The Age of Dryden. Richard Garnett
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Название: The Age of Dryden

Автор: Richard Garnett

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ greater privilege than three Jews?’

      ‘Does not in Chancery every man swear

      What makes best for him in his answer?’

      ‘He that imposes an oath makes it,

      Not he that for convenience takes it;

      Then how can any man be said

      To break an oath he never made?’

      ‘That sinners may supply the place

      Of suff’ring saints is a plain case.

      Justice gives sentence many times

      On one man for another’s crimes.

      Our brethren of New England use

      Choice malefactors to excuse,

      And hang the guiltless in their stead,

      Of whom the churches have less need:

      As lately ’t happened in a town,

      There liv’d a cobler, and but one,

      That out of doctrine could cut use,

      And mend men’s lives as well as shoes.

      This precious brother having slain,

      In times of peace, an Indian,

      (Not out of malice, but mere zeal,

      Because he was an infidel)

      The mighty Tottipottymoy

      Sent to our elders an envoy;

      Complaining sorely of the breach

      Of league, held forth by brother Patch,

      Against the articles in force

      Between both churches, his and ours,

      For which he crav’d the saints to render

      Into his hands, or hang th’ offender:

      But they maturely having weigh’d

      They had no more but him o’ th’ trade,

      (A man that serv’d them in a double

      Capacity, to teach and cobble,)

      Resolv’d to spare him; yet to do

      The Indian Hoghgan Moghgan too

      Impartial justice, in his stead did

      Hang an old weaver that was bed-rid.’

      Hudibras, however, is but half convinced, or rather, doubts whether conviction can be brought to the minds of others. He bethinks himself of a middle course, and suggests that the whipping shall be inflicted by proxy, and that Ralpho shall be the proxy. To this Ralpho demurs, and an impending rupture is only averted by a new adventure, which seems invented for the purpose. When it is over Hudibras has profited by the interval of reflection to resolve to consult the wizard Sidrophel, who is apparently intended for Lilly. The scene affords Butler an opportunity of venting the dislike to physical science which he shared with so many other literary men, and to which he gave more definite expression in The Elephant in the Moon. The interview terminates in a scuffle, in which Hudibras overthrows Sidrophel, and, thinking he has killed him, makes off, leaving Ralpho, as he deems, to bear the brunt. The trusty squire, however, has already gone to the lady with the tale of Hudibras’s perjury, which insures the knight a warm reception. Here the action of the story ends, the remainder of the poem being chiefly occupied by ‘heroical epistles’ between the parties, which do not help it on, and by a digression on the downfall of the Rump, chiefly remarkable for allusions to politics of later date.

      One of the most noticeable phenomena in Butler is, that after all this Cavalier poet is little of a Cavalier, and this assailant of Puritanism little of a Churchman. His loyalty is but hatred of anarchy, and his religion but hatred of cant. The genuineness of both these feelings is attested by the detached thoughts found among his papers; otherwise it might fairly have been doubted whether his motive for espousing the royalist cause had been any other than the infinitely greater scope which Puritanism and Republicanism offered to the shafts of a satirist. The follies of the Cavalier party proved that things may be absurd without being ridiculous; those of their opponents demonstrated that ridicule may justly attach to things not intrinsically absurd. It is clear, notwithstanding, from Butler’s prose remains, that he was constitutionally hostile to liberty in politics and to the inward light in religion, and that he obeyed his own sincere conviction in attacking them. But it is equally clear that his preference for monarchy was solely utilitarian, and that his preferences in religion were determined simply by taste. The ground of his acquiescence in the Church of England is thus frankly stated by himself in one of his detached thoughts:

      ‘Men ought to do in religion as they do in war. When a man of honour is overpowered, and must of necessity surrender himself up a prisoner, such are always wont to endeavour to do it to some person of command and quality, and not to a mere scoundrel. So, since all men are obliged to be of some church, it is more honourable, if there were nothing else in it, to be of that which has some reputation, than such a one as is contemptible, and justly despised by all the best of men.’

      This is not the language of a very fervent churchman; and Butler’s royalism is like his religion, a pis aller. Nowhere does his aversion for Puritanism kindle into enthusiasm for its contrary, any more than his humour ever rises into poetry. In his verse he is a satirist; in his prose a sceptic; and his satire and his scepticism are alike rooted in a low opinion of human nature, and a disbelief that things can ever be much better than they are. He is a strong spirit, but of the earth, earthy. At the same time he is not one of the satirists who make their readers cynics; on the contrary, his hearty geniality puts the reader into good humour with mankind, and suggests that if there is not much to admire there is also but little to condemn. It is unnecessary to dilate on his peculiar merits, which are of universal notoriety. Few have enriched the language with so many familiar quotations; few have so much fancy along with a total absence of sentiment; few have been so fertile in odd rhymes and quaint illustrations and comparisons; few have so thoroughly combined the characters of wit and humorist.

      In 1759 a quantity of MS. compositions of Butler’s, which had remained unpublished during his life, and had come into the possession of his friend Longueville, were edited by R. Thyer, librarian of the Chetham Library at Manchester. The most important, his characters in the manner of Theophrastus, and detached thoughts in prose, will be noticed along with the prose essayists. Of the metrical compositions, the most elaborate is The Elephant in the Moon, a satire on the appetite for marvels displayed by some of the members of the then infant Royal Society, which exists in two recensions, one in Hudibrastic, the other in heroic verse. The other pieces are also for the most part satirical, with a strong affinity to Hudibras, except where they parody the style of some poet of the day. They are always clever, sometimes very humorous and pointed, and, with Marvell’s satires, form a transition from the unpolished quaintness of Donne to the weight and splendour of Dryden. Butler in one instance appears a downright plagiarist; in another he would seem, were the thing possible, to have been copied by a later and more illustrious writer. In his satire against rhyme, he writes:

      ‘When I would praise an author, the untoward

      Damned sense says Virgil, but the rhyme says Howard.’

      This is undoubtedly Boileau’s ‘La raison dit Virgile, et la rime Quinault.’ In Cat and Puss, on the other hand, an amusing parody of the rhyming tragedy of his day, he observes of the feline Lothario:

      ‘At once his passion was both false and true,

      And the more false, the more in earnest grew.’

      Can Tennyson, who borrowed and improved so much, have been to Butler for

      ‘His honour rooted in dishonour stood,

      And faith unfaithful kept him falsely true’?