Boscobel. Thomas Blount
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Название: Boscobel

Автор: Thomas Blount

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ most traiterously discover'd to the rebels by one Guyes, a tailor in the town, who was hang'd afterwards as the just reward of his treachery: In this action Major Knox was slain and some few taken prisoners.

      A considerable party of the rebels commanded by Col. Lambert, Col. Ingoldsby, (not yet a convert) and Col. Gibbons being got over the Severn at Upton, march'd the next day to Powick Town, where they made an halt; for Powick bridge, lying upon the river Team (between Powick Town & Worcester,) was guarded by a Brigade of his Majesties horse and foot, commanded by Major General Robert Montgomery, and Col. George Keyth.

      The fatal 3. of September being come, his Majesty this morning holds a council of war upon the top of the Colledge-church-steeple, the better to discover the enemies posture; Here his Majesty observ'd some firing at Powick and Cromwell making a bridge of boats over Severn under Bunshill, a mile below the city towards Team mouth; his majesty presently goes down, commands all to their arms, and marches in person to Powick bridge to give orders, as well for maintaining that bridge, as for opposing the making the other of boats, and hasted back to his army in the city.

      Soon after his Majesty was gone from Powick bridge, the enemy assaulted it furiously, which was well defended by Montgomery, till himself was dangerously wounded, and his ammunition spent, so that he was forced to make a disorderly retreat into Worcester; and Col. Keyth was taken prisoner at the bridge.

      At the same time Cromwell had with much celerity finisht his bridge of boats and plancks over the main river, without any considerable opposition, whereby he might communicate with those of his party at Powick bridge, and was the first man that led the rest over, and then went back himself and rais'd a battery of great guns against the Fort-royal on the South-side the city.

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      This is not the only account that is published, for we find it related by Bates, in his Elenchues, and by the Earl of Clarendon, whose account he received from the king himself.



This is not the only account that is published, for we find it related by Bates, in his Elenchues, and by the Earl of Clarendon, whose account he received from the king himself.


The original style, &c. being preserved, will account for the very erroneous punctuation, to which it was deemed necessary to adhere.


Excommunicated by an ecclesiastical court similar to ours, only more rigid in its effects.