Journal and Letters of Philip Vickers Fithian: A Plantation Tutor of the Old Dominion, 1773-1774.. Fithian Philip Vickers
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СКАЧАТЬ to try

      Into these mysteries to pry

      Sure I may sit and simply sing

      (I dare not strike a lofty string)

      The various scenes through which I've past

      I may be now acting my last;

      Here in Virginia, far from friends

      Except those Heaven in pity sends!

Novr 23d 1773.

      Wednesday 24.

      Busy in School.

      Thursday 25.

      Rode this morning to Richmond Court-house,[81] where two Horses run for a purse of 500 Pounds; besides small Betts almost enumerable.

      One of the Horses belonged to Colonel John Taylor,[82] and is called Yorick– The other to Dr. Flood,[83] and is called Gift– The Assembly was remarkably numerous; beyond my expectation and exceeding polite in general.

      The Horses started precisely at five minutes after three; the Course was one Mile in Circumference, they performed the first Round in two minutes, third in two minutes & a-half, Yorick came out the fifth time round about 40 Rod before Gift they were both, when the Riders dismounted very lame; they run five Miles, and Carried 180 lb – Rode home in the Evening – Expence to the Boy 7½d —

      Fryday 26.

      Busy in School – Robin, & Nancy at dancing-School.

      Saturday 27.

      Robin and Nancy yet at Dancing-School – Mr Harry Fantleroy call'd after dinner to see us. In the Evening Ben & I rode with him to his fathers; I was introduced to one Mr Walker a Scotch Gentleman, lately a School-master but has quit, and is going in the Spring for the Gown to England.[84]

      Sunday 28.

      Rode to Church – the Parson was absent; it is indeed a little cold! The Clerk read prayers for us – We rode home – Found at Home two young Ladies, Miss Corbin, and Miss Turburville and Mr George Lee, brother to the Gentleman here last Sunday, & has lately returned from England – I was introduced by Mr Carter to the two latter —

      Monday 29.

      All our Scholars present – Mr Carter has put into my hands; Tyre's Dictionary, & the pronouncing Dictionary, to improve his Sons in Grammar classically, both Latin and English, and he has given me Fenning in Arrithmetic.

      Teusday 30.

      Busy in School – I was solicited the other Day at the Race by one Mr Gordon,[85] to take and instruct two of his Sons, Saturday also I was again solicited by Mr Fantleroy to take two of his Sons – But I must decline it —

      Wednesday Decemr 1st 1773.

      Busy in School – Wrote home by the Post, to Mr Green & Johnny Peck. Afternoon Vacant.

[Letter of Philip V. Fithian to the Reverend Enoch Green]Decemr 1st 1773.

      Revd Sir.

      As you desired I may not omit to inform you, so far as I can by a letter, of the business in which I am now engaged, it would indeed be vastly agreeable to me if it was in my power to give you particular intelligence concerning the state and plan of my employment here.

      I set out from home the 20th of Octr and arrived at the Hon: Robert Carters, of Nominy, in Westmorland County, the 28th I began to teach his children the first of November. He has two sons, and one Nephew; the oldest Son is turned of seventeen, and is reading Salust and the greek grammer; the others are about fourteen, and in english grammer, and Arithmetic. He has besides five daughters which I am to teach english, the eldest is turned of fifteen, and is reading the spectator; she is employed two days in every week in learning to play the Forte-Piana, and Harpsicord – The others are smaller, and learning to read and spell. Mr Carter is one of the Councellors in the general court at Williamsburg, and possest of as great, perhaps the clearest fortune according to the estimation of people here, of any man in Virginia: He seems to be a good scholar, even in classical learning, and is remarkable one in english grammar; and notwithstanding his rank, which in general seems to countenance indulgence to children, both himself and Mrs Carter have a manner of instructing and dealing with children far superior, I may say it with confidence, to any I have ever seen, in any place, or in any family. They keep them in perfect subjection to themselves, and never pass over an occasion of reproof; and I blush for many of my acquaintances when I say that the children are more kind and complaisant to the servants who constantly attend them than we are to our superiors in age and condition. Mr Carter has an over-grown library of Books of which he allows me the free use. It consists of a general collection of law books, all the Latin and Greek Classicks, vast number of Books on Divinity chiefly by writers who are of the established Religion; he has the works of almost all the late famous writers, as Locke, Addison, Young, Pope, Swift, Dryden, &c. in Short, Sir, to speak moderately, he has more than eight times your number[86]– His eldest Son, who seems to be a Boy of Genius and application is to be sent to Cambridge University, but I believe will go through a course either in Philadelphia or Princeton College first. As to what is commonly said concerning Virginia that it is difficult to avoid being corrupted with the manners of the people, I believe it is founded wholly in a mistaken notion that persons must, when here frequent all promiscuous assemblies; but this is so far from truth that any one who does practise it, tho' he is accused of no crime, loses at once his character; so that either the manners have been lately changed, or the report is false, for he seems now to be best esteemed and most applauded who attends to his business, whatever it be, with the greatest diligence. I believe the virginians have of late altered their manner very much, for they begin to find that their estates by even small extravagance, decline, and grow involved with debt, this seems to be the spring which induces the People of fortune who are the pattern of all behaviour here, to be frugal, and moderate. You may expect me at home by the permission of Providence the latter end of april next, or the beginning of May; and as I proposed I shall present my exercises for the examination of the Presbytery; and if they think proper I shall gladly accept of a licence in the fall: I must beg your favour to mention me to such of my acquaintances in Deerfield as you think proper, but especially to Mrs Green, Miss Betsy, your family, and Mrs Pecks – I must also beg you to transmit so much of this intelligence to Mr Hunter as that my relations in Greenwich may know that I am through the mercy of heaven in good health. I beg, Sir, you will not fail to write, and let it be known to Mr Hunter, that a letter will come as secure by the Post as from Cohansie to Philadelphia; the Letters are to be directed to me thus, To Mr Philip V. Fithian at Mr Carters of Nominy, to be left at Hobes Hole[87]

      I am, Sir, yours

Philip V Fithian[JOURNAL]

      Thursday 2.

      Busy in School.

      Fryday 3.

      Busy in School. Expence to Boy for trimming my Horse half a Bit. Evening after School walked in the fields with Mrs Carter, Miss Carter, and Miss Nancy.

       Saturday 4.

      About Eleven Ben and I rode to Mr Lees walked over a Part of his Farm; from his House we see the Potowmack, and a fine River putting from it. СКАЧАТЬ


Richmond Court House, the seat of government in Richmond County, now called Warsaw, is some ten or twelve miles distant from "Nomini Hall." There were a number of enthusiastic turfmen in Richmond County during the eighteenth century.


Colonel John Tayloe (1721-1779) was one of the wealthiest men in the Northern Neck. His manor house, "Mount Airy," was located near Richmond Court House, and overlooked the Rappahannock River, some two miles in the distance. Tayloe was a noted fancier of fine horses.


Dr. William Flood lived at "Kinsail," a plantation in Westmoreland County. He frequently combined the pleasures of horse racing with the practice of his profession. Cf. Blanton, Wyndham B., Medicine in Virginia in the Eighteenth Century (Richmond, 1931), p. 379.


Since it was often difficult to secure a sufficient number of clergymen for the parishes in Virginia, young English schoolmasters and tutors were frequently induced to return to the mother country and take orders so that they might fill such vacancies.


Robert Carter's account books reveal that he sometimes had business transactions with one George C. Gordon of Westmoreland County.


See catalogue of Robert Carter's library in Appendix, pp. 221-229.


Hobb's Hole, the present town of Tappahannock, is situated on the Rappahannock River in Essex County. The town was a lively center of trade and shipping at this period.