Spiritual Constructology. A Guide to Basic Principles. Alexey Tolstykh
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Название: Spiritual Constructology. A Guide to Basic Principles

Автор: Alexey Tolstykh

Издательство: Издательские решения



isbn: 9785006261259


СКАЧАТЬ and if, dear reader, you stand in their shadow, know that at this time you are hiding from the light. It is enough to take a step aside to identify new landmarks in your life. When you step out into the light, you will have the freedom to move forward on a new path. We will go through this journey carefully, but at a pace sufficient to complete our trek to the final goal in one lifetime. And it will not be the backyards of the universe, paradisiacal worlds, gardens with cool rivers, and it will not be non-existence, but a Space that only the chosen have the right to enter. These chosen ones are made by their own willpower, the only force that directs man to knowledge and distinguishes him from the animal. We will reach the end TOGETHER!

      But first, I’d like to talk about empathy. Are you good at empathizing with others? How well do you understand other people? How often do you empathize with someone else’s grief? Do you try on their difficult burden? How long can you be alone and subject yourself to a process of reflection? Do you change when you think about the destructive events in other people’s lives? In short, are you becoming KINDER? Please keep your attention focused on these issues. Think about it. Remember well-known cases from your life that will help you answer them. I ask questions for a reason – this is the beginning of calibration. The process of purifying the gross impurities of the mind and healing the diseases of the body. In practice, we would move on exactly after the calibration was completed. As you can see, this is only the beginning of the path in Spiritual Constructology, but the gross defilements of the mind and diseases of the body have already been removed. For many other teachings – this is the end of the practice, but in reality it is not. You can’t reach a perfect state by carrying the burden of past problems along the way. It is necessary to drop the burden and burden at the very beginning. This doesn’t mean that the path will be easy, but it does mean that you will be stronger, smarter, healthier, and better prepared to reach your goal. So, the condition for progress is the presence of empathy. Many will say that it is almost impossible to change a person in such a subtle area of personality psychology. «Such a character!» they say, «what can you do with it?» But the mind is changeable. Over the course of a lifetime, a person can change their mind about certain things. This is known and there is no need to prove it. However, we can see how the character changes. Perhaps the person has become milder or more tolerant. This happens because it is human nature to strive to correct disorders of component perceptions. Sometimes this happens by itself, so to speak, in a natural way. We remember that each person is a Mentar, even if not yet manifested, but carrying his nature. And how to develop such an important quality of character as empathy? To do this, you need to use the only power available only to man – WILL! Directed, conscious effort develops abilities. It is necessary to understand that every practitioner needs support, both spiritual and physical. Find friends and like-minded people in practice-this is the information that I will discuss in more detail in the second chapter. A healthy diet rich in healthy fats (sesame and flaxseed oil, olives, meat and fish) and fatty acids (omega-3), in addition to lecithin and glucose, will serve as physical support. The practitioner avoids the consumption of alcohol, cigarettes and narcotic substances, which contributes to increased synaptogenesis, which is so important for spiritual development. Ask yourself if you are ready to change, find health and peace of mind in your life. The answer is not as simple as it seems, since it is the right application of effort that will determine success in moving towards the final goal of the practice. The correct application of effort is consistent adherence to the installation techniques of Spiritual Constructology. This is the only paradigm of modern human knowledge that accurately indicates the causes of unhappiness and dissatisfaction in life, as well as the Path leading to getting rid of suffering.

      In addition to empathy, I highlight seven other good qualities of a true practitioner. Take a close look at the list and mark for yourself the ones that you have and those that still need to be developed.

      1. Faith;

      2. Diligence;

      3. Wisdom

      4. Mindfulness;

      5. Vigilance;

      6. Presence Of Mind;

      7. Accuracy.

      8. The presence of empathy.

      Faith is the foundation of any important work. Without faith, you will not move. You will not have a seed from which the tree of truth will later grow. Faith is the education of the spirit.

      Diligence is the application of effort in practical work. This is primarily hard work and lack of laziness. An important quality of someone who wants to have time to achieve a noble result in this life.

      Wisdom is the basis of discernment. Sift out the secondary from the main thing. There are a lot of empty and unnecessary things in life. Wisdom can also be defined as a well-designed strategy.

      Mindfulness is concentration. A feeling that allows you to avoid many unpleasant situations in life. Develops alertness and complements it. Mindfulness is a great tool for learning and learning in general.

      Vigilance is a protective feeling. It allows you to arrive unperturbed in any unpleasant situation. You can calculate the benefits or losses from any business in advance and draw the appropriate conclusion.

      Presence of Mind is a positive attitude. A special quality of human character that allows you to achieve more in any business. In the practice of applying to training in Spiritual Constructology, this feeling can be used as a tool to eliminate apathy, fears, difficulties, and other vague negative states that arise in the practitioner.

      Neatness is a practical character trait. This quality must be developed in order to achieve wholeness and a stable position in spiritual practice. Neatness in deeds, actions, clothes, objects-harmonizes, puts thoughts in order.

      These good qualities are expressed in the main symbol of Spiritual Constructology (Figure 1). Each of the qualities represents a star and is an important element of spiritual growth. This list did not appear by chance and is not a simple enumeration of the so-called good qualities. Each quality is a genuine value that, as it develops, has a positive effect on the practitioner.

      Affirmation in the good is hard work, but in any difficult task, there will definitely be helpers on the way. Don’t be afraid to accept support. At all times, students came to the masters and asked them to teach them the wisdom of the world. Those who did not go remained at their level, open to suffering and pain. But those who went found the real treasure, finding happiness.

      Figure 1. Symbol of Spiritual Constructology with eight stars

      representing the eight good qualities of the practitioner.

      Chapter 2. The Inner Circle

      In this chapter, I will discuss the following characteristics of human existence: family and close friends. Often, it is our family and closest friends who have the greatest social impact on our behavior. An extremely important feature that can be very difficult to work with. The degree of conservatism and devaluation of your aspirations always has a negative impact on your own self-esteem, but it is precisely these problems that many people face when interacting with the closest people.

      The situation is not always so critical if mutual understanding is at a high level. Support and respect are the criteria for a happy СКАЧАТЬ