Observations on the Diseases of Seamen. Blane Gilbert
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Название: Observations on the Diseases of Seamen

Автор: Blane Gilbert

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ and danger, which infuses a sort of preternatural vigour. When the mind is interested and agitated by active and generous affections, the body forgets its wants and feelings, and is capable of a degree of labour and exertion, which it could not undergo in cold blood. The quantity of muscular action employed in fighting at a great gun for a few hours, is perhaps more that what is commonly employed in a week in the ordinary course of life, and though performed in the midst of heat and smoke, and generally with the want of food and drink, yet the powers of nature are not exhausted nor overstrained; even the smart of wounds is not felt; and the future health of those who survive unhurt by external violence is so far from being injured, that it is sometimes mended by this violent, but salutary agitation.

      The loss in action, and the number of mortal wounds, were not so great as might have been expected in a battle continued for a whole day. This advantage was owing to the superiority of our fire, as well as to the closeness of the fight, of which the Commander in Chief set the illustrious example, by penetrating the enemy’s line with his own ship; a bold and singular effort which first decided the event of the day. When ships in action are opposed to each other at a small distance, the velocity of cannon balls is so great, that in penetrating a ship’s side, few or no splinters are torn off; and by these more men are commonly killed and wounded, than by the ball itself. For the same reason, a close shot does less damage also to the ship itself, than a distant one; for a quick-flying ball makes an aperture less than its own diameter, whereas a spent one produces innumerable deadly splinters, at the same time shivering the object it strikes, and making wide and extensive rents in it. The proportion of the wounded to the killed, is also greater in distant, than in close fight, on account of the great number of small splinters; and we have an experimental proof of this, in comparing the action in Fort Royal Bay in April 1781, with this near Dominica in April 1782. In the former, the enemy having kept far to windward, and engaged at a great distance, the proportion of the wounded to the killed was considerably more than four to one14; whereas in the latter, where the greater part of the battle was close, the proportion of the wounded to the killed, was little more than three to one15.

      Though it is a remark not belonging to a medical work, yet it may be observed, that the greatest advantage that arose to us from close action was, that the fire of the enemy was thereby silenced; for the advantages would be mutual and equal, on the supposition, that the French, in such a situation, were to keep the deck, and stand to their guns equally well with the British seamen.

      It appears, by examining the table, that the ships in which the fevers chiefly prevailed this month, were those that came last from England, and that those in which the fluxes prevailed most were chiefly of the squadron we found on the station, namely, the Canada, Resolution, and Prince William. The latter however recovered greatly in the course of this month. Some of the Ships that arrived last from England, namely, the Arrogant, Prothée, and Anson, were also considerably afflicted with fluxes, but they were of an extremely mild kind; and the small number of deaths from this disease in comparison with those from fevers, is a proof of a former observation, that this is the safest form in which an acute disease can shew itself. This small degree of mortality was also owing to the judicious method of treating it which was in general practised throughout the fleet; and it is but justice to the medical gentlemen to say, that they shewed on this, as well as every other occasion, great skill and attention in the treatment of the sick and wounded.

      The sum total of fevers and fluxes that have been put on the list this month, is much the same as that of the preceding month; but the proportion of fluxes in April is much greater.

      The proportion of scurvy is somewhat increased; which is not to be wondered at, when it is considered, that though the fleet had not been so long at sea as is necessary to produce it, especially in this climate, yet the men having had no refreshments when last in port, may be considered as having been all that time at sea.

      The superior degree of health in this month will appear in a still stronger light, if we cast our eye on the column expressing the number sent to the hospital, the proportion of which is, comparatively, very small.

      The ships that had been the longest from England, were still among the most healthy. But of all the fleet, none was so free from sickness and mortality as the Formidable. No man belonging to this ship died of disease for the first four months after sailing from Plymouth, though there were at times 900 men on board, and never less than the established complement, which is 750; and so few were taken sick in that time, that only thirteen were sent to hospitals, and their complaints were small-pox and ulcers.

      This ship left England provided with every thing that could be supposed to conduce to the health of men, and may be considered as an experiment to prove what degree of health may be attained by proper management and attention. She was furnished not only with abundance of sour krout, melasses, and essence of malt, in common with the other ships; but what was peculiar to her, was an entire supply of excellent wine, in place of spirits, of which none was used during the period mentioned.

      CHAP. IV

      Account of the Health of the Fleet while it lay at Jamaica during May, June, and Part of July, 1782. – French Prizes Causes of Sickness – Their Difference from the English in point of Cleanliness and Discipline – Bad Effects of Land Wind and Watering Duty – Situation of Port Royal – Season uncommonly dry and windy – Fluxes more prevalent at Sea than in Harbour – Comparison of the Sickness at this Time with that of the Army and with that of the Squadron under Admiral Vernon forty-one Years before – Effects of Contagion and foul Air – Officers more affected than the common Men.

      All the squadron that was left to windward of Jamaica, consisting of twenty-four ships of the line, kept the sea during great part of May, the last division of it not having come to Port Royal till the 25th of that month.

      The whole fleet remained in harbour during the remainder of the month, and the whole of the next, except the Warrior, Prothée, and Russell; the two former were sent on a cruise, in which the Warrior continued quite healthy, as she had been ever since her arrival from England; and in the Prothée a great check was given to the fevers and fluxes which had begun to prevail at Port Royal. The Russell was sent to England with a convoy.

Table, shewing the proportional Prevalence of Sickness and Mortality in May

      Transcriber’s Keys:

      A Proportion of those taken ill or wounded in the Course of the Month.

      B Proportion of those that died in relation to the Numbers of Sick or wounded.

      The whole number of sick on board on the first of this month, in thirty-six ships of the line and two frigates, upon which the preceding calculation is formed, was one thousand four hundred and eighteen. The whole number taken ill in the course of the month was two thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight; the number sent to the hospital was one hundred and seventy-three; and there died on board ninety-four.

      The proportion of those who died this month, in relation to the whole number on board, was one in two hundred and eighty-seven.

      There was a considerable increase of sickness and mortality this month in all the common diseases, and chiefly in that part of the squadron which was in port. There was less increase in the number of fevers than either of the other two epidemics; but such was their increased malignancy, that more died of them than of both the others. The number of fluxes was more than double of what it was the preceding month, and the mortality from them was also in a much greater proportion, as may be seen from the Tables.

      The fevers prevailed chiefly in port, and the fluxes at sea. A good many of the latter, indeed, arose in the Alcide, though constantly in port; but this seemed to be owing to contagion conveyed by some British soldiers, who were sent on board of this СКАЧАТЬ


London Gazette, June, 1781.


This is well illustrated by the manner in which Captain Nott, of the Centaur, was killed in Fort-Royal Bay. This brave man, having carried his Ship nearer the enemy than the rest of the line, but nevertheless at a great distance, had his signal made to keep the line, and having gone into his cabin, as it is said, to examine the import of the signal, a cannon ball struck him in the groin, and it was so far spent, that it stuck in his body. It tore away a whole plank of the ship’s side, the splinters of which killed a young gentleman, the only person near him.