Kid Scanlan. Witwer Harry Charles
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Название: Kid Scanlan

Автор: Witwer Harry Charles

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ asks the Kid, lookin' surprised. "I got to wear somethin', don't I?"

      Off goes the bunch howlin' again.

      "If this is a joke, sir," yells Duke, "it will be a mighty costly one for you!"

      This De Vronde has been standin' on the side lookin' on and the Kid, seein' Miss Vincent, waves a glove at her. She waves back holdin' her side and smiles.

      "Haw! Haw! Haw!" roars this De Vronde guy. "How droll!"

      The Kid is over to him in two steps. He's seen that everybody is givin' him the laugh and he realizes he's in wrong somehow, but the thing has him puzzled.

      "Where d'ye get that 'haw, haw' stuff?" he snarls, stickin' his chin out in front of De Vronde.

      "Why, you ignorant ass!" sneers De Vronde, out loud, so's Miss Vincent can hear him. "If you had any brains you'd know!"

      "I don't need no brains!" snaps the Kid, settin' himself. "I got this!"

      And he drops De Vronde with a right hook to the jaw!

      "Boys!" screams Duke, pointin' to the Kid. "Throw that ruffian out!"

      A couple of big huskies makes a dash for the Kid, and I figured I might as well get in the thing now as later, so I tripped one as he was goin' past and the Kid bounces the other with a short left. De Vronde jumps up and hits the Kid over the head with a cane, while Miss Vincent screams and hollers "Coward!" Then a bunch of supers comes runnin' in from the back just as the Kid puts De Vronde down for keeps, and in a minute everybody was in there tryin'.

      Everybody but one guy, and he was turnin' the crank of his camera like he was gettin' paid by the number of revolutions the thing made.

      While it lasted, it was some fracas, as we say at the studio. It certainly was a scream to see them guys, all dressed up to play the life out of Richard the Third, fallin' all over each other to get out of the way of the Kid's arms and bein' held back by the jam behind 'em. After the Kid has beat most of them up and I have took care of a few myself, a whistle blows and they all fall back – and in rushes Genaro.

      "Sapristi!" he hollers. "What you mean eh? What you people do with my Reechard?"

      Duke tries to see him out of his one good eye.

      "This scoundrel," he pipes, pointin' to the Kid, "came out here to play Richard the Third costumed like that!"

      Genaro looks from me to the Kid and grabs his head.

      "What?" he yells. "That feller want to play Reechard? Ho, ho! You maka me laugh! You're crazy lika the heat! That's what you call fighting champion of the world! He'sa Mr. Kid Scanlan. We maka hisa picture nex' week!"

      Duke gives a yell and falls in a chair.

      I pulls on my coat and wipes my face with a handkerchief.

      "Yes," I says, "and they just tried to fix him so he no fighta the champ!"

      "Zowie!" pipes Duke, sprawled out in the chair, "I thought he was Roberts, the man we wired to come on from Boston! What in the name of Charlie Chaplin will we do now? Potts will be here to-morrow to see this picture and you know what it means, if it isn't made!"

      The Kid is over talkin' to Miss Vincent and Genaro calls him over.

      "Viola!" he tells him. "You see what you do? You spoil the greata picture, the actor, the everything! To-morrow Mr. Potts he'sa come here. 'Where's a Reechard the Third, Genaro?' he'sa wanna know. I tella him – then, good-by everybody!"

      "Everything would have been O.K.," says the Kid, pointin' to De Vronde who's got a couple of dames workin' over him with smellin' salts. "Everything would have been O.K. at that, if Stupid over there hadn't gimme the haw, haw!"

      We go back to the dressing-room and the Kid gets on his clothes. That night, findin' that we was as welcome in Film City as smallpox, we went over to Frisco and saw the town.

      When we come back the next mornin' and breeze in the gates, the first thing we see is Gloomy Gus that drove us up from the station.

      "Say!" he sings out. "You fellers are gonna get it good! The boss is here."

      "Yeh?" says the Kid. "Where's Miss Vincent?"

      "Talkin' to the boss!" he answers. "I don't believe you're no fighter, either!"

      "Where was you yesterday?" I asks him.

      "Mind yer own business!" he snaps. He gives the Kid the up and down. "Champion of the world!" he sneers. "Huh!"

      "Go 'way!" the Kid warns him. "I got enough work yesterday!"

      "I think you're a big bluff!" persists the gloomy guy, puttin' up his hands and circlin' around the Kid. "Come on and fight or acknowledge yore master!"

      He makes a pass at the Kid and the Kid steps inside of it and drops him, just as a big auto comes roarin' past and stops. Out hops friend Potts, the guy that practically give us our start in the movies. In other words, the thirty thousand dollar kid!

      "Well, well!" he pipes, lookin' at the gloomy guy on the turf and then at us. "What does this mean, sir? Are you trying to annihilate all my employees? Do you know you cost me a small fortune yesterday by ruining that Richard the Third picture?"

      "I'm sorry, boss," the Kid tells him, proddin' Gloomy Gus carelessly with his foot, "but all your hired men jumped at me at once and a guy has to protect himself, don't he?"

      "Nonsense!" grunts Potts. "You assaulted Mr. De Vronde and temporarily disabled several of my best people! I had made all arrangements for the release of that Shakespeare picture in two days, and you have put me in a terrible hole!"

      "Now, listen," I butts in, "I tried to – "

      "Not a word!" he cuts me off, wavin' his hands. "One of the camera men, another infernal idiot, kept turning the crank while this disgraceful brawl was at its height and I have proof of your villainy on film! I'll use it as a basis to sever my contract with you and – "

      "Slow up!" I says. "If you lay down on the thirty thousand iron men, I'll pull a suit on you!"

      Along comes a guy and touches Potts on the arm.

      "They're waiting for you in the projecting room," he says.

      "Come with me – both of you!" barks Potts, "and see for yourself the damage you caused!"

      We followed him around to a little dark room with three or four chairs in it and a sheet on one wall. De Vronde, Miss Vincent, Duke and Genaro are there waitin' for us.

      Well, they start to show the picture, and everything is all right up to the time the Kid busted into the drama. Now I hadn't seen nothin' out of the way at the time it actually happened, but here in this little room it was a riot when they showed it on the sheet. You could see Scanlan wallop De Vronde and then in another second the massacre is on full blast!

      On the level, it was the funniest thing I'd seen in a long time. A guy with lockjaw would have to laugh at it. Here was the Kid knockin' 'em cold as fast as they come on, with their little trick hats and the pink silk tights. There was a pile of Shakespeare actors a foot deep all around him as far as you could see. Potts is laughin' louder than anybody in the place, and when they finally shut the thing off he slaps the Kid on the back.