Spiritual Constructology. A Guide to Basic Principles. Alexey Tolstykh
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Название: Spiritual Constructology. A Guide to Basic Principles

Автор: Alexey Tolstykh

Издательство: Издательские решения



isbn: 9785006261259


СКАЧАТЬ sets you up to organize the neural connections of the brain. I propose a constructor, the details of which are your psychophysical capabilities, and the instructions for building a manifested Mentar are Spiritual Constructology, as a set of methods for achieving balance and health in life. It is very important to understand that entering the practice is done with an «empty vessel». You start training ready to receive new information. Doubts, internal disputes and disagreements should be discarded at the very beginning, as these are hindrances and obstacles to spiritual development. The average person is constantly arguing because of his imperfection and the presence of a huge number of CPD, but the practitioner should already be free to accept new knowledge. The vessel must be empty! Remember this rule when you log in.

      In this connection, I would like to outline the Golden Principle of Spiritual Constructology. Reasonable simplicity of life-is the defining principle of the development of the Personal Trends Stream. The principle includes a reasonable approach to the arrangement of life. The main criteria of Spiritual Constructology are the presence of comfort and the absence of need. The harmonious balance of the emotional and logical foundations of the human mind is directly related to the Golden Principle.

      It should be noted that in this paper I will not discuss in detail the technology of practice, which is called the Interlocution (Dialogue Method), but I will give general input on the path that anyone who wants to achieve a stable state must follow. Organizing brain structures is not an easy task, requiring a review of basic life attitudes that relate to personal preferences, thinking, communication, friendship, and even nutrition. For example, some problems are related to human physiology. Lack of sleep, overwork, lack of balance in nutrition are the direct causes of mental health disorders.

      As mentioned above, the Stream of Personal Tendencies is an important component of finding happiness in life. Indeed, when a person is aware of their capabilities and can fully exercise them, this fact in itself leads to happiness. In this case, it is not ephemeral, but it has a practical component. The acquisition of PTS is the initial goal of harmonization. Many people follow a parallel path and do not achieve what they want. Many, on the contrary, go against the current and also suffer. Why is this happening? Why do people show desire and will to go the wrong way? This is due to entanglement, otherwise Disorders of Component Perception. A person receives information every day, analyzes it, and builds his life on this basis. But the analysis itself passes through the filter of a confused mind, subject to an irrational understanding of current processes, if there is desire, then it turns into thirst, if there is misunderstanding and confusion, then they become anger and irritation. In Spiritual Constructology, I use the terms «destruction» and «deviation» to refer to negative states of mind. In a certain sense, they directly destroy a person’s life, poisoning the consciousness with the poisons of ignorance. The destructive state in this context is the determinant of a mind filled with malice, since such a mind shows the will to destroy. The deviant state will be the mind that arrives in a confused, false situation. Thus, we have a complex situation on which everyday problems are superimposed and ultimately lead a person to apathy and dissatisfaction with life.

      I suggest that you take advantage of the instructions for correcting difficult situations, without waiting or postponing the practice until «better» times. A person’s precious life is finite. You don’t have much time to make real progress in your spiritual development. Our method is set up to facilitate and even out entangled states, which in the process of constructing a Mentar generates a high-quality energy force that contributes, among other things, to the recovery of the body. This energy has a well-defined level of attunement to the Center from which it originates. The human body is the carrier of a qualitative characteristic in the field of spiritual knowledge and is also connected with the Center. This characteristic is consciousness, that is, the ability to know oneself and the surrounding space. When a person engages in the practice of Spiritual Constructology, the process of calibrating the physical body for subsequent spiritual advancement begins. At the same time, many diseases that were previously present can be eliminated, and complex psychological states can be relieved. A person experiences joy and uplift. It is at this stage that the practice itself begins. This process should be supported by an adequate intake of lecithin, since at this point there is an accelerated process of formation of new synapses (neural connections in the brain) and a tablet form of the gotu kola plant, which has a calming, antioxidant effect, but can also boost mental performance and improve memory. Such support in the form of nutrition modulators is necessary at the entire stage of practice, since the human body’s own resources are limited. Abstaining from alcohol and smoking is also a prerequisite for starting the practice. Alcohol and nicotine have a devastating effect on the mind and are certainly not helpful on the path of spiritual self-improvement.

      Some may say that it is not easy to stop using mind-destroying substances. But calibration (general recovery of the body) begins with a message to yourself, the will to manifest the Mentar. A person makes a transition from the path of untruth to the path of knowledge. This transition is not always easy. Going the beaten path is always easier, that’s how life works. Our experience teaches us that the familiar is beneficial to us, as it requires small energy costs. It’s a trick of this universe. Unfortunately, man is enslaved by the nature of this world. Like a squirrel in a wheel, he turns from life to life consuming and inclining his mind to familiar objects. His desires are sensuous and he has no awareness. This is all a mistake of life experience. Spiritual Constructology corrects mistakes and directs the mind to the reality of authentic existence. I’m talking about immortality and the absence of the destructive nature of this world. This is true liberation, and there are already technological points on the map of life where you will reach the end of the path.

      Throughout human history, the great minds of the past have been searching for answers to the eternal questions of existence, when two and a half thousand years ago, a Sakya prince did not show the way to Nirvana (or Nibbana). His name, as we know, was Buddha Gotama and he is the founder of the first world religion – Buddhism. Nirvana is defined as the extinction of conditioned phenomena. In this way, the practitioner of this teaching attains liberation. He renounces desires, removes the defilements of the mind, and meditates. This process can last for a lifetime. It may be a million years before you make any progress on this path, and then only if you are lucky enough to be born human. It is not difficult to understand that Nibbana is practically impossible to attain. But let’s imagine that we know such a lucky person who is on the verge of death of the physical body and is quite confident that he will achieve liberation in the Buddhist sense of the word. The time is right and one attains enlightenment. We remember that Nibbana is the extinction of conditioned phenomena, or life processes. Even if we take a metaphysical magnifying glass in our hands and try to look at at least something that can be called spiritual achievements, unfortunately we will not see anything! All the work that our lucky man has been doing for a good million years has been annihilated by Nibbana. If we look at this question from a slightly different angle, it will soon become clear that the path of cultivation in Buddhism is no different from death in its direct meaning, such as that of materialism.

      Other MAAB’s (Modulator of Ancient-Archaic Behavior) in human history, in principle, did not go beyond the physical universe. In any case, this is a manifestation of anthropocentrism and the designation of a certain point of bliss after death, provided that the precepts of faith are observed.

      In Spiritual Constructology, I take a completely different approach to personal spiritual progress. Reaching the state of manifest Mentar seems to be significantly different from anything that the dear reader might have learned in his entire life. In a sense, I opened the veil of many years of mystery and was able to formulate the main points of the teaching in this small book, so that everyone who СКАЧАТЬ