The House of the White Shadows. Farjeon Benjamin Leopold
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Название: The House of the White Shadows

Автор: Farjeon Benjamin Leopold

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ is it likely that anything would soften him?"

      "Nothing could soften him."

      "How would opposition affect him?"

      "It would infuriate him. I have seen him, when crossed, behave as if he were a mad tiger instead of a human being."

      "At such times, would it be likely that he would show any coolness or cunning?"

      "He would have no time to think; he would be carried away by his passion."

      "You were acquainted with him when he was a lad?"

      "I was."

      "Was he noted for his cruel disposition in his childhood?"

      "He was; it was the common talk."

      "Did he take a pleasure in inflicting physical pain upon those weaker than himself?"

      "He did."

      "And in prolonging that pain?"


      "In his paroxysms of fury would not an appeal to his humanity have a softening effect upon him?"

      "He has no humanity."

      "You were acquainted with Madeline?"

      "I was."

      "Was she an amiable girl?"

      "Most amiable."

      "She was very gentle?"

      "As gentle as a child."

      "But she was capable of being aroused?"

      "Of course she was."

      "She had many admirers?"

      "I have heard so."

      "You yourself admired her?"

      "I did."

      "You made love to her?"

      "I suppose I did."

      "Did she encourage you?"

      "I cannot say she did."

      "Did you ever attempt to embrace her?"

      The witness did not reply to this question, and upon its being repeated, still preserved silence. Admonished by the judge, and ordered to reply, he said:

      "Yes, I have attempted to embrace her."

      "On more than one occasion."

      "Only on one occasion."

      "Did she permit the embrace?"


      "She resisted you?"


      "There must have been a struggle. Did she strike you?"

      "She scratched my face."

      "She resisted you successfully?"


      "Gentle as she was, she possessed strength?"

      "Oh yes, more than one would have supposed."

      "Strength which she would exert to protect herself from insult?"


      "Her disposition was a happy one?"

      "That was easy to see. She was always singing to herself, and smiling."

      "You believe she was fond of life?"

      "Why yes-who is not?"

      "And would not have welcomed a violent and sudden death?"

      "Certainly not. What a question!"

      "Threatened with such a fate, she would have resisted?"

      "Aye, with all her strength. It would be but natural."

      "Knowing Madeline somewhat intimately, you must have known Pauline?"

      "Yes, I knew her."

      "It is unfortunate and inexplicable that we cannot call her as a witness, and are ignorant of the reason why she left Madeline alone. Can you furnish any clue, even the slightest, which might enable us to find her?"

      "I cannot; I do not know where she has gone."

      "Were they sisters, or mother and daughter?"

      "I cannot say."

      "Do you know where they came from?"

      "I do not."

      "Reflect. During your intimacy, was any chance word or remark made by either of the women which, followed up, might furnish the information?"

      "I can remember none. But something was said, a few days before Pauline left, which surprised me."

      "Relate it, and do not fear to weary the court. Omit nothing."

      "I made love to Madeline, as I have said, and she did not encourage me. Then, for perhaps a month or two, I said nothing more to her than good-morning or good-evening. But afterwards, when I was told that Gautran was following her up, I thought to myself, 'I am better than he; why should I be discouraged because she said "No" to me once?' Well, then it was that I mustered up courage to speak to Pauline, thinking to win her to my side. I did not, though. Pauline was angry and impatient with me, and as much as told me that when Madeline married it would be to a better man than I was. I was angry, also, because it seemed as if she looked down on me. 'You think she will marry a gentleman,' said I. 'It might be so,' she answered. 'A fine idea that,' said I, 'for a peasant. But perhaps she isn't a peasant: perhaps she is a lady in disguise.' I suppose I spoke scornfully, for Pauline fired up, and asked whether Madeline was not good enough, and pretty enough, and gentle enough for a lady; and said, too, that those who believed her to be a peasant might one day find out their mistake. And then all at once she stopped suddenly, with red fire in her face, and I saw she had said that which she had rather left unspoken."

      This last piece of evidence supplied a new feature of interest in the case. It furnished a clue to a tempting mystery as to the social position of Pauline and Madeline; but it was a clue which could not be followed to a satisfactory result, although another unexpected revelation was made in the course of the trial which appeared to have some connection with it. Much of the evidence given by Heinrich Heitz was elicited by the Advocate-especially those particulars which related to Gautran's strength and ferocity, and to Madeline's love of life and the way in which she met an insult. It was not easy to see what good could be done for Gautran by the stress which the Advocate laid upon these points.

      Katherine Scherrer was called and examined. She testified that Gautran had made advances towards her, and had pressed her to become his wife; that she refused him, and that he threatened her; that as he persisted in following her, her mother had spoken to him, and had warned him, if he did not cease persecuting her daughter, that she would have him beaten. This evidence was corroborated by Katherine's mother, who testified that she had cautioned Gautran СКАЧАТЬ