Kid Scanlan. Witwer Harry Charles
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Название: Kid Scanlan

Автор: Witwer Harry Charles

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ more like a human plum puddin' than anything else. When we had worked our way through the mob, we saw that he was shakin' his fist at 'em and bawlin' 'em out.

      "Are you Mr. Genaro?" I asks him.

      "Joosta wait, joosta wait!" he hollers over his shoulder without even lookin' around. "I'm a ver' busy joosta now! Writa me the letta!"

      "Where d'ye get that stuff?" I yells back, gettin' sore. "D'ye know who we are?"

      I seen the rest of them gigglin', and Genaro dances around and throws up his hands.

      "Aha!" he screams, pullin' at his hair. "You maka me crazy! What's a mat – what you want? Queek, don't make me wait!"

      The Kid growls at him and whispers in my ear.

      "Will I bounce him?"

      "Not yet!" I tells him. "I'm Mr. Green," I says to Genaro, "and this is Kid Scanlan, welterweight champion of the world, and if you pull any more of that joosta wait stuff, you'll be able to say you fought him!"

      He drops his hands and smiles.

      "Excuse, please!" he says. "I maka mistake!" he grabs hold of his head again and groans, "Gotta bunch bonehead here this morning," he goes on, noddin' to 'em. "Driva me crazy! Shakespeare he see these feller play Reechard, he joomp out of he'sa grave!" He swings around at them all of a sudden and makes a face at 'em, "Broadaway star, eh?" he snarls. "Bah! You maka me seek! Go away for one, two hour. I senda for you – you all what you calla the bunk!"

      On the level I thought he was gonna bite 'em!

      The merry villagers scatter, and Genaro turns around to us and wipes his face with a red silk handkerchief.

      "You knowa the piece?" he asks us. "Reechard the Third, Shakespeare?"

      "Not quite!" I says. "What is he – a local scrapper?"

      The Kid butts in and shoves me away.

      "Don't mind this guy," he says to Genaro. "He's nothin' but a igrant roughneck! I got you right away. I remember in this Richard the Third thing – they's a big battle in the last act and Dick tells a gunman by the name of MacDuff to lay off him or he'll knock him for a goal!"

      "Not lay off!" says Genaro, smiling "Lay on! Lay on, MacDuff!"

      "Yeh?" inquires the Kid. "I thought it was lay off. I only seen the frolic once. I took off a member of Dick's gang at the Grand Oprey house, when I was broke in Trenton."

      "Nex' week we start your picture," says Genaro to the Kid. "Mr. Van Aylstyne he'sa write scenario now. This gonna be great for you – magnificent! He'sa give you everything! Firsta reel you fall off a cliff!"

      "Who, me?" hollers the Kid.

      "Si!" smiles Genaro. "Bada man wanna feex you, so you no fighta the champ! You getta the beeg idea?"

      "What's next?" asks the Kid, frownin'.

      "Ah!" pipes Genaro, rollin' his eyes at the sky. "We giva you the whole picture! Second reel you get run over by train – fasta mail! You see? So you no fighta the champ!"

      The Kid looks at me and grabs my arm.

      "This guy's a maniac!" he hollers. "Did you get that railroad thing? He – "

      Genaro goes right on like he don't hear him.

      "Thirda reel!" he says. "Thirda reel you get hit by two automobiles, this bada feller try to feex you so you no fighta the champ!"

      "Wait!" I butts in. "You must – "

      "But fiftha reel – aaah!" Genaro don't pay no attention to me, but kisses his hand at a tree. "Fiftha reel," he says, "she'sa great! Get everybody excite! You get throw from sheep in ocean, fella shoot at you when you try sweem, bada fella come along in motorboat, he'sa run you down! Then you swim five, six, seven mile to land and there dozen feller beat you with club – so you no fighta the champ!"

      The Kid has sunk down on a chair and he's fannin' himself. His face was the color of skim milk.

      "What you think?" asks Genaro. "She's a maka fine picture, what?"

      "Great!" I says. "If that guy that wants to fix the Kid so he no fighta the champ loses out, they can't say he wasn't tryin' anyhow! Why don't you throw in another reel, showin' the lions devourin' the Kid – so he no fighta the champ?"

      "That's a good!" Genaro shakes his head. "I spika to Van Aylstyne!"

      He took us up to his office and when we get inside the door they's a dame sittin' there which would make Venus look like a small-town soubrette. She looked like these other movie queens would like to! Whilst we're givin' her the up and down, she smiles at the Kid and he immediately drops his hat on the floor and knocks over a inkwell.

      "Miss Vincent," says Genaro, "this Mr. Kid Scanlan. He'sa work with you nex' week. This Mr. Green, hisa fr'en'."

      We shake hands all around and the Kid elbows me to one side.

      "Where are you goin' this afternoon?" he asks the dame. "Anywheres?"

      Genaro raps on the desk.

      "Joosta one minoote!" he calls out. "Mr. Kid Scanlan, I would like – "

      "Joosta wait!" pipes the Kid. "Writa me the letta! I'm ver' busy joosta now!" He puts one hand on the mantelpiece and drapes himself in front of the dame. "And you haven't been here long, eh?" he says.

      Genaro frowns for a minute and then he grins and winks at me.

      "Miss Vincent!" he butts in. "You show Mr. Kid Scanlan all around this afternoon, what? Explain him everything about nex' week we maka his picture. What you think, no?"

      "Yes!" pipes the Kid grabbin' his hat. "I never been nowheres. Lets go!"

      The dame smiles some more, and, well, Scanlan must have been born with a horseshoe in each hand because she takes his arm and they blow.

      Just as they were goin' out the door, in comes Gloomy Gus which brought us up from the station. He looks at the Kid and this dame goin' out and he sneers after 'em.

      "Champion!" he mutters, curlin' his lip. "Huh!"

      The next mornin' we meet this guy Van Aylstyne who doped out the stuff so the Kid "no fighta the champ!" He's a tall, slim, gentle-lookin' bird, all dressed in white like a Queen of the May or somethin' and after hearin' him talk I figured my first guess was about right. We also got to know Edmund De Vronde, one of the leadin' men and the shop girls' delight, and him and Van Aylstyne were both members of the same lodge. Whilst we're standin' there talkin' to Genaro, who I found out was the headkeeper or somethin', along comes Miss Vincent in one of them trick autos that has a seat for two thin people and a gasoline tank. Only, you don't sit in 'em, you just stoop, with your knees jammed up against your chin. She drives this thing right up and stops where we're standin'. If she ever looked any better, she'd have fell for herself!

      "I'm going to Long Beach," she sings out, "and I'm going to hit nothing but the tops of the trees! Come along?"

      De Vronde, Van Aylstyne and the Kid left their marks at the same time, but you know, my boy was welterweight champ and when that auto buzzed away from there he went with it.

      "Ugh!" СКАЧАТЬ