Mr. Punch's History of Modern England. Volume 2 of 4.—1857-1874. Graves Charles Larcom
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Название: Mr. Punch's History of Modern England. Volume 2 of 4.—1857-1874

Автор: Graves Charles Larcom

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ do our best to ease war's weight of ill!

      1871 – and its Sequel

      In the autumn the consideration shown by some German troops in Champagne is welcomed; by the end of the year the reply of Göttingen University to an appeal protesting against the threatened destruction of the scientific and art treasures of Paris – a document breathing the familiar spirit of unctuous rectitude – roused Punch to indignant satire in "A Deutscher Dove-Coo," the name of the principal signatory being Dove. So a month later the pseudo-Walpolian letters issued as "Strawberry Leaves" reflect the popular disgust with which German brutality was viewed, but at the same time the popular dislike of England's participating in the war. When the siege of Paris ended at the close of the month, Punch congratulated Thiers on his statesmanship, but rebuked the Parisians for their fickleness in heaping insult on their fallen Emperor. The Germans entered Paris, but in the cartoon of March 11, and the accompanying verses "Vae Victis" a warning was addressed to Germany which has turned out to be a true prophecy. The triumph is admitted, but the sequel is clearly foreshadowed: —

      Yet listen, conqueror, while the shade,

      That should sit near thee in thy car,

      Whispers how quickly laurels fade,

      How swiftly shift the sands of war;

      How, sixty-five years since, there came

      A mightier Emperor than thou,

      Upon Berlin to put the shame

      Which thy hand puts on Paris now.

      Even as thy heel is on their head,

      That on thy folks' head set their heel,

      So, ere threescore more years have sped,

      The woe thou work'st thy sons may feel.

      "Who smite with sword by sword shall fall,"

      Holds for kings as for subjects true;

      God's mills grind slow, but they grind small,

      And he that grinds gives all their due.

      The courtesy of Germany in coming to an amicable settlement over the loss of some British colliers sunk in the Thames is acknowledged; but anxiety as to her further aggressions was not allayed by her desire to possess Heligoland, and was undoubtedly enhanced by the publication of that brilliant realistic romance, The Battle of Dorking, while the fratricidal tragedy of the Commune, and the ruthless measures of suppression employed, augured ill for the recovery of France from the abasement of defeat. These events and the lessons they conveyed to England were not overlooked by Punch; they served to temper his light-heartedness with moods of misgiving. Yet the wonderful elasticity – due, as even official Republican historians admit, to the industrial prosperity created under the Second Empire – which enabled France to pay off what in those days seemed a crushing war indemnity long before the time fixed, emboldened Punch in the spring of 1873 to indulge once more in a prophecy of the reversal of the verdict of 1870. When the German occupation ended, France is shown undauntedly confronting Germany with the words: "Ha! We shall meet again."

      Germany: "Farewell, Madame, and if – "

      France: "Ha! We shall meet again!"

      Germany was not the only foreign power that caused anxiety during the Gladstone administration of 1868-1874. Russia availed herself of the troubles of 1870 to revive the Near Eastern question by refusing to recognize her treaty obligations in the Black Sea; but the friction thus created was allayed by the compromise effected by the Black Sea Conference. And Russia's expedition to, and occupation of, Khiva in 1873 gave rise to further uneasiness. But non-intervention remained the order of the day throughout. The Ashanti expedition of 1873, whether in respect of its aim or its scale could not be regarded as forming an exception. But it furnished Punch with occasion for much plain-spoken criticism of War Office red tape and mismanagement. He saw in Sir Garnet Wolseley "the right man in the wrong place": —

      In our deep penny wisdom, and horror of waste,

      We shipped off the General minus his men,

      So that if in a fix he should find himself placed,

      He might merely lose time writing home back again.

      Gladstonian Legislation

      Happily these misgivings were falsified in the sequel, and early in 1874 Punch was able to record, amongst other evidences of the satisfactory conclusion of the campaign, the arrival in England of King Coffee's State umbrella. The Gladstone administration may not have been efficient in the conduct of military operations, but in the sphere of Army Reform it deserved well of the country for the abolition of purchase, in the teeth of strong opposition from the Horse Guards' element, and the reorganization of the service on lines which substantially endured for a generation or more. For these improvements we have to thank a civilian, Cardwell, whose name is indissolubly associated with the changes brought about in 1870. The second instalment of Gladstone's scheme for the pacification of Ireland – the Land Act of 1870 – was supported by Punch, but did not achieve its purpose, since it left the vexed question of dual ownership unsettled; and it was another Irish measure – the University Bill – that brought the Government down. The legislative achievements of the Gladstone Administration had been immense and salutary in many directions, but the universality of its activities undoubtedly contributed to its growing unpopularity and lent force to Disraeli's famous electioneering cry of "plundering and blundering." Punch, who had in the main supported Gladstone, advised the Cabinet to resign after their defeat, but the Prime Minister resumed office temporarily and did not dissolve till January 1874.

      Dr. Punch: "My dear young friends, you have done next to nothing this half. Therefore, a little task during the vacation will be good for you. You, Master Benjamin, must get up a 'definite policy.' You, Lowe, will write a paper on the 'Application of the Screw.' Ayrton, you will have to get by heart the whole 'Book of Etiquette.' Miall, you must attend Church regularly. Whalley, you're going to America – stay there! Plimsoll, you must learn to – ahem – moderate your transports. And as for you, William Ewart, the idler you are the better!"

      England 2,000 Years Hence

      Much had been done in this, the central mid-Victorian age, to abate the evils and abuses which kept the "Two Nations" apart in earlier days. Yet at the opening of the new Disraelian régime, with its imperial aspirations, it may not be amiss to reproduce the verses, somewhat in the vein of Thackeray's musings on Vanitas Vanitatum, in which Punch bade farewell to the Comet of 1858: —


      Dare a bold atom ask, with brain half dizzy,

      What you will see two thousand years to come,

      This planet still an ant's nest, black and busy,

      Or an extinct volcano, white and dumb?

      Will you behold, if keeping that appointment,

      (Made for you, Sir, by Airy and by Hind)

      Men still anointing Kings with holy ointment,

      And Priests still leading, as the blind the blind.

      Earth's choicest youth fierce rushing to the slaughter

      That two crowned Fools may wreak their idiot pet;

      Or wiser Christians' blood poured out like water,

      That Jews may gamble with a nation's debt.

      Will that day's Patriot be a mouthing truckler,

      Setting proud Freedom's hymn to Freedom's dirge;

      Will Law be still the rich man's shield and buckler,

      The good man's terror, and the poor man's scourge?

      Will you find Life a hot and blindfold СКАЧАТЬ