A Polyglot of Foreign Proverbs. H Bohni
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Название: A Polyglot of Foreign Proverbs

Автор: H Bohni

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      A la presse vont les fous. Fools go in throngs.

      A la queue gît le venin. In the tail lies the venom.

      A l’aventure on met les ”oe]ufs couver. Eggs are put to hatch on chance.

      A laver la tête d’un âne on ne perd que le temps et la lessive. To wash an ass’s head is but loss of time and soap. (To reprove a fool is but lost labour.)

      A l’impossible nul n’est tenu. No one is bound to do impossibilities.

      Aller aux mûres sans crochet. To go mulberry-gathering without a crook.

      Aller en vendanges sans panier. To go to the vintage without baskets.

      A l’”oe]il malade la lumière nuit. Light is bad for sore eyes.

      A l’”oe]uvre on connaît l’ouvrier. The workman is known by his work.

      A l’ongle on connaît le lion. You may know the lion by his claw.

      A longue corde tire qui d’autrui mort désire. He pulls at a long rope who desires another’s death.

      A mal enfourner on fait les pains cornus. Loaves put awry into the oven come out crooked.

      A mal pasteur le loup chie laine. An easy shepherd makes the wolf void wool.

      A marmite qui bout mouche ne s’attaque. Flies will not light on a boiling pot.

      A mauvais chien l’on ne peut montrer le loup. There’s no showing the wolf to a bad dog.

      A méchant chien court lien. A vicious dog must be tied short.

      A merle soûl cerises sont amères. Cherries are bitter to the glutted blackbird.

      Ami de table est variable. A table friend is changeable.

      A morceau restif éperon de vin. A restive morsel needs a spur of wine.

      Amour de grands, ombre de buisson qui passe bientôt. The friendship of great men is like the shadow of a bush, soon gone.

      Amour et seigneurie ne veulent point de compagnie. Love and lordship like no fellowship.

      Amour fait moult, argent fait tout. Love does much, money everything.

      Amour soumet tout hormis c”oe]ur de félon. Love subdues everything except the recreant’s heart.

      Amour, toux, fumée, et argent, ne se peuvent cacher longuement. Love, a cough, smoke, and money, cannot long be hid.

      Amour, toux, et fumée, en secret ne font demeurée. Love, a cough, and smoke will not remain secret.

      Ane piqué convient qu’il trotte. A goaded ass must trot.

      A nouveaux seigneurs nouvelles lois. New lords, new laws.

      A nul ne peut être ami qui de soi-même est ennemi. He cannot be a friend to any one who is his own enemy.

      A paroles lourdes oreilles sourdes. To rude words deaf ears.

      A père avare enfant prodigue. A miserly father makes a prodigal son.

      A petite achoison le loup prend le mouton. Upon a slight pretext the wolf takes the sheep.

      A petite fontaine boit-on à son aise. At a little fountain one drinks at one’s ease.

      A petit mercier, petit panier. A little pack serves a little pedlar.

      Après bon vin bon cheval. Good wine makes the horse go.

      Après dommage chacun est sage. After mischance every one is wise.

      Après la fête on gratte la tête. After a feast a man scratches his head.

      Après la pluie le beau temps. After rain fine weather.

      Après la mort le médecin. After death the doctor.

      Après le fait ne vaut souhait. After the act wishing is in vain.

      Après moi le déluge. After me the deluge.

      Après perdre perd-on bien. After one loss come many.

      Après raire n’y a plus que tondre. After shaving there’s nothing to shear.

      A quelque chose malheur est bon. Ill-luck is good for something.

      A qui il meschet on lui meffaict. Where misfortune befals injuries follow.

      A qui vendez-vous vos coquilles? A ceux qui viennent de Saint Michel. To whom do you offer your shells for sale? To people who come from Saint Michel (where shells abound).

      A qui veut rien n’est impossible. Nothing is impossible to a willing mind.

      A raconter ses maux souvent on les soulage. By telling our woes we often assuage them.

      Argent ard gent. Money burns many.

      Argent comptant porte médecine. Ready money works great cures.

      Argent emprunté porte tristesse. Money borrowed is soon sorrowed.

      Argent est rond, il faut qu’il roule. Money is round, it must roll.

      Argent reçu, le bras rompu. The money paid, the workman’s arm is broken.

      A Rome comme à Rome. At Rome do as Rome does.

      A rude âne rude ânier. For a stubborn ass a stubborn driver.

      Assez a qui se contente. He has enough who is content.

      Assez demande qui bien sert. Who serves well asks enough.

      Assez dort qui rien ne fait. He slumbers enough who does nothing.

      Assez écorche qui le pied tient. He flays enough who holds the foot.

      Assez gagne qui malheur perd. He gains enough who loses sorrow.

      Assez n’y a si trop n’y a. There’s not enough if there’s not too much.

      Assez parents, assez tourments. Much kindred, much trouble.

      Assez sait qui sait vivre et se taire. He knows enough who knows how to live and keep his own counsel.

      Assez tôt se fait ce qui bien se fait. That is done soon enough which is well done.

      Assez tôt si assez bien. Soon enough if well enough.

      A tard crie l’oiseau quand il est pris. Too late the bird cries out when it is caught.

      A toile ourdie Dieu envoie le fil. For a web begun God sends thread.