Mrs. Maxon Protests. Hope Anthony
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Название: Mrs. Maxon Protests

Автор: Hope Anthony

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ the note of rebuke and authority rang clear in his voice. The next, he was the friend, the counsellor, the diplomatist again.

      "Let Gaynor go to her with a message of peace. Bygones to be bygones, faults on both sides, a fresh start, and so on."

      Cyril Maxon had felt the rebuke; he bowed his head to it. But he fretted terribly.

      "I can't bring myself to speak to him about it."

      "Let me. She's your wife, you know. If she went wrong, mightn't you feel that some effort of yours would – well, have made the difference?"

      "What am I to tell him to say?"

      "Let me tell him what to say – you try to honour my draft when it's presented. Perhaps – God knows – we're fighting for her soul, Cyril, and we shall be asked how we've borne ourselves in the fight, shan't we?"

      Cyril Maxon was always ready to own that he might have been wrong – to own it to God or to God's representative; he hated owning it to a fellow-creature uninvested with prerogatives. Attlebury had skilfully shifted the venue and changed the tribunal. A man may be sure he is right as against his wife – or vice versâ. Who dares enter an unqualified 'Not Guilty' before High Heaven's Court? There some count in the indictment is sure to be well laid and well proven.

      "I think I know my faults," he said, in a complacent humility.

      Attlebury's smile became more jovial still. "O learned gentleman!"

      The disciple still held the natural man under control. Maxon smiled, if sourly.

      "I may have been exacting."

      "You may have been an ass," sprang to the clergyman's lips, but stayed unuttered. "Allowances, Cyril, allowances!" he murmured gently. "We all have to work through allowances."

      "Do as you like, Frank. I want the thing put straight. You know I do. I think I ought to have from her an expression of – well, of regret."

      "Won't coming back convey it?" Attlebury smiled. "In fact, rather forcibly?"

      Left alone, the priest indulged himself in a bout of one of his diversions – the contemplation of the folly of his disciples. Not folly in believing in him and his authority – on that he was unimpeachably sincere. What moved his satiric vein was that they all had to be gulled – and were all gullible. Before they could be made better, they all had to be persuaded that they were better than they were already. Miserable offenders? Certainly. But with "potentialities"? Even more certainly – and to an unusual degree. No question of breaking the bruised reed – it must be put in splinters. And the smoking flax would be revived with a dash of kerosene. That Pope had been entirely wrong about Tannhäuser; he should have told him that his recent doings did not represent his true self. There is joy over a sinner that repenteth. To Attlebury there was excitement in one that might. He knew it, he chid himself for it; the glory was not in him or to him. But the sporting instinct was deep – a cause of sore penitence, and of unregenerate perpetual amusement at himself.

      "I'd like to beat these free-thinking beggars!" A.M.D.G.? He prayed on his knees that it might be so – and so exclusively – that the Reverend Francis Attlebury might look for and gain no advancement, no praise, not even the praise of God, but might still say "I am an unprofitable servant," and still believe it.

      Besides all this – right down in the depths of his being – came the primitive rivalry of man to man – obstinate in the heart of the celibate priest. "Dear old Cyril is a fool about women. He doesn't know a thing about them." This phase of thought was sternly repressed. It is not a branch of knowledge on which it behoves a man – not even a clergyman – to flatter himself. In the first place it is wrong; in the second – or same – place, dangerous.

      Thus great forces began to deploy into line against little Winnie Maxon, holding her assertion of freedom to be grave scandal and offence. There was the Family, embodied in her lawfully wedded husband; there was nothing less than the Church Catholic, speaking inexorably in Mr. Attlebury's diplomatic phrases; the Wisdom of the World, its logic, its common sense, were to find expression – and where better expression? – in the sober friend, the shrewd lawyer, the moderate man Hobart Gaynor. Could she hurl defiance at these great allies? If she did, could she look for anything save utter and immediate defeat? Just one little woman, not very strong, not very wise, with really no case save a very nebulous hazy notion that, whatever they all said, it was too bad that she should be miserable all her life! The allies would tell her that many people were miserable all their lives, but (they would add) nobody need be. Between them they had a complete remedy. Hers was the blame, not theirs, if she would not swallow it.

      At Shaylor's Patch, as the summer days passed by in sunshine and warm flower-scented breezes, where she was comforted, petted, made much of, where an infinite indulgence reigned, she was swallowing something quite different from the medicine that the allies proposed for her treatment. She was drinking a heady new wine. She was seeing with new eyes, travelling through new lands of thought and of feeling. Her spirit rejoiced as in a great emancipation – in being allowed, at last, to move, to live, to find itself, to meet its fellows, to give thanks to a world no longer its taskmaster, but the furnisher of its joys and the abetter in its pleasures. Of what should she be afraid in such a mood, of what ashamed? At Shaylor's Patch it seemed that rebellion might not only be admirable, as it often is, but that it would be easy – which it is very seldom.

      For the real Great World – that amalgam of all the forces of the three allies, that mighty thing which so envelopes most people from the cradle to the grave that their speculations stray beyond it no more – and often much less – than their actions – this great thing had hardly a representative among all who came and went. These folks belonged to various little worlds, which had got as it were chipped off from the big one, and had acquired little atmospheres and little orbits of their own; from time to time they collided with one another, but nobody minded that – neither planet seemed a pin better or worse for the encounter. Each was inhabited by a few teachers and a body of disciples sometimes not much more numerous; teachers and disciples alike seemed very busy, very happy, and (to be frank) in many cases agreeably self-satisfied. Afraid of the big world – lest they should come into collision with that and be shattered to miserable atoms? Not a bit of it! For, you see, the big world was, for all its imposing and threatening appearance, really moribund, whereas they were young, vigorous, growing. Paralysis had set in in the Giant's legs. He could not catch them. Presently the disease would reach his heart. He would die, and they would parcel out all his possessions. Would they quarrel among themselves, these children of progress? Probably they would, as they cheerfully admitted. What matter? Such quarrels are stimulating, good for brain and heart, illuminating. Nay, in the end, not quarrels at all. The only real deadly quarrel was with the Giant. Would there be no danger of a new Giant coming into being, born of a union of all of them, just as despotic, just as lethargic, as the old? Into this distant speculation they did not enter, and their discreet forbearance may pardonably be imitated here.

      On the whole they were probably too hard on the Giant; they did not allow enough for the difficulties involved in being so big, so lumbering, so complex. They girded at him for not trying every conceivable experiment; he grumbled back that he did not want to risk explosion on a large scale. They laughed at him for not running; a creature of his bulk was safer at a walk. They offered him all manner of new concoctions; he feared indigestion on a mighty scale. Some of them he dreaded and hated; at some he was much amused; for others he had a slow-moving admiration – they might be right, he would take a generation or two to think about it, and let them know in due course through his accredited channels.

      Of some of Stephen Aikenhead's friends it was a little difficult to think as human beings; they seemed just embodied opinions. Doctor Johnson once observed – and few will differ from him – that it would be tiresome to be married to a woman who would be for ever talking СКАЧАТЬ