Nobody's Child. Dejeans Elizabeth
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Название: Nobody's Child

Автор: Dejeans Elizabeth

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ Ridley over there – I'm afraid I'm wanted," she said, when the dance was over. "That's the penalty I pay for being 'a delightful hostess.'" If her lips had been fuller they would have pouted.

      "Can't you be allowed a little respite?" Baird exclaimed. "I want another dance – and another after that!"

      Judith smiled and shook her head.

      "But you haven't told me what I'm to do for you, yet, Wonder-woman?"

      "It must wait… There will be some square dances by and by, and an even number of couples without us."

      "And we can go to the porch – somewhere where we can talk – where it is cool?"

      Judith made a little affirmative gesture.

      "I'll do my duty till then," Baird said bruskly. "I hate dancing – except with you."

      She allowed him to capture her intimate glance, but the instant she had turned away her face settled into gravity, an expression both hard and apprehensive. It made her look more nearly her age.

      "What is it, Ridley?" she asked sharply. "Anything wrong – up-stairs?"

      "No, no!" the colonel said. "I just wanted a word with you befo' I've lost my feet – Edward's goin' to have us all under the table befo' mo'nin'." The colonel usually abbreviated his syllables when warmed.

      Judith drew a quick breath. "Oh – well, come out to the veranda – "

      The entrance to Westmore was the usual Georgian portico; the veranda crossed the back of the house, a gallery, really, overlooking the terraces and connecting the two wings of the house, affording an entrance to the ballroom at one end, to the kitchens at the other, and a rear entrance to the main hall. There were high-backed benches here, and Judith led the way to one of them. She sighed inaudibly as she sat down.

      The colonel began promptly: "I wasn't meaning to spoil your dance, Judith, but Mary's been telling me to ask that young friend of Garvin's to our Fair Field meet. Of co's' you can be relied on to choose your friends sensibly, but Garvin's not so certain. Who is this Nickolas Baird? If I introduce him, I've got to stand fo' him. I want to know a little more about him than Mary could tell me. I'll be damned if I'll present him – knowin' no more about him than I do! What's his family?"

      "I doubt if he has any," Judith answered equably. "In fact, I know he hasn't – he told me that both his father and his mother were dead."

      "You know what I mean, Judith!" the colonel objected warmly.

      "Of course the first question would be, 'What's his family?' and the next, 'Has he money?'" There was amusement in Judith's voice. Then she added more seriously, "I really know very little about him, Ridley – except that he seems to be a nice, clever sort of boy. Edward approves of him, so I asked him here. Edwin Carter can tell you more about him than I can. He put him up at the Hunt Club and introduced him to Edward and Garvin. Edwin Carter spoke highly of him."

      The chill of the veranda had cooled the colonel somewhat. "Edwin Carter, eh!" he said more quietly. "Well, he generally knows what he is about. He has more social sense than most of his money-makin' crowd – but then he would have – he's a Carter. He certainly has a deal more business sense than any Westmore born, and if he's back of this young fellow, there's some business reason fo' it. Has he money, Judith?"

      "Mr. Baird? I think so. He seems to make money easily, at any rate. He speaks of losing fifty thousand dollars with far more lightness than you would of dining, or of being deprived of the meal. His brain appears to be stored with schemes, and all sorts of useful knowledge as well. He is entertaining, for he has been everywhere and knows all kinds of people. Get him to tell you about South America some time, Ridley, and you'll be repaid for the trouble."

      "Well, I hope he's not scheming to relieve Edward of some of his money," was the colonel's frank comment.

      "Now, Ridley!"

      "Oh, you're a clever woman, Judith, that's sure, but you don't know anything about promoters. I know too much about 'em. I'll wager my best horse this young man's a promoter – in with the Carter gang and out here at the Hunt Club fo' a purpose. What does he mean – givin' away automobiles. He spoke up like a flash at dinner; there's something in it fo' him, I'll wager." The colonel expressed himself with all the astuteness of the man who had never in his life handled a dollar of his own making, and whose business ventures had been confined to a lordly interest in his wife's safety-deposit box.

      Judith laughed. "I hope there is something in it for him, I'm sure… I wish he would teach Garvin his secret," she added with a sigh.

      "He'll probably lead Garvin into mischief," the colonel returned severely. "There are too many of this young man's kind bein' received into our first families. I'm continually at odds with Mary over the young men she recommends to Elizabeth. I don't feel inclined to countenance this young man, Judith."

      "Would you have Elizabeth marry a cousin?" Judith asked coldly. "There has been a little too much of that in our family, don't you think?"

      The colonel said nothing.

      Judith continued more brightly: "I'll tell you, Ridley, exactly what I think of Mr. Baird: I think he is a very clever young man, with no family background and not much money, but with influential men behind him. They know he is a financial genius. If you're wagering a horse, I'll wager Black Betty that in ten years Mr. Nickolas Baird will be worth a million… And your discountenancing him will not make a particle of difference. Christine Carter told Elizabeth that he was going to be asked to the next Assembly Ball, and you know that that places him. If he wants to go to the Fair Field meet, he will go – he is the sort of man who'll always get what he wants. It's just as well for people like ourselves to realize that Mr. Baird's type is becoming plentiful – right here in our stronghold – and adapt ourselves to the inevitable. If we are sensible, we'll draw what advantage we can from it… I'll tell you what I should do, if I were you, Ridley: I'd ask Mr. Baird to dinner at your club and study him a little – you are an excellent judge of character" – Judith's voice was soothing at this point – "and if you don't like him, drop him… As for me, I have no intention of dropping him – principally because Edward likes him." She concluded firmly enough.

      "It's not so much Edward who likes him, is it?" the colonel blurted out. "The young man's pretty well smitten with you, if I'm any judge, and if I should see Elizabeth at your tricks I'd say that she was something more than flirting."

      Judith was plentifully endowed with Westmore temper; the colonel was wont to say that there had never been a more imperious Westmore than his Cousin Judith; he grew uncomfortably warm during the perceptible pause that followed his hasty speech.

      Then Judith's laugh rang clearly. "My dear Ridley! You are amusing!.. Yes, that clever boy is scheming to take Edward's money, and I am helping him to it! Either that, or he is in love with me and I am forgetting that I am thirty-four and he twenty-six – a little romance snatched at in my old age!" She rippled into more subdued mirth as she rose. "You go on in and talk to Edward – he'll give you the best of reasons for our countenancing Mr. Baird." She changed then suddenly to sternness. "I'd advise you, though, not to make any such remarks to him as you've just made to me, Cousin Ridley. Edward is head of our family, remember, and you're more Westmore than Dickenson – at least I've always thought so. I'm certainly Westmore enough to set the family interest before everything else – I've always done so in the past, and am likely to do so in the future."

      The colonel had been entertaining a jumble of thoughts, among others, that women of thirty-four were sometimes emotionally erratic, particularly if they had had so barren an emotional existence as Judith; and also, that young СКАЧАТЬ