The House of the White Shadows. Farjeon Benjamin Leopold
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Название: The House of the White Shadows

Автор: Farjeon Benjamin Leopold

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ not to persecute Madeline with his attentions and proposals. Madeline had expressed to both these women her abhorrence of Gautran and her fear of him, but nothing could induce him to relinquish his pursuit of her. The only evidence elicited from these witnesses by the Advocate related to Gautran's strength and ferocity.

      Following Katherine Scherrer and her mother came a witness whose appearance provoked murmurs of compassion. It was a poor, wretched woman, half demented, who had lived with Gautran in another part of the country, and who had been so brutally treated by him that her reason had become impaired. If her appearance provoked compassion, the story of her wrongs, as it was skilfully drawn from her by kindly examination, stirred the court into strong indignation, and threw a lurid light upon the character of the man arraigned at the bar of justice. In the presence of this poor creature the judge interrogated Gautran.

      "You denied having ever lived with a woman who should have been your wife. Do you still deny it?"


      "Shameless obstinacy! Look at this poor woman, whom your cruelty has reduced to a state of imbecility. Do you not know her?"

      "I know nothing of her."

      "You never lived with her?"


      "You will even go so far as to declare that you never saw her before to-day?"

      "Yes; I never saw her before to-day."

      "To question you farther would be useless. You have shown yourself in your true colours."

      To which Gautran made answer: "I can't help my colours. They're not of my choosing."

      The Widow Joseph was next called.



      The appearance of this woman was looked forward to by the spectators with lively curiosity, and her evidence was listened to with deep attention.

      "Your name is Joseph?"

      "That was my husband's first name. While he lived I was known as Mistress Joseph; since his death I have been called the Widow Joseph."

      "The poor child, Madeline, and her companion, Pauline, lived in your house?"

      "Yes, from the first day they came into this part of the country. 'We have come a great distance,' said Pauline to me, 'and want a room to sleep in.' I showed her the room, and said it would be twelve francs a month. She paid me twelve francs, and remained with me till she left to go on a journey."

      "Did you ask her where she came from?"

      "Yes; and she answered that it was of no consequence."

      "Did she pay the rent regularly?"

      "Yes; and always without being asked for it."

      "Did she tell you she was poor?"

      "She said she had but little money."

      "Did they have any settled plan of gaining a livelihood?"

      "I do not think they had at first. Pauline asked me whether I thought it likely they could earn a living by selling flowers. I looked at Madeline, and said that I thought they were certain to do well."

      "You looked at Madeline. Why?"

      "She was a very pretty girl."

      "And you thought, because she was very pretty, that she would have a greater chance of disposing of her flowers."

      "Yes. Gentlemen like to buy of pretty girls."

      "That is not said to Madeline's disparagement?"

      "No. Madeline was a good girl. She was full of gaiety, but it was innocent gaiety."

      "What were your impressions of them? As to their social position? Did you believe them to be humbly born?"

      "Pauline certainly; she was a peasant the same as myself. But there was something superior about Madeline which puzzled me."

      "How? In what way?"

      "It was only an impression. Yet there were signs. Pauline's hands were hard and coarse; and from remarks she made from time to time I knew that she was peasant-born. Madeline's hands were soft and delicate, and she had not been accustomed to toil, which all peasants are, from their infancy almost."

      "From this do you infer that they were not related to each other?"

      "I am sure they were related to each other. Perhaps few had the opportunities of judging as well as I could. When they were in a quiet mood I have seen expressions upon their faces so exactly alike as to leave no doubt that they were closely related."


      "I cannot say."

      "Or mother and daughter?"

      "I wish to tell everything I know, but to say nothing that might be turned into a reproach against them."

      "We have every confidence in you. Judgment can be formed from the bearing of persons towards each other. Pauline loved Madeline?"


      "There is a distinctive quality in the attachment of a loving mother for her child which can scarcely be mistaken; it is far different, in certain visible manifestations-especially on occasions where there is any slight disagreement-between sisters. Distinctive, also, is the tenderness which accompanies the exercise of a mother's authority. Bearing this in mind, and recalling to the best of your ability those particulars of their intercourse which came within your cognisance, which hypothesis would you be the more ready to believe-that they were sisters or mother and child?"

      "That they were mother and child."

      "We recognise your anxiety to assist us. Pauline's hands, you say, were coarse, while Madeline's were soft and delicate. Ordinarily, a peasant woman brings up her child as a peasant, with no false notions; in this instance, however, Pauline brought Madeline up with some idea that the young girl was superior to her own station in life. Else why the unusual care of the child? Supposing this line of argument to be correct, it appears not to be likely that the attentions of a man like Gautran would be encouraged."

      "They were not encouraged."

      "Do you know that they were not encouraged from statements made to you by Pauline and Madeline?"


      "Then Gautran's declaration that he was Madeline's accepted lover is false?"

      "Quite false."

      "He speaks falsely when he says that Madeline promised to marry him?"

      "It is impossible."

      "Four nights before Madeline met her death, was Gautran outside your house?"

      "Yes; he was prowling about there with his evil face, for a long time."

      "Did you go to him, and ask him what he wanted?"


      "Did СКАЧАТЬ