Ruth Fielding At College: or, The Missing Examination Papers. Emerson Alice B.
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СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      "Oh, my aunt!" groaned the plump girl in the background, and she actually had to stuff her handkerchief in her mouth to keep from laughing outright again.

      The car had halted and the chauffeur got down promptly, for he had to remove some of the "excess baggage" before the girl in the tonneau could alight.

      "I guess she must think she belongs here," whispered Dora.

      "More likely she thinks she owns the whole place," snapped Edith, who had evidently made up her mind not to like the new girl whose baggage was marked "R. F."

      The girl got out and shook out her draperies. A close inspection would have revealed the fact that, although dressed in the very height of fashion (whatever that may mean), the materials of which the stranger's costume were made were rather cheap.

      "This is Dare Hall, isn't it?" she asked the group of girls above her on the porch. "I suppose there is a porter to help – er – the man with my baggage?"

      "It is a rule of the college," said Edith, promptly, "that each girl shall carry her own baggage to her room. No male person is allowed within the dormitory building."

      There was a chorused, if whispered, "Oh!" from the other girls, and the newcomer looked at Edith, suspiciously.

      "I guess you are spoofing me, aren't you?" she inquired.

      "Help! help!" murmured May MacGreggor. "That's the very latest English slang."

      "She's brought it direct from 'dear ol' Lunnon'," gasped one of the other sophomores.

      "Dear me!" said Edith, addressing her friends, "wouldn't it be nice to have a 'close up' taken of that heap of luggage? It really needs a camera man and a director to make this arrival a success."

      The girl who had just come looked very much puzzled. The chauffeur seemed eager to be gone.

      "If I can't help take in the boxes, Miss, I might as well be going," he said to the new arrival.

      "Very well," she rejoined, stiffly, and opening her purse gave him a bill. He lifted his cap, entered the car, touched the starter and in a moment the car whisked away.

      "I declare!" said May MacGreggor, "she looks just like a castaway on the shore of a desert island, with all the salvage she has been able to recover from the wreck."

      And perhaps the mysterious R. F. felt a good deal that way.



      Greenburg was the station on the N. Y. F. & B. Railroad nearest to Ardmore College. It was a small city of some thirty or forty thousand inhabitants. The people, not alone in the city but in the surrounding country, were a rather wealthy class. Ardmore was a mile from the outskirts of the town.

      Ruth Fielding and Helen Cameron, her chum, had arrived with other girls bound for the college on the noon train. Of course, the chums knew none of their fellow pupils by name, but it was easily seen which of those alighting from the train were bound for Ardmore.

      There were two large auto-stages in waiting, and Ruth and Helen followed the crowd of girls briskly getting aboard the buses. As they saw other girls do, the two chums from Cheslow gave their trunk checks to a man on the platform, but they clung to their hand-baggage.

      "Such a nice looking lot of girls," murmured Helen in Ruth's ear. "It's fine! I'm sure we shall have a delightful time at college, Ruthie."

      "And some hard work," observed Ruth, laughing, "if we expect to keep up with them. There are no dunces in this crowd, my dear."

      "Goodness, no!" agreed her friend. "They all look as sharp as needles."

      There were girls of all the classes at the station, as was easily seen. Ruth and Helen chanced to get into a seat with two of the seniors, who seemed most awfully sophisticated to the recent graduates of Briarwood Hall.

      "You are just entering, are you not – you and your friend?" asked the nearest senior of Ruth.

      "Yes," admitted the girl of the Red Mill, feeling and looking very shy.

      The young women smiled quietly, saying:

      "I am Miss Dexter, and am beginning my senior year. I am glad to be the first to welcome you to Ardmore."

      "Thank you so much!" Ruth said, recovering her self-possession. Then she told Miss Dexter her own name and introduced Helen.

      "You girls have drawn your room numbers, I presume?"

      "They were drawn for us," Ruth said. "We are to be in Dare Hall and hope to have adjoining rooms."

      "That is nice," said Miss Dexter. "It is so much pleasanter when two friends enter together. I am at Hoskin Hall myself. I shall be glad to have you two freshmen look me up when you are once settled."

      "Thank you," Ruth said again, and Helen found her voice to ask:

      "Are all the seniors in Hoskin Hall, and all the freshmen at Dare Hall?"

      "Oh, no. There are members of each class in all four of the dormitories," Miss Dexter explained.

      "I suppose there will be much for us to learn," sighed Ruth. "It is different from a boarding school."

      "Do you both come from a boarding school?" asked their new acquaintance.

      "We are graduates of Briarwood Hall," Helen said, with pride.

      "Oh, indeed?" Miss Dexter looked sharply at Ruth again. "Did you say your name was Ruth Fielding?"

      "Yes, Miss Dexter."

      "Why, you must be the girl who wrote a picture play to help build a dormitory for your school!" exclaimed the senior. "Really, how nice."

      "There, Ruth!" said Helen, teasingly, "see what it is to be famous."

      "I – I hope my reputation will not be held against me," Ruth said, laughing. "Let me tell you, Miss Dexter, we all at Briarwood helped to swell that dormitory fund."

      "I fancy so," said the senior. "But all of your schoolmates could not have written a scenario which would have been approved by the Alectrion Film Corporation."

      "I should say not!" cried Helen, warmly. "And it was a great picture, too."

      "It was clever, indeed," agreed Miss Dexter. "I saw it on the screen."

      Miss Dexter introduced the girl at the other end of the seat – another senior, Miss Purvis. The two entering freshmen felt flattered – how could they help it? They had expected, as freshmen, to be quite haughtily ignored by the seniors and juniors.

      But there were other matters to interest Ruth and Helen as the auto-bus rolled out of the city. The way was very pleasant; there were beautiful homes in the suburbs of Greenburg. And after they were passed, there were lovely fields and groves on either hand. The chums thought they had seldom seen more attractive country, although they had traveled more than most girls of their age.

      The road over which the auto-bus rolled was wide and well oiled – a splendid automobile track. But only one private equipage passed them on the ride to Ardmore. That car came along, going the СКАЧАТЬ