Ruth Fielding At College: or, The Missing Examination Papers. Emerson Alice B.
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СКАЧАТЬ nodded to his niece and her friends, seizing the oars Ben had brought with the observation:

      "Go 'tend to Gil Martin, Ben. He's waitin' for his flour. Where ye been all this time? That boat'll drift by."

      Ben knew better than to reply as he hastened to the shipping door where Mr. Martin waited with his wagon for the sacks of flour. The miller went to the platform on the riverside, Ruth and her friends following him.

      "I see it!" cried Tom. "Can't be anybody in it for it's sailing broadside."

      Uncle Jabez put the oars in the punt and began to untie the painter.

      "All the more reason we should get it," he said drily. "Salvage, ye know."

      "You mustn't go alone, Uncle Jabez," Ruth said mildly.

      "Huh! why not?" snarled the old miller.

      "Something might happen. If Ben can't go, I will take an oar."

      He knew she was quite capable of handling the punt, even in the rapids, so he merely growled his acquiescence. At that moment Ruth discovered something.

      "Why! the boat isn't empty!" she cried.

      "You're right, Ruth! I see something in it," said Tom.

      Uncle Jabez straightened up, holding the painter doubtfully.

      "Aw, well," he grunted. "If there's somebody in it – "

      He saw no reason for going after the drifting boat if it were manned. He could not claim the boat or claim salvage for it under such circumstances.

      But the strange boat was drifting toward the rapids of the Lumano that began just below the mill. In the present state of the river this "white water," as lumbermen call it, was dangerous.

      "Why, how foolish!" Helen cried. "Whoever is in that boat is lying in the bottom of it."

      "And drifting right toward the middle of the river!" added her twin.

      "Hurry up, Uncle Jabez!" urged Ruth. "We must go out there."

      "What fur, I'd like to know?" demanded the miller sharply. "We ain't hired ter go out an' wake up every reckless fule that goes driftin' by."

      "Of course not. But maybe he's not asleep," Ruth said quickly. "Maybe he's hurt. Maybe he has fainted. Why, a dozen things might have happened!"

      "An' a dozen things might not have happened," said old Jabez Potter, coolly retying the painter.

      "Uncle! we mustn't do that!" cried his niece. "We must go out in the punt and make sure all is right with that boat."

      "Who says so?" demanded the miller.

      "Of course we must. I'll go with you. Come, do! There is somebody in danger."

      Ruth Fielding, as she spoke, leaped into the punt. Tom would have been glad to go with her, but she had motioned him back before he could speak. She was ashamed to have the miller so display the mean side of his nature before her friends.

      Grumblingly he climbed into the heavy boat after her. Tom cast off and Ruth pushed the boat's nose upstream, then settled herself to one of the oars while Uncle Jabez took the other.

      "Huh! they ain't anything in it for us," grumbled Mr. Potter as the punt slanted toward mid-stream.



      Ruth Fielding knew very well the treacherous current of the Lumano. She saw that the drifting boat with its single occupant was very near to the point where the fierce pull of the mid-stream current would seize it.

      So she rowed her best and having the stroke oar, Uncle Jabez was obliged to pull his best to keep up with her.

      "Huh!" he snorted, "it ain't so pertic'lar, is it, Niece Ruth? That feller – "

      She made no reply, but in a few minutes they were near enough to the drifting boat for Ruth to glance over her shoulder and see into it. At once she uttered a little cry of pity.

      "What now?" gruffly demanded Uncle Jabez.

      "Oh, Uncle! It's a girl!" Ruth gasped.

      "A gal! Another gal?" exclaimed the old miller. "I swanny! The Red Mill is allus littered up with gals when you're to hum."

      This was a favorite complaint of his; but he pulled more vigorously, nevertheless, and the punt was quickly beside the drifting boat.

      A girl in very commonplace garments – although she was not at all a commonplace looking girl – lay in the bottom of the boat. Her eyes were closed and she was very pale.

      "She's fainted," Ruth whispered.

      "Who in 'tarnation let a gal like that go out in a boat alone, and without airy oar?" demanded Uncle Jabez, crossly. "Here! hold steady. I'll take that painter and 'tach it to the boat. We'll tow her in. But lemme tell ye," added Uncle Jabez, decidedly, "somebody's got ter pay me fur my time, or else they don't git the boat back. She seems to be all right."

      "Why, she isn't conscious!" cried Ruth.

      "Huh!" grunted Uncle Jabez, "I mean the boat, not the gal."

      Ruth always suspected that Uncle Jabez Potter made a pretense of being really worse than he was. When a little girl she had been almost afraid of her cross-grained relative – the only relative she had in the world.

      But there were times when the ugly crust of the old man's character was rubbed off and his niece believed she saw the true gold beneath. She was frequently afraid that others would hear and not understand him. Now that she was financially independent of Uncle Jabez Ruth was not so sensitive for herself.

      They towed the boat back to the mill landing. Tom and Ben carried the strange girl, still unconscious into the Red Mill farmhouse, and bustling little Aunt Alvirah had her put at once to bed.

      "Shall I hustle right over to Cheslow for the doctor?" Tom asked.

      "Who's goin' to pay him?" growled Uncle Jabez, who heard this.

      "Don't let that worry you, Mr. Potter," said the youth, his black eyes flashing. "If I hire a doctor I always pay him."

      "It's a good thing to have that repertation," Uncle Jabez said drily. "One should pay the debts he contracts."

      But Aunt Alvirah scoffed at the need of a doctor.

      "The gal's only fainted. Scare't it's likely, findin' herself adrift in that boat. You needn't trouble yourself about it, Jabez."

      Thus reassured the miller went back to examine the boat. Although it was somewhat marred, it was not damaged, and Uncle Jabez was satisfied that if nobody claimed the boat he would be amply repaid for his trouble.

      Naturally, the two girls fluttered about the stranger a good deal when Aunt Alvirah had brought her out of her faint. Ruth was particularly attracted by "Maggie" as the stranger announced her name to be.

      "I was working at one of those summer-folks' camps up the river. Mr. Bender's, it was," she explained to Ruth, later. "But all the folks went last night, and this morning I was going across СКАЧАТЬ