said Dick.

      They laughed, and Picton asked him to pass on to number two brute.

      "The Rascal," said Dick; "he's a terror. He's lamed a couple of my chaps, and Pete's right when you're in the saddle, but it's a deuce of a job to get there. He rises on his hind legs, and conducts an imaginary band with his fore legs, but he's got a rare turn of speed, and he ought to win the West of England Handicap Steeplechase to-morrow, and the Torbay and South Devon Steeplechase the next day."

      "Then you expect to bring off the double with him?" said Picton.

      "Yes, and if you do not, Sis says she'll never speak to you again."

      "Then I'll do it if I die in the attempt," said Picton.

      "Don't be heroic, no one wants you to die. You can kill The Rascal if you like, but promise me to come off unscathed," said Dick, laughing.

      "I'll try," said Picton.

      "Pitcher ought to win the Maiden Hurdle Race, and Planet the St. Marychurch Hurdle Race. Now you have a nice little program mapped out for you, and I fancy you'll win the four events. If you do, it will be a day for rejoicing at Torwood, and the wearer of the pink jacket will be an honored guest if he cares to desert the Sea-mew for my humble abode."

      "Dick, you're incorrigible," said Picton, laughing. "You really expect to win four races?"

      "I do; Gordon won the lot at a meeting not far away on one occasion."

      "That's quite possible – he's a good rider."

      "So are you."

      "He is," said Ben; "few better."

      "What are you doing to-day?" asked Dick.

      "Nothing in particular; basking in the sunshine in your glorious bay."

      "Then you like Torquay?" said Dick.

      "Who could help liking it? And what a county lies behind it! I envy you the Devonshire lanes, Dick."

      "Then come and live among them. I can pick you an ideal spot, and it shall be well within your means, Mr. Millionaire."

      Picton laughed.

      "No millions here – a few thousands," he said; "just sufficient to keep my head above water."

      "And the Sea-mew afloat," said Dick.

      "I'll manage that," said Ben.

      "Will you come ashore and have a look at Pitcher and the two brutes?" said Dick.

      "What do you say, Ben? Shall we?" asked Picton.

      Ben knew he wished to go – Rita was at Torwood – it was not the horses so much, although they were an attraction.

      "Yes," said Ben promptly, and the matter was settled.

      They went ashore. Dick Langford's dog-cart was at the Queen's and thither they adjourned. In a quarter of an hour they were going at an easy pace to Torwood, which lay about midway between Torquay and Newton Abbot.

      How fresh everything looked! The trees were just budding, tingeing the almost bare branches with tips of green. The air was cool and soft; there were no motors about – only an odd one or two, the tourist season had not commenced – but there would be plenty of people at the races on the following days.

      "Wonder what that fellow's up to!" exclaimed Dick, as he saw a man push through the hedge and disappear down the hill and across the meadow.

      "Probably belongs to the place," said Picton.

      "Then what the deuce did he get through the hedge for? Why didn't he go to the gate?" said Dick.

      "Short cut, perhaps," said Picton.

      "Wonder if he's that chap from Dartmoor?" laughed Dick, and he felt Picton start.

      "The man's got on your nerves," he said. "I'll say no more about him."

      Picton was looking at him as he went rapidly across the meadow; something about the figure appeared familiar, so did the long stride; he wondered if Ben noticed it, but the Captain was otherwise occupied. The incident was forgotten, and when they came in sight of Torwood, Picton became animated. He saw a figure on the lawn, and knew who it was. She recognized them and waved her handkerchief. This met with a quick response.

      Torwood was a typical Devonshire home, not large, but a commodious, comfortable, well-appointed house, standing on the hillside; trees at the back, a terrace, then a level stretch of lawn, then a sweep down to the road; a small lodge and gate at the drive entrance; a steep incline to the house. On the right were the stables, half a dozen loose boxes, and a three-stall building. Dick Langford was far from being a rich man, but he was happy and contented, with his sister. He was a partner in a firm of auctioneers at Newton Abbot, and was accounted a ready salesman; there was always laughter in front when he wielded the hammer; quick at repartee, there were many people prompt to draw him out, but he got his prices, and that paid the firm and the customers.

      Rita Langford was like her brother, of a bright and cheerful disposition, was popular in the neighborhood, and Torwood was a favorite house.

      "So glad to see you, Mr. Woodridge, and you too, Captain Bruce. When did you arrive in the bay?"

      "In the morning, yesterday; it was beautiful. How grand the country looks, and Torwood even prettier than ever!" said Picton.

      "I induced him to leave his floating palace, and visit our humble abode, by asking him to inspect the horses he is to ride," said Dick with a wink at Ben.

      "That is so, but there was a far greater inducement," said Picton, looking at Rita.

      "Must I take that to mean me?" she said, laughing.

      "Please," said Picton, thinking how charming she was.

      They СКАЧАТЬ