Boscobel. Thomas Blount
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Название: Boscobel

Автор: Thomas Blount

Издательство: Public Domain

Жанр: Зарубежная классика




СКАЧАТЬ at Scheevling in Holland, and, having escap'd great dangers at sea, arrived soon after at Spey in the North of Scotland.

      On the first of January following, his Majesty was crown'd at Scoon, and an army raised in that kingdome, to invade this; in hope to recover his regalities here, then most unjustly detain'd from him, by some members of the Long Parliament, and Oliver Cromwell their general; who soon after most traiterously assum'd the title of Protector of the new minted Common-wealth of England, Scotland and Ireland.

      The first of August 1651. his Majesty with his army began his march into England, and on the fifth of the same month, at his Royal Camp, at Woodhouse near the Border, publish'd his gracious declaration of general pardon and oblivion, to all his loving subjects of the kingdom of England and dominion of Wales, that would desist from assisting the usurped authority of the pretended Common-wealth of England, and return to their obedience. Except only Oliver Cromwell, Henry Ireton, John Bradshaw, John Cook, and all others, who did actually sit and vote in the murder of his royal father.

      His Majesty, after the publication of this gracious offer, march'd his army into Lancashire, where he received some considerable supplies from the Earl of Darby (that loyal subject,) and at Warrington Bridge met with the first opposition made by the rebels in England, but his Majesties presence soon put them to flight.

      In this interim his Majesty had sent a copy of his declaration, enclosed in a gracious letter to the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of the city of London, which, by order of the usurpers then sitting at Westminster, was (on the 26. of August) publickly burnt at the Old Exchange by the Hangman; and their declaration proclaimed there and at Westminster, by beat of drum and sound of trumpet; by which his sacred Majesty, (to whom they could afford no better title than Charles Stuart,) his abettors, agents and complices, were declared traytors, rebels and publique enemies. – Impudence and treason beyond example!

      After a tedious march, his Majesty with his army arriv'd at Worcester on the 22. of August, (being near three hundred miles from S. Johnstons in Scotland,) having left the Earl of Darby in Lancashire, as well to settle that and the adjacent counties in a posture of defence, against Cromwell and his confederates; as to raise some auxiliary forces to recruit his Majesties army, in case the successe of a battle should not prove so happy as all good men desired.

      But (such was Heavens decree) on the 25. of August, the Earl's new rais'd forces were totally defeated near Wiggan in that county by Col. Lilburn, with a regiment of sectaries. In which conflict the Lord Widdrington, Sir Thomas Tildesley, Colonel Trollop, Lieutenant Colonel Galliard, (faithful subjects and valiant souldiers) with some others of good note, were slain, Col. Roscarrock wounded, Sir William Throckmorton, Sir Timothy Fetherstonhaugh, (who was afterwards beheaded by the rebels,) Colonel Baines and others taken prisoners, and their General the Earl of Derby forced to fly to save his life; In which flight be made a sad choice of the way towards Worcester, whither he knew his Majesties army was design'd to march.

      After some days my Lord, with Colonel Roscarrock and two servants, got into the confines of Staffordshire and Shropshire near Newport, where at one Mr. Watsons house he met with Mr. Richard Snead (an honest gentleman of that country, and of his Lordship's acquaintance,) to whom he recounted the misfortune of his defeat at Wiggan, and the necessity of his taking some rest, if Mr. Snead could recommend his Lordship to any private house near hand, where he might safely continue, till he could find an opportunity to goe to his Majesty.

      Mr. Snead brought my Lord and his company to Boscobel-house, a very obscure habitation, situate in Shropshire, but adjoyning upon Staffordshire, and lies between Tong-castle and Brewood. John Giffard, Esq. having built this house about thirty years since, invited Sir Basil Brook with other friends and neighbors to a house-warming feast; at which time Sir Basil was desired by Mr. Giffard to give the house a name, He aptly call's it Boscobel (from the Italian bosco bello, which in that language signifies fair wood) because seated in the midst of many fair woods. It is now the inheritance of Mr. Basil Fitzherbert, by Jane his wife, daughter and heir of Mr. John Cotton, by Frances, daughter and heir of the said John Giffard.

      At this place the Earl arrived on the 29. of August (being Friday at night,) but no body was found at home, except William Penderel, the house-keeper and his wife, who, to preserve so eminent a person, adventur'd to receive my Lord, and kept him in safety till Sunday night following, when (according to my Lords desire of going to Worcester,) he convey'd him to Mr. Humphry Elliots house at Gataker Park, (a true hearted royalist,) which was about nine miles on the way from Boscobel thither. Mr. Elliot did not onely freely entertain the Earl, but lent him ten pounds, and conducted him and his company safe to Worcester.

      The next day after his Majesty arrival at Worcester, being Saturday the 23. of August, he was proclaimed King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, by Mr. Thomas Lisens Mayor, and Mr. James Bridges Sheriff of that loyal city, with great acclamations.

      On the same day his Majesties sent abroad a declaration, given at his city of Worcester, summoning, upon their alleageance, all the neighboring nobility, gentry and others, from sixteen to sixty, to appear in their persons and with horse and armes at Pitchcroft on the Tuesday following, where his Majesty would be present.

      Upon Sunday 24. August, Mr. Crosby (an eminent divine of that city,) preach'd before his Majesty in the Cathedral Church; and in his prayer styled his Majesty Supreme Head over all persons in his Dominions: At which some of the Scots took exception, and Mr. Crosby was afterwards admonish'd to forbear such expressions.

      Tuesday the 26. of August was a Rendevouz in Pitchcroft neer the city, of such loyal subjects of that and the adjacent counties as would come in to his Majesties aid; Here appeared Francis Lord Talbot (now Earl of Shrewsbury) with about sixty horse; Mr. Mervin Touchet, Sir John Packington, Sir Walter Blount, Sir Ralph Clare, Mr. Ralph Sheldon of Beoly, Mr. John Washburn of Witchingford, with forty horse, Mr. Thomas Hornyold of Blackmore Park, with forty horse, Mr. Thomas Acton, Mr. Rob. Blount of Kenswick, Mr. Rob. Wigmore of Lucton, Mr. Francis Knotsford, Mr. Peter Blount and divers others. Notwithstanding which access, the number of his Majesties army both English and Scots, was conceiv'd not to exceed 12000. men, (viz.) ten thousand Scots and about 2000. English, and those too not excellently arm'd, nor plentifully stored with ammunition.

      Mean time Cromwell (that grand patron of sectaries) had amass'd together a numerous body of rebels, commanded by himself in chief, and by the Lord Grey of Groby, Fleetwood & Lambert under him, consisting of above thirty thousand men, (being generally the scum and froth of the whole kingdome;) One part of which were sectaries, who through a fanatique zeal, were become devotes to this great idol; the other part seduc'd persons, who either by force or fear were unfortunately made actors or participants in this so horrible and fatal a tragedy.

      Thus then began the pickeerings to the grand engagement. Major General Massey with a commanding party, being sent by his Majesty to secure the bridge and pass at Upton upon Severn, 7 miles below Worcester. On Thursday the 28. of August, Lambert with a far greater number of rebels attaq'd him, and after some dispute gain'd the pass, the river being then fordable. Here the Major General behav'd himself very gallantly, receiv'd a shot in the hand from some musketiers the enemy had placed in the church, and retreated in good order to Worcester.

      During this encounter, Cromwell himself, (whose head-quarter was the night before at Pershore,) advanc'd to Stoughton within 4. miles of the city on the southside, and that evening a party of his horse faced it.

      The next day (August the 29.) the Sultan appear'd with a great body of horse and foot on Redhil within a mile of Worcester, where he made a Bonnemine, but attempted nothing; and that night his head-quarters were at Judge Berkleys house at Speachley.

      Saturday (August 30.) it was resolv'd by his Majesty, at a council of war, to give the enemy a Camisado, by beating СКАЧАТЬ