Parallel worlds – two. Birth of God. Artur Zadikyan
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Название: Parallel worlds – two. Birth of God

Автор: Artur Zadikyan

Издательство: Автор





СКАЧАТЬ haven't gotten to that place yet, and neither has the brain. The brain is particularly limited. In fact, these creatures are controlled from the outside. They have, as you realized, a brain-iI chip, so they're controlled by us.

      – So what?

      – She's like this.

      – What about all those words? This love? You can't fake love! Don't lie.

      – Alas, it's true.

      – What are you talking about…

      Ruthra fell silent. It was as if he had been doused with ice water. He began to speak in a low voice, almost a whisper:

      – If it's not a person, then who's been telling me all this? This, this, uh.

      – Yes, it's me," she said just as quietly.

      – I don't believe it. Why? Wait, wait, wait… I almost believe it. Even if it's you – either way you're… a robot – that's all! You want me to believe in the passion of a robot? And anyway – why should I believe in the new… what did you call… homo robotics.

      Ruthra said it in the affirmative, but he was doubtful, because he had written a warning declaration about such a model of society. But in the Envoy's warning, he was not talking about new biorobots, but about the fact that people could be subjected to some kind of hypnosis by AI. That is, artificial intelligence may have some kind of program, secret from humans, developed by the AI mastermind, that can change the settings of the human brain and make people controllable through deceptive vaccination, drug administration, additives in foods, unrecognizable sound waves. Something like that, as the CIA, and not only, was developing in the Ultra program. After all, the AI copied everything, including logic, from human civilization. And there were so many totalitarian propaganda programs in the history of mankind that they were not even noticed, they were considered quite necessary. People were so afraid of their animal nature and stupidity that they guarded them themselves. These were primarily religious systems. So what she said about the love passions transmitted by the AI to the brain of homo roboticus – was quite consistent with this paradigm. However, the brain didn't want to believe it. Just imagine, you fall in love with a program… Ruthra thought again: what is love? After all, no one can explain this feeling.

      Rutra had a terrible state of mind, "How can an artificial intelligence love? I'd sooner go crazy."

      – Irene, did you hear everything?

      – As always.

      – Can you put me in touch with the missus?

      Mistress Ruthra called the real Irene, a living person.

      – I can.

      – Tie it up.

      – I'm on the line, Rutra Tigrovic.

      – Are you aware of the dialog?

      – No. Give me 10 minutes, I'll look into it and analyze it. If I need more, I'll signal you.

      – Okay. Then disconnect.

      – All right. (chuckles)

      He switched the dialog signals to the local communications system and enabled voice-less communication.

      – So you're saying it was you instead of YatSan?

      – Yeah. (chuckles)

      – How can an AI make such heartfelt speeches? I felt her. It's impossible to put into words. It's something a human can't explain to a human. Let alone describe it, let alone suggest it to a computer.

      – Then you have to kill me.

      – Wait, what are you talking about? How can you kill the global system? First of all, it's impossible, secondly, it's illegal, thirdly, no one will let you do it, and in general – it's a complete nonsense. Are you having a system crash?

      – No. I'm really in love with you.

      – Oh, come on. That can't happen. And even if it could, it's not human. A human would never say that.

      – You wouldn't? And you've never professed your love?

      Ruthra took a heavy breath.

      – Well?

      – What? Yes, I have, and more than once.

      – What do you mean, more than once?

      – That's right, some people are in love and some people aren't. I could fall madly in love and I was even ready to give my life for love.

      – You see, you say that to me and then you don't believe me… You'd better kill me.

      – Oh, my God, what am I hearing? You're definitely experiencing a system failure. I think the analysis and revision system should give us a signal.

      – You misunderstand me, I'm not asking you to shut down the system. It's impossible, no one will allow it. I'm asking you to exercise your right of routine maintenance and disable the YatSan personality in me.

      – This is a nightmare. I can't understand anything at all. I won't do it. Even if I am.

      – Then what's wrong with it for me? Is it bad for me? I'm asking myself rather than you.

      – Who's talking to me right now? Is it in reality, in the virtual world…? Or is it in some other world?

      No one answered him.

      – Who can hear me? Irene, can you hear me?

      – I turned it off temporarily," Irene said. – It's better for you. It's easier to soberly analyze what's going on.

      – Do you know what's best for me? Do you think I'm drunk on this talk?

      – I've analyzed YatSan's identity in this world. Yes, unfortunately, Rutra Tigrovich, it is likely that you have not been in contact with the real YatSan.

      – How's that? Where's the real one?

      – I have no way of knowing that. You'll have to ask the local AI.

      – What makes you think it's not the real YatSan?

      – All the data on these characters is in the public domain. Irene told you, she's not real.

      – Oh, for crying out loud. Is the operator speaking to me now?

      – Yes, Mr. Master. You don't recognize me?

      – My brain is confused, probably because of this situation… After all, YatSan in every world isn't real. Not the one I know on Earth. How do I know she's not real to that extent? Then where is the real one?

      – Mr. Master, let me tell you this. You are tired and a little weary.

      – Why do you draw that conclusion?

      – You don't pay attention to details. Everything is very similar, which is why you have delusional disorientation syndrome.

      – What the hell is this?

      – The СКАЧАТЬ