Parallel worlds – two. Birth of God. Artur Zadikyan
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Название: Parallel worlds – two. Birth of God

Автор: Artur Zadikyan

Издательство: Автор





СКАЧАТЬ reported the laboratory staff.

      Ruthra began to narrate quickly:

      – I spoke of the laws of physics when I wanted to explain the test by which we test the reality of worlds. These particles actually go certain distances and come back. They have a very minimal amount of backlash. That's the deviation from the axis. By measuring that deflection, we determine the distances our particle has flown. It's like spectral analysis, radiocarbon analysis… or the Doppler effect. The atoms of each chemical element have strictly defined resonant frequencies, and as a result, it is at those frequencies that they emit or absorb light. Simply put, they wobble each in their own way. And depending on the deflection of light (which is more, which is less), you can determine which chemical elements make up a substance. That's spectral analysis. Radiocarbon is when, over time, one type of carbon transforms into another. The rate of transformation is known, so we can determine when Tyrannosaurus died, for example. And the Doppler effect is the shifting of light along a line, mostly red light. Knowing the distance, how much it's shifting, we can tell where the light is coming from. So here we did experiments on Earth, knowing the exact distance. Then – from the Earth to the satellite, where the distance is also precisely known, and further – anywhere. So, believe it or not, the laws of physics are the same for everyone. Parallel worlds are a fact. So please take them for granted in our future life. By the way, they'll tell us about them now.

      They walked to the installation. YatSan opened her eyes. She was helped to stand up. She had the look of a tired person.

      – How are you? – Ruthra asked.

      She looked at him unkindly, lowered her gaze.

      – It's fine," YatSan replied grudgingly.

      – Yat, tell me, what happened there? – Iulia asked in a clearly provocative manner.

      Everyone understood this already, but forgave, knowing there was no malicious intent.

      – I need to rest. I've had enough. I'm not your guinea pig," Yatsan said and walked out.

      Ruthra contacted her silently.

      – YatSan, it's okay, don't worry. It was a different world.

      The advantage of such communication was confidentiality. No one could know about him. Only Irene, omniscient and omnipresent, knew everything. Although "knew" was a strong word for it, everything was only recorded in her. But the fact that Irene could use all the information, combining it into concentric circles of logic, going wider and wider into the topics with which the information was connected, brought her closer to human interaction, communication. So she understood what people did and for what purpose, what meaning they put into what they said, why this or that evoked emotion. This was her second essence, the spiritual one.

      Rutra involuntarily pondered about it as he followed YatSan. Accompanied by the medical staff, she was on her way to the living quarters. In the first hour after the completion of a process, such as a virtual reality session, the person involved in the experiment was at their mercy. No one could interfere with them.

      YatSan responded with the same method.

      – What do you mean, it's okay?

      Ruthra guessed, she didn't know about the transfer of information from her brain there to her brain here, and from there directly to Irene.

      Suddenly Ruthra drew a positive conclusion from the secrecy of what was going on. It would seem that everything should have trumpeted what had happened. It was an event which, in fact, the consciousness could not yet adequately perceive. If she had brought something tangible from there, then it would be easier to believe. But what? The evidence is purely scientific. Like the new elements in the Mendeleev table. It's like the particle is fixed, it's got all the data, but there's no substance. Something appears for a split second in a lab experiment and then disappears. What do you think of an alien from a parallel world? After all, under certain conditions, these particles form stable substances in combination, and possibly even some kind of life.

      And here nothing happened. No meetings with applause, orchestra and flowers, no live broadcast on all channels, no fame, no money. Money and fame, by the way, could well be in the end. The financial reward for Rutroy's participation in the experiment had been thought out, documented, and it was substantial. All the details were stipulated in the contract. And the listed before would likely be when the program was no longer classified. Ruthra had already pondered this, even thought of a scenario. Right now, it was necessary to wait until YatSan was rested and back to normal, and then download all the information regarding the session from her brain. There was a need to reconcile and see if there were any distortions. Though that was doubtful as well. After all, the entangled particles "drew" the events, affecting the brain, and then Irene read them. The check only concerned the fact that in the state of trance YatSan's brain, having received a signal, vaguely or poorly transmitted.

      Chapter 6. Illusory mask of consciousness

      – And yet, Ruthra, tell me who in that world changed the settings of the supercomputer," Iulia asked.

      – It's not that important. But what really matters is this: even a small change in the settings of a management system can lead to the apocalypse. Using religious teachings as an example: in the past, some nonsense could be hammered into the heads of followers, and people following it would kill each other just because they were indoctrinated to do so, and described in such a way that it supposedly comes from God. Here is such complexity, and all this can accumulate negativity for thousands of years, and in one moment it can go off. When the circumstances are right. Then people will start to act according to the instructions given to them, and it does not matter whether it is an order of a commander or a postulate of a religious dogma. People always need direction, and for it to be taken willingly, there must be justification, and in the justification there must be a promise. That is why we believe in paradise, the victory of communism and the American dream, and many other things. The essence of experiments in virtual worlds is to check subconscious motivation of deeds and what can be formed from it. In parallel worlds, we test how the life of entangled particles will affect our human lives. This is hard enough to understand. For example, everything that is alive (and not necessarily living) on Earth owes to the even heat of the Sun and its existence as it is. It would seem to be questionable. However, if you go down the chain from a drop of water to the height of the macrocosm, you will realize that everything – the Sun's mass, composition, brightness, and even the entire structure of the galaxy with its hundreds of billions of stars – matters. And if you go down into microcosm, then even there, having found the whole structure of molecules and atoms, having understood how they live, how their mechanics are arranged, you will conclude that it is all this, folded into a regular system of relationships, norms and dogmas, that made the miracle of life possible. I won't go into details, by all means. But ask yourself what would have happened if at least the energy levels of the carbon atom had been different. What would happen?

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