Journal and Letters of Philip Vickers Fithian: A Plantation Tutor of the Old Dominion, 1773-1774.. Fithian Philip Vickers
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СКАЧАТЬ Study, & begin to take Leave of Relations & Friends! —

      Dined at Mrs Brewsters, and at two went to Mr Danl Mashells; & from thence to Mr John Gibbon's, At all which Places I gave them my last Farewel

       Thursday Octob: 14.

      Rose early – Busy in making Preparations – Had my Horse shod, Did sundry Pieces of Writing – This Eveng Mr Irwin, & Smith returned from Cape-May.

      Friday Octob: 15.

      Rose early – Did sundry Pieces of Writing – At twelve Mr Irwin gave us a Sermon, on Felix's trembling before Paul preaching – He preached without Notes; His Sermon was easy, well-digested, plain, yet pathetic, short, and in general much admired —

      Mr Smith & Mr Hunter junr dined with me – In the Evening of this Day I had a severe Fit of the Fever & Ague – Violent Pains in my Head, & Back!

      Saturday. Octob: 16.

      Rose at seven; feel bewildered, & unesy – Finished some necessary Writings, & begin before noon to grow better.

      Sunday Octob: 17.

      Rose early – Not well – Attended Sermon; Mr Smith preached – Before the last Sermon was done I was obliged to come Home with my second fit of the Fever & Ague. It kept on me violently while about seven in the Evening; then went off in a gentle Sweat! —

      Monday Octob: 18.

      My Fit is well gone off, & I feel bravely – Finished & executed some Writings to Joel Fithian[42] for the Securing the Several Porttions to the Children – Took my Leave of Mr Wallings, & Mr Ewings Families. Mr Paterson in to see me in the Evening – In the Night we had a fine Shower – I have through this Day taken the Peruvian Bark, to try if by any Means I can break my Fits.

      Teusday Octob: 19

      Early went to Mr Hunters; took my Leave & left them by eleven – Rode & took Leave of all my Relations – How hard is it at last? My Heart misgives, is reluctant, in spite of me; But I must away!

      Protect me, merciful Heaven, & keep me under the Wing of thy over-ruling Providence – Make me know myself, & my constant, & necessary Dependance on thee!

      The Continuation of my Journal, &c.

      Wednesday October 20th 1773.

      Left Greenwich by six in the Morning. Rode to Michael Hoshels 8 Miles. Thence Mr Hoshel, & John Peck along, rode to Quintons-Bridge 8 Miles. Expence there is 1s/: Rode thence to Penn's-Neck Ferry by two oClock 10 Miles. Expence at Toll-Bridge /2. Ferriage over Delaware 4s/6d. Oats & Cordial in New-Castle 1s/2d. Rode thence to Mr Achans Tavern 12 Miles. Whole Distance 38 Miles. Whole Expence 6/10.

      Octob: 21.

      Expence at Mr Achans 3s/4d. Rode thence to North-East 12 Miles. Breakfast 1s/6d. Thence to Sesquehannah 10 Miles. Ferriage 1s/: Oats /9d. At Bush-Town by 4 °Clock 12 Miles. Whole Distance 34 Miles. Whole Expence 6s/7d.

      Fryday 22d

      Expence at Bush-Town 4/2. Rode thence to a small, mean Tavern to Breakfast, 13 Miles – Expence 1/6. Thence to Baltimore by one O-Clock 13 Miles. Whole distance 26 Miles – Whole Expence 5/8.

      Saturday 23d

      Expence at Baltimore 15/3. Rode and forded Petapsko[43] to a small Tavern 15 Miles. Expence 1/11. Rode thence to Blandensburg 23 Miles. Whole distance 38 Miles. Whole Expence 17/2.

      Sunday 24.

      Expence at Blandensburg 5/7.[44] Rode thence to Georgetown[45] 8 Miles. Expence 1/6. Ferriage /6. – From thence we rode by Alexandria,[46] 9 Miles – Thence to Colchester[47] 18 Miles – Dined – Expence 3/9. Ferriage /6. Rode thence to Dumfries 10 Miles.[48] Whole distance 45 Miles. Whole Expence 11/4.

       Monday 25.

      Expence at Dumfries 4/5. Rode thence to Aquia 10 Miles.[49] Expence 2/4– Rode thence to Stafford-Court-House 12 Miles.[50] Whole Distance 22 Miles. Whole Expence 6/6.

      Teusday 26.

      Expence at Stafford 5/. Stopped at Colonel Thomas Lees,[51] only a few Rods from Stafford Tavern. Continued there all day, and the following Night. Expence to Day 5/.

      Wednesday 27.

      Expence to boy 1/. Rode from Mr Lees to a small poor Ordinary 13 Miles – Expence /8 for Oats – Rode thence, without feeding to Captain Cheltons.[52] on the Potowmack 32 Miles – Whole Distance 45 Miles. Whole Expence 1/9.

      Thursday 28.

      Rode after Breakfast to the Honorable Rob: Carters the End of my Journey; 12 Miles, by two o-Clock in the Afternoon. Both Myself, and my Horse seem neither tired nor Dispirited – Occasional Expences on the Road. In Baltimore for some Buff-Ball, 1/6. In Blandensburg for having straps put to my Saddle-Bags 3/. In Colchester for Shaving and Dressing 1/3. The whole 5/9. So that my whole Distance appears to be 260 Miles, perform'd in seven Days. And my whole Expence appears to be 3£ 6s 6d.

      Fryday 29.

      Settled myself in the Room appointed me – and adjusted my Affairs after my Ride.

      Saturday 30.

      Rode with Mr Carters eldest Son[53] to a Store, about seven Miles – Bought half a Box of Wafers for 1/ – And a quire of paper for 1/6. Dined at three – And rode into Richmond Parish 15 Miles to Mr Fantleroys[54]– Was introduced to Mr Fantleroy – two of his Sons – Mr Christian[55] a dancing a dancing-Master —

       Sunday 31.

      Rode to Church six Miles[56]– Heard Mr Gibbern[57] preach on Felixes trembling at Pauls Sermon.

      Monday Novemr 1st

      We began School – The School consists of eight – Two of Mr Carters Sons – One Nephew – And five Daughters – The endest Son[58] is reading Salust; Gramatical Exercises, and latin Grammer – The second Son[59] is reading english Grammar Reading English: Writing, and Cyphering in Subtraction – The Nephew[60] is Reading and Writing as above; and Cyphering СКАЧАТЬ


Joel Fithian was the cousin of Philip Fithian, who married Elizabeth Beatty Fithian after the latter's death. Cf. Williams, ed., Fithian, p. xv.


Patapsco River.


Bladensburg, Maryland.


Georgetown, then a small town in Maryland, was later incorporated in the District of Columbia.


Alexandria, Virginia.


Colchester was a thriving shipping center on the Occoquan River, now called Occoquan Creek, in Fairfax County, Virginia, near where this creek empties into the Potomac. The town had been incorporated by an act of the Assembly in 1753 to promote "trade and navigation."


Dumfries, a town on Quantico Creek, had been settled by a group of Scotch merchants, who traded in the colony. Quantico Creek empties into the Potomac. Dumfries had been incorporated by Act of Assembly in 1749. The town had prospered owing to its advantageous position as a center of trade in the western section of the Northern Neck.


Aquia had originated as a Catholic settlement on Aquia Creek about the middle of the eighteenth century. A short distance from the town were located the celebrated Aquia stone quarries which had been opened as early as 1683.


Stafford Court House, the seat of government of Stafford County.


Thomas Ludwell Lee (1730-1778) of "Bellevue" in Stafford County was the fourth son of Thomas Lee of "Stratford" in Westmoreland County, who had served as president of the Council of Virginia.


The Chilton family owned plantations in Westmoreland and Fauquier Counties. Cf. William and Mary College Quarterly, second series, Vol. 10 (January 1930), pp. 56-63.


Benjamin Tasker Carter.


The Fauntleroy family owned extensive holdings and occupied a high social position in Richmond County and other sections of the Tidewater. "Mars Hill" and "Crandall" were two seats of the family on the Rappahannock River in Richmond County, and in the vicinity of the modern towns of Warsaw and Tappahannock. A third manor plantation of the Fauntleroys' was "The Cliffs," also on the Rappahannock, some miles north of the other two. The name of the family was pronounced variously as "Fantleroy," "Fantilroy" and "Fauntleroy." Aphia, Samuel and Henry or "Harry" Fauntleroy were the daughter and sons of Moore Fauntleroy (1716-1791) of "The Cliffs." Information supplied by Miss Juliet Fauntleroy of Altavista, Virginia.


Francis Christian held his dancing classes in rotation in a number of the manor houses of the Northern Neck at this period. After the pupils had been instructed an informal dance was usually enjoyed on such occasions.


Nomini Church, one of the two Anglican houses of worship in Cople Parish, stood on the bank of the Nomini River some five miles from Carter's home.


Isaac William Giberne, an English clergyman, thought to have been a nephew of the Bishop of Durham, was licensed to preach in Virginia in 1758. The following year he had arrived in the colony and was serving as the minister in Hanover Parish in King George County. Possessing a high tempered and somewhat contentious nature, Giberne was involved in numerous sharp controversies. An exceptionally sociable and convivial man, he spent much of his time in visiting and gambling and tippling. Admitted by his enemies at that time to be the most popular and admired preacher in the colony, he had been invited shortly after his arrival in Virginia to preach a sermon before the Burgesses. This sermon was later printed at their request. In 1760 Giberne married a wealthy widow, Mary Fauntleroy Beale of Richmond County, a daughter of Moore Fauntleroy of "Crandall." She had previously been the wife of Charles Beale. Removing to her plantation, "Belle Ville," he was two years later chosen as minister of Lunenburg Parish, and served in that capacity until 1795. He is mentioned in numerous diaries and letters of the period. Cf. Goodwin, Edward Lewis, The Colonial Church in Virginia, pp. 271-272; Jonathan Boucher, Reminiscences of an American Loyalist, passim; letter of Miss Juliet Fauntleroy of November 21, 1941 in Department of Research and Record, Colonial Williamsburg, Inc.


Benjamin Tasker.


Robert Bladen or "Bob."


Henry or "Harry" Willis.