Married Life. Buckstone John Baldwin
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Название: Married Life

Автор: Buckstone John Baldwin

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ Buckstone

      Married Life / A Comedy, in Three Acts


      The Comedy of “MARRIED LIFE” is entirely original – if the being unassisted by either anecdote, tale, ballad, biography, or any other resource constitutes entire originality. – Yet, as some of the couples, especially MR. and MRS. CODDLE, and MR. and MRS. DOVE, have been “sketched from the life,” the important question of originality is still open to much disquisition.


      MY DEAR SIR,

      Allow me to dedicate this Comedy to you, as some little token of my very great admiration of your talents. It is a very common cant to allow of no existing excellence, and refer only to the past for instances of genius! In Dramatic matters, this cant has been particularly cherished; but, with reference to yourself, it may be presumed that were a playgoer of Cibber’s time now in existence, he would be puzzled, with all his fond recollections, to name few, if any, by-gone artistes who could have borne away one feather from your well-filled cap of fame. And truly the actor of the UNCLES FOOZLE and JOHN – of the Lawyers GROTIUS and FLAM – of the wily STEWARD – of the cold and crafty Diplomatist, COUNT BERTRAND – of the physically cold SAMUEL CODDLE – the excellent and kind-hearted MICHEL PERRIN – of the warlike CHARLES THE TWELFTH – of SIR PETER and OGLEBY – and fifty other triumphant assumptions, must possess a feathered coronet of no ordinary dimensions. With a hundred thanks for your great attention to every humble effort of mine, in which you have been concerned, and for the anxiety that you have always shewn for my success, permit me to wish you many years of health and strength, that the stage may long be enabled to name you with pride and pleasure as one of its greatest ornaments.


      August 25, 1834.


      This comedy was first produced on the 20th of August, 1834.

      ACT I

      SCENE I

      An apartment at the house of MR. LYNX; A fire place on the L. H. S. E. before which LYNX is discovered in his morning gown, reading a newspaper. A table near him, with breakfast service on it; MRS. LYNX at a small table on R. H., in the sulks; a practicable window to throw up R. H.

      Lynx. (Reading.) – “BOW STREET. —Matrimonial Squabble– The chief magistrate was occupied all the morning, investigating a case of assault, arising out of a matrimonial squabble. It appears that the wife of the complainant is a woman of violent passions, and so excessively jealous, that her husband’s life is endangered.” Do you hear that, my dear? you are not singular in your temper, you see.

      Mrs. Ly. Indeed!

      Lynx. There are other women in the world, excessively jealous, beside yourself.

      Mrs. Ly. You think so, do you?

      Lynx. Shall I read the whole of the police report?

      Mrs. Ly. You may do just as you please.

      Lynx. Don’t you feel interested in the case? Have you no sympathy with the poor woman?

      Mrs. Ly. You have taken good care to destroy all my sympathies; indeed, almost every feeling and quality that I once possessed.

      Lynx. Save one, my dear.

      Mrs. Ly. Well, sir, what is that one?

       Lynx. The quality of making yourself extremely disagreeable – why don’t you take breakfast?

      Mrs. Ly. I don’t want any.

      Lynx. You did not sup last night?

      Mrs. Ly. I did not require it.

      Lynx. You eat nothing at dinner yesterday?

      Mrs. Ly. I had no appetite.

      Lynx. You’ll starve yourself, love, and die!

      Mrs. Ly. Then you will be happy.

      Lynx. I shall certainly lead a quieter life —

      Mrs. Ly. And have more opportunities for carrying on your intrigues.

      Lynx. What intrigues, dear?

      Mrs. Ly. Those are best known to yourself.

      Lynx. I thought you were perfectly acquainted with them.

      Mrs. Ly. I am acquainted with a sufficiency, believe me.

      Lynx. Name them, my dear?

      Mrs. Ly. I shall not trouble myself so much.

      Lynx. Nay, I insist —

      Mrs. Ly. Well, then, sir – my dress-maker could not call yesterday, but you must make yourself ridiculous.

      Lynx. What did I do?

      Mrs. Ly. You told her, in my presence, that she was very pretty.

      Lynx. Was there any sin in that?

      Mrs. Ly. ’Twas not only a very great familiarity on your part, sir – but a want of respect for me.

      Lynx. True – ’twas wrong in me to forget that few women can endure to hear another admired.

      Mrs. Ly. And few men think their wives to be possessed of any superior charms to the first doll they may meet.

      Lynx. Excellent, indeed – my love, we must turn authors; and between us, publish a book of conjugal aphorisms. However, I plead guilty to your first charge, and implore your mercy – proceed to the next.

       Mrs. Ly. I think the last time we walked out with Mr. and Mrs. Coddle, that you might have offered me your arm, and not have left me to the care of the husband, while you flirted with the wife.

      Lynx. What do you call flirting?

      Mrs. Ly. Whispering – laughing – and affecting to have, – or really having, a quantity of interesting secrets. – Don’t ask me for a definition of the word, Sir – I am not a dictionary.

      Lynx. I think you are, my dear – if I may judge by the hard words that you ever use to me. – Proceed with your charges, I beg —

      Mrs. Ly. I heard of your being in a private box at the theatre two evenings since – and with some strange female.

      Lynx. Your hearing such a report is no evidence of its truth.

      Mrs. Ly. You were not at home on that evening – indeed, I don’t know when you are at home; always out – always running about – calling on this lady, and meeting that – receiving notes of assignation, and – but I’ll not endure it longer, Mr. Lynx – you may provoke me beyond the bounds of СКАЧАТЬ