Logistics and Supply Chain Management (Логистика и управление цепями поставок). Э. И. Муртазина
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СКАЧАТЬ The use of radio frequency technology to identify objects is............2.

      3. ...........3 is shipment that is less than a complete rail car load.

      4. An organization within the United Nations which develops and monitors international standards has the name.........4.

      5. ...........5 is the warehouse facility which holds inventory from manufacturing pending distribution to the appropriate stores.

      6. A system which uses satellites to precisely locate an object on earth is .........6.

      11. Answer the questions:

      1. Why have radio tags prompted campaigns and street demonstrations by privacy groups in Europe?

      2. Why is discussion on RFID tags necessary now according to the European Commission point of view?

      3. What concern have consumer and privacy groups expressed on RFID tags?

      4. What kind of privacy and security measures for RFID are Philips, IBM and Accenture working on?

      5. Why is there a push back to RFID plans according to Duncan Brown, a consulting director at analysts IDC?

      12. Translate the sentences using the text “Why the EU is worried about RFID”:

      1. Радиометки широко используются на фармацевтических продуктах и морских контейнерах.

      2. Базами данных RFID-меток могут пользоваться беспринципные дельцы, они также могут стать мишенью для киберпреступников.

      3. Потребители товаров выразили озабоченность по поводу того, что радиочастотные метки могут использоваться в целях построения таких баз данных, как покупки, времяпрепровождение и образ жизни индивида.

      4. Компании, активно использующие радиочастотную идентификацию (Philips, IBM, Accenture), уже занимаются разработкой мер по усилению секретности и безопасности радиочастотной идентификации.

      5. Мерами безопасности могут выступить кодирование данных метки; доступность для потребителей опции стирания чипа радиочастотной идентификации после покупки товара.

      6. Европейская комиссия провела в Брюсселе ряд рабочих встреч-консультаций по вопросам радиочастотной идентификации.

      7. Использование RFID-меток вызвало серьёзную полемику и критику.

      8. В Евросоюзе полагают, что использование радиочастотных меток будет расти в последующие годы – необходимо проводить общественные дискуссии относительно того, как целесообразно использовать и защищать данные, которые предоставляют эти метки.

      13. Use past simple or present perfect forms of the verbs given in brackets (See Language Notes):

      1. Yesterday they .........1 (transfer) of structured data from one computer system to another.

      2. Recently we .......2 (work) out a Continuous Replenishment Program.

      3. Last year the company .........3 (implement) Advanced Order Management.

      4. Since 2005 Enterprise Resource Planning ......4 (use) at the factory.

      5. RFID already ......5 (cause) a fair degree of controversy and .......6 (prompt) campaigns by privacy groups.

      6. Move to a true Just-In-Time strategy ......7 (change) the attitude: “We are doing alright, don’t risk it” .....8 (replace) “What we need to do and how do we make it happen”?

      7. You ever .....9 (check) the stock-keeping unit?

      8. The warehouse management system .........10 (implement) 3 months ago… 11 (help) the employees work effectively on all stages.

      9. Collaborative Planning and Forecasting Replenishment .....12 (improve) the work of logistics provider.

      10. Our project already.....13 (create) a network of sensors deployed at sites in the vicinity of applications that rely on the GPS signal.

      11. We never .....14 (use) total quality management. Why shouldn’t we try?

      14. Retell the article “Why the EU is worried about RFID” according to the plan:

      A. The radio tags have prompted campaigns by privacy groups, street demonstrations in Europe, and conspiracy theories.

      B. European Commission held a series of workshops in Brussels as part of a consultation over the technology.

      C. Most business cases for RFID don’t involve the consumer, but are based around back-end systems and the logistics chain.

      D. Work on privacy and security enhancement measures for RFID.

      E. Collecting information in a digital form and in the form of RFID tags.


      15. Make the dialogue about the necessity of using RFID-tags.

      Useful language: Asking for opinions, making suggestions (see Unit 1)

      UNIT 4


      1. Read the following international words. Define their meanings comparing them to the meanings of the corresponding СКАЧАТЬ