Английский для PR-специалистов. Ксения Симонова
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СКАЧАТЬ is to examine language overlaps, i. е., media overspill from one country to another. By capitalizing on such language overlaps, shrewd planners often can eliminate the need to buy space in local publications, depending instead on the reach of strong regional ones to do the job.

      Use of this model, in a collection of national markets as sophisticated and complex as Europe, helps decision-making and can save substantial sums of money without diminishing the reach and effectiveness of a campaign. If a Pan-European marketing strategy can be developed, you realize great savings by developing a common media mix.


      If you distribute data processing equipment and your objective is to reach and influence savings institutions, and if you can identify several functional levels involved in the purchasing decision of data processing installations, then you will aim your media choices toward those vertical magazines – e. g., Savings Banks International – most widely read by all pertinent functions. If your objective is to reach and influence heads of data processing departments across manufacturing industries, look for horizontal magazines such as the 22 national publications in the Computer World network that are aimed at data processing department managers across industry. If your corporate objective is to create more awareness and preference for your company at the highest levels of business management, target top management in magazines like Management Today, Capital, Nikkei Business, and Business Week's international edition.

      By identifying the range of vertical markets to be covered and the spectrum of buying influences, this model provides initial direction as to channels of communication and categories of publications most effective for your purposes.

      Strengths and Weaknesses of Newspapers.

      Continuing the data processing example, financial newspapers such as Handelsblatt in Germany, Financial Times in the U.K., NRC Handels- blatt in Holland, and leading national newspapers read by upper income people such as Frankfurter Allegemeine Zeitung, Le Figaro, and The Times, are customarily evaluated with general business magazines for capital equipment advertising. When evaluating newspapers, keep in mind their liabilities. They are short lived; if a reader skips today's newspaper today, the reader is unlikely to read it tomorrow. Newspapers do not have a pass-along circulation to other people as do magazines. A substantial portion of any newspaper's circulation will be wasted for most capital equipment advertisers. Newspapers are printed on poor-quality paper stock with poor reproduction of halftones.

      To advertise products as expensive as data processing systems, financial-business newspapers have their advantages. Business newspapers are read by higher levels of management who do not often read vertical market media. They reach hidden buying influences such as members of a capital appropriations committee who may be financial officers of a prospective customer company, people who are not easily reached via direct personal selling or specialized media. Newspapers are timely and have shorter closing dates for advertisements. Business-financial newspapersare appropriate vehicles for important new product announcements. The news value of the editorial coverage adds importance to the news value of a product announcement.


      The benefit of placing advertisements in appropriate magazines rather than newspapers is the greater life of magazines – at least a week and sometimes two months or more. Magazines selected to carry your advertisements will normally have less waste circulation than newspapers. The day of «general interest» is past, and today special-interest magazines serve narrow technologies, services, and job functions with in-depth editorial coverage. In evaluating special interest media, avoid buying media with circulations too narrow for your best interests. For example, it is often possible to buy «X» vertical industry magazines to reach «X» industry segments, but a general business magazine serves the information needs of a combination of vertical industry segments. Magazines such as Belgian Business, Impact, and Par-dela in Belgium are actually horizontal business magazines that can be viewed as vertical industry magazines covering a multiplicity of industries. The reach of a general business magazine in one vertical industry may preclude buying a vertical medium.

      When numerous vertical industries and numerous functions within these industries are important, you will want to examine general business magazines and newsweeklies. However, when relatively few vertical industries are identified or when there are many vertical industries but only a few job functions of importance, you will lean toward the more specialized vertical or horizontal trade publications.

      Buying fewer magazines means lower production costs. The general rule is to spend as much of your publication advertising budget as you can on space and as little on production as is consistent with quality standards. When you interest is in manufacturing industries of all kinds, the general industrial magazines such as Industrie Anzeiger and L/Usine Nouvelle are important, but they must be examined critically to make certain they are read at the right levels of management for your purposes.

      There is also a danger in buying vertical industrial publications. Their cost per thousand is often high, but they enable you to pinpoint instead of shotgun your messages.


      You can provide a creative service by finding new and better channels to reach the target groups of your company.

      IBM was the first company to advertise a product other than books and records in the Book Review section of the New York Sunday Times. It used the Book Review' section as a «trade paper» to reach book publishers, a creative first. A bandage manufacturer used posters with sample boxes in Belgian Laundromats heavily frequented by mothers with young children – the target audience – and the samples were replenished by the Laundromat employees, another mark for creativity.

      The point is to explore innovative media approaches. The rewards are impact, memorability, and recognition, far more consequential than the rewards from using the safer, usual approaches to media selection.

      When you evaluate media for mix, select from the full media spectrum. Most advertisers think of publication and broadcast media, but in international markets, cinema advertising, posters, shows, point-of-purchase materials, promotions, sports-team sponsorship, and the like can also be evaluated for efficient transmission of your message along with direct mail, seminars, audiovisuals, special events, sponsored magazines, and publicity and marketing public relations. Look for a sound media balance and avoid diluting limited advertising funds by using media not pinpointed to your target audiences.


      When possible, buy broadcast and indigenous print media for a foreign market in that foreign market. Many list prices are negotiable, and a local media buyer is usually positioned to negotiate more successfully than is a foreign media buyer. In the principal business cities of the world, you buy the mainstream international and pan regional media in the same way you buy media for the domestic market. Most such media are represented in those cities. In advertising centers such as New York and London, you can efficiently buy the more important foreign indigenous media through sales offices or offices of representatives which the publishers support. A London or New' York media buyer dealing with a local sales office or media representative firm can obtain the lowest possible prices. So much space is purchased in these advertising capitals that local representatives have considerable influence with their publishers.

      You can purchase foreign business, professional, and trade media through media buying services. Such groups work for clients and advertising agencies and are compensated by sales commissions by retaining a share of the agency commission, or by supplemental time charges. They find the media suited to a client's needs, provide data in English for evaluation, buyspace, and provide all necessary production and СКАЧАТЬ