Observations on the Diseases of Seamen. Blane Gilbert
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Название: Observations on the Diseases of Seamen

Автор: Blane Gilbert

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ or ulcers, not properly to be classed with it.

      The cruise in the preceding year to windward of Martinico, may be compared with that in May of this year; for the fleet in both cases had been at sea about the same length of time. But the comparison is very greatly in favour of the latter, which is most probably to be imputed to the plentiful supply of melasses, wine, sour krout, and essence of malt. But no adequate reason that I could discover can be assigned for the prevalence of it in the Nonsuch to a degree so much more violent than in the other ships; and it was here farther remarkable, that it attacked every description of men indiscriminately; for I was assured by the officers and by the surgeon, that not only the helpless and dispirited landsman was affected, but old seamen, who had never before suffered from it on the longest cruises. I have been led by this, and some other facts, to suspect that there may be something contagious in this disease.


      The greater part of the fleet remained at Jamaica during this month, refitting and watering. Twelve ships of the line were sent to sea on the 17th, under the command of Rear-admiral Drake, but not being able to get to windward on account of the fresh breezes that prevailed, they returned to Port Royal on the 28th. Such of these ships as were sickly, became more healthy while at sea; but some bad fevers arose, particularly in the Princessa; and it is a curious circumstance, that these fevers attacked only those men who had been on shore on the watering duty; from which it would appear, that something caught or imbibed, which is the cause of the fever, lies inactive for some time in the constitution, some of the men not having been affected for more than a week after they had been at sea.

      The weather continued dry and windy, as in the former month; but the heat was in general about two degrees higher, the thermometer varying from 79° to 84½°.

Table, shewing the proportional Sickness and Mortality in June

      Transcriber’s Keys:

      A Proportion of those taken ill in the Course of this Month.

      B Proportion of those who died, in relation to the Numbers of the Sick.

      The proportion of deaths in relation to the whole numbers on board, was one in one hundred and thirty-eight.

      There was only one in thirty of the sick sent to the hospital in the course of this month.

      There was an increase both in the numbers and fatality of fevers. This increase was chiefly in that sort of fever which depends on the air and climate, the greater part of which was caught on the watering duty. There was a diminution of those fevers depending on infection, and the foul air of ships, which arose in the French prizes. The care that was taken in purifying these ships was very effectual; for only four died this month in the Ville de Paris, and fewer also were sent to the hospital than in May. The increase of the other kind of fever was chiefly owing to there being a greater number of ships in port, the crews of which were employed in watering, and partly, no doubt, to the increase of heat in the weather. The ships in which the fevers were most fatal were the Monarch, the Duke, the Torbay, and the Resolution. The sickness in the Duke was still in a great measure owing to the same infection that had hitherto prevailed; for this ship had never been cleared of the infectious fever, for want of room at the hospital. That which broke out in the Torbay was also of the low infectious kind, few of them having the symptoms of that which is peculiar to the climate, which prevailed in the other ships. This ship, though formerly very subject to infectious complaints, had been remarkably healthy for some time past; but it would appear that there was a large stock of latent infection, which shewed itself from time to time.

      Some ships, particularly the Montague and Royal Oak, had no increase of fevers or other complaints, though the one lay in port for seven, and the other for eleven weeks, and were more or less exposed to the causes of sickness which affected the rest of the fleet. This is a proof, among many others, that a particular combination of causes is necessary to produce a disease: no single one, however powerful, being sufficient, without the concurrence of others. What seemed to be wanting here was the predisposition requisite for the admission of disease into the constitution; for the ships that enjoyed this happy exemption were such as had long-established and well-regulated crews, accustomed to the service and climate.

      There had been this month a diminution both of the numbers and mortality of fluxes, which is agreeable to what was before remarked, that fevers were more apt than fluxes to prevail in the bad air of a harbour16. It was also before remarked, that there were few or no fluxes in those ships in which the fever was most malignant; and now that the fever began to grow more mild in the French prizes, the flux began to appear. In the Barfleur, Duke, and Namur, both diseases seemed to prevail equally; but the fevers, though numerous, were more of the low nervous kind than bilious or malignant; and the fluxes chiefly attacked those who were recovering from fevers. We may farther remark, that these three men of war were three-decked ships, of 90 guns, the crews of which being more numerous, and composed of a more mixed set of men, were consequently subject to a greater chance of infection, and a greater variety of complaints. The Formidable still remained healthy to an extraordinary degree. Some fevers were indeed imported from the Ville de Paris by men that had been lent to that ship, and who were taken ill after their return. Of these, a few of the worst cases were sent to the hospital, and two died on board, who, with one that died the preceding month, make the whole mortality of this ship, since leaving England, amount only to the loss of three men.

      There has been little or no increase of scurvy this month; for though the numbers put on the list appear to be greater, the mortality is much less. It may indeed appear a matter of surprise that there should have been any scurvy at all, considering that the greater part of the fleet was at anchor all this month. But as this was the greatest fleet that had ever visited Jamaica, it was impossible to find fresh provisions for the whole; and the small supply they had did not amount to one fresh meal in a week. Port Royal is also remote from the cultivated part of the island, so that fruit and vegetables were both scarce and high priced, particularly this year, on account of the usual rains in May and June having failed. There was, however, an allowance of fresh provisions and vegetables made to the sick by public bounty; for as the hospital could contain but a small proportion of the sick and wounded, an order was given for the supply of fresh meat, fruit, and vegetables, to the sick, and five hundred pounds of Peruvian bark were also distributed as a public gratuity, besides sugar, coffee, and wine.

      With these aids, and the various good articles of victualling from England, the fleet was preserved uncommonly healthy for a West-India campaign: for though the mortality had increased considerably during our stay at Jamaica, yet the loss of men, upon the whole, was small, compared with that of other great fleets in this climate on former occasions. The greatest squadron, next to this, that had ever been on this station was that under Admiral Vernon in the year 1741, at the same season. From this fleet upwards of eleven thousand men were sent to the hospital in the course of that and the preceding year, of whom there died one in seven, besides what died on board of their own ships and in two hospital ships17. The disproportion of sickness in the two fleets will appear still greater, when it is considered that Admiral Vernon’s contained only fifteen thousand seamen and marines18; whereas that under Lord Rodney contained twenty-two thousand. What added to the sickness of the former was the unfortunate expedition to Carthagena in April, 1741; to which probably it was owing that a much greater proportion of yellow fevers were landed from the fleet at that time than from ours, as appears by the papers left by Mr. Hume, who was then surgeon of the hospital. The hospital was then at a place called Greenwich, on the side of the bay opposite to Port Royal, and was very large; but it was found to be in a situation so extremely unhealthy, that it was soon after abandoned and demolished, and the hospital has since been at Port Royal.

      It appears by the tables, that a greater number was put on the list under the head of other complaints in this month than the last. This was owing to the great СКАЧАТЬ


I have seen an account of the diseases of the army at St. Lucia for a whole year, kept by Mr. Everard Home, an ingenious gentleman belonging to the army hospital, and it appears, that, during ten months out of the twelve, the dysentery was the predominant disease. This seems to contradict the opinion, that the land air is more apt to occasion fevers than fluxes; but it is to be remarked, that the sickness of the soldiers on this island was not so much owing to the malignant influence of the air, the situation of the garrison being high and airy, as to the bad accommodations and provisions, together with hard labour.


See Essay on the Yellow Fever, by Dr. Hume, in a Collection of Essays published by Dr. D. Monro.


Campbell’s Lives of the Admirals, Vol. IV.