A Gothic Grammar. Braune Wilhelm
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Название: A Gothic Grammar

Автор: Braune Wilhelm

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ rel="nofollow" href="#para_68">§ 68) can be inferd.

      Note 3. The original adj. *filus, much, is preservd in Goth. in the nom. acc. sg. n. uzed substantivly and adverbially: filu, the gen. filaus being uzed adverbially.


§ 132. The weak declension of adjectivs is fully identical with the weak or n-declension of nouns (§§ 107-112). But it must be noticed that the f. of the weak adj. inflects like the paradim tuggô (cp. § 112, n. 1). – Exampl of an inflected weak adj. (blinds, § 123):

      Note 1. Like blinda inflect all weak adjectivs. Of ja-stems: nom. sg. niuja, niujô, niujô (cp. § 126), wilþja (§ 127); —i-stems: hrainja, hrainjô; u-stems: hardja, hardjô (cp. § 129 et seq.). – In the cases with i (gen. dat. sg. m. n.) of the long stems in -ja- (-i-, -u-) the forms with -ji- appear as the regular ones (as in the sb., § 108, n. 2; contrary to § 44, c); cp. wilþji(n)s; Rom. XI, 24; unhrainjin; Mk. IX, 25. Lu. VIII, 29; unsêljin; Mt. V, 39. Jo. XVII, 15. But beside unsêljins; Eph. VI, 16 (in A) unsêleins (in B); beside faírnjin; Mk. II, 21. Lu. V, 36, also faírnin; II. Cor. VIII, 10. IX, 2.

      Note 2. Sum adjectivs occur only in the weak forms; as, usgrudja, idle, despondent; alaþarba, poor; usfaírina, blameless; inkilþô, pregnant, and a few more of which sum ar probably to be regarded as substantivs (cp. Zs. fda., 18, 41, note). – The weak form ainaha (no strong form occurs), only, has in Lu. VIII, 42 the nom. sg. f. ainôhô (cp. Beitr., 12, 203) which is certainly incorrect for ainahô.

      Note 3. All ordinals except 1st and 2nd (cp. § 146), and the prns. sama and silba (§ 156) follow the weak inflection only.

      Note 4. Lastly, the prs. ptcs. (§ 133), comparativs (§ 136), and the superlativs in -ma (§ 139) inflect exclusivly like weak adjs. But all these words hav the f. according to the paradim managei (§ 113, n. 3).


§ 133. The present participl has lost its strong inflection and declines like a weak adj., but with the f. in -ei (§ 132, n. 4). Only the nom. sg. m. has frequently both the strong and the weak inflection. Paradim gibands, giving:

      Note 1. Concerning the shorter inflection of sum participls uzed substantivly, s. § 115.

§ 134. The prt. ptc. pass., like an ordinary adj., follows the strong and weak inflection; e. g., the pp. of the stv. giban:

      The pp. of the wv. nasjan:

      Note. Concerning the interchange between þ and d in the pp. of the weak verbs, s. § 74.



      § 135. The comparativ degree of adjectivs in Gothic is formd by means of two suffixes, -iz- and -ôz-, to which the terminations of the weak adjectivs ar added.

      The formation with the suff. -iz- is more general than the other. It is found in adjs. of all kinds; e. g., managiza (< manags, a-stem), alþiza (< alþeis, §§ 127. 128), hardiza (< hardus, § 131). – But the suffix -ôz- occurs in a-stems only: frôdôza (< frôþs), swinþôza (< swinþs).

      Note. The adj. juggs, yung, has the compar. jûhiza (according to § 50, n. 1). Its superlativ is not extant.

§ 136. The comparativs inflect exactly like weak adjectivs, but the f. ends in -ei (§ 132, n. 4):

      etc., like the prs. ptc. (§ 133).


§ 137. The superlativ degree, like the comparativ, is formd in two ways, in -ist- or in -ôst-; e. g., managists (< manags), armôsts (< arms, poor). The inflection of the superlativs is precisely the same as that of ordinary adjectivs – strong and weak.

      Note. No rule can be givn for the appearance of the ô or the i in the suffix, except that the ô-form occurs only with a-stems. We may suppose that a word which forms the compar. by means of i, has i in the superl. also, and that, in like manner, the ô-forms correspond to each other. This supposition, however, is only founded on a few extant exampls.


      § 138. The lack of comparison of sum adjectivs is supplied by comparativs and superlativs with a corresponding meaning, but without a positiv:

§ 139. A superlativ with an m-suffix is found in six words, which ar derived from adverbial stems and appear without a positiv. The m-suffix is either simpl: fru-ma, innu-ma, aúhu-ma, or compound: af-tuma, if-tuma, hlei-duma.

      Two of them hav assumed a comparativ meaning: aúhuma, higher; hleiduma, left (ἀριστερός); the others hav a superlativ or an intensiv signification: aftuma, the last; iftuma, the next; innuma, the inmost; fruma, the first.

      These words follow the weak inflection, but hav the f. in -ei, exactly like the comparativs.