A Fantastic English Course. Change your mind, change your English, change your life. Александр Чумаков
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СКАЧАТЬ The vocabulary lesson.

      With these vocabulary lessons your pronunciation gets better, your understanding gets better and your listening abilities grow faster. This is a bridge between the main talk and the mini-story lesson. This lesson will help you build that bridge. The vocabulary lesson also teaches you one very important thing that all native speakers do. What is it? This is how to paraphrase. It teaches you to paraphrase. In other words, it provides you with the synonyms you need to say the same differently. It teaches you to use them correctly and to speak English accurately. It gives you the freedom you need.

      Third: The mini-story lesson.

      This is a crazy, funny, and stupid mini-story.

      These mini-story lessons are the most powerful, the most important and the funnies ones. With the mini-story lessons you teach your brain English grammar intuitively, playfully like a child by answering easy and simple questions. Yes, grammar is boring. Yes, grammar is difficult. Yes, grammar is very difficult. But if the input is so interesting and so comprehensible you forget that you are listening to English. The world disappears around you. You enjoy the process. You acquire the language. Grammar takes care of itself.

      Fourth: My comments

      In this lesson I am going to talk briefly about the main talk again and the story. I am going to philosophize just quickly about the summery of the story. And then I am going to give you my own ideas on the story or I am going to offer other people’s ideas that can help you understand the story much better. And of course, I am going to focus on the moral of the story. In other words, what we can learn from the story to improve not only as an English speaker but also as a human being. All this, I am sure, will help you get the main idea and the main message of the story and of course, you will listen to English more, you will learn more and you will enjoy it more.

      The digital MP3 format of audios will allow you to listen to them using any device you like. You may listen to them when walking in the park or going along the streets. You may listen to them when running or jogging or when doing exercises. You may listen to them at home when cooking something delicious in your kitchen. You may listen to them when driving your car or when traveling by subway to work and from work. It is easy and convenient, isn’t it?

      Okay, now you have a clear picture of what you are going to do in this fantastic English course called “Change your Mind, Change your English, Change your Life”

      Good luck to you! And see you soon.

      How to do this Course

      The name of the course “Change your Minds, Change your English, Change your life” speaks for itself. You start with an idea, right? Now it is in your head. You are preoccupied with this fantastic idea, wonderful thought and burning desire to speak English better than you are doing now. You already understand that all you have to do is change things around you. But how? Let me walk you through this process.

      Now you conjure your vivid imagination to help you. You literally say, “My vivid imagination come to me. Come to me now. I need you now!” Yes, we need help sometimes. It is your vivid imagination that can make your dreams to speak Russian, more powerful, more colorful and clearer.

      It is your vivid imagination that can give your dream the energy, the vitality and most importantly hope that everything will come out okay and you will certainly become successful at speaking English. Now I want you to imagine yourself speaking English. It is very easy, right? See yourself in your head speaking Russian wherever you want to: at a restaurant, on the plane, on the phone. Use that powerful instrument, that powerful weapon you have at your disposal, which is called imagination. Do it! This is your first step to make.

      Second step: You believe that your desire to speak English can be real.

      Now look around and find a person who already speaks English very well. In other words, you look around and you begin to look for your role model. The person who has already done what you are just going to do. This person shows you that what you want to do is possible. If he has done it, so you can do it too.

      If you learned English before, let’s say in school, you took English courses or you tried to learn English by yourself. Now I want you to remember some moments from your past where you were already successful. It maybe a small victory: you were successful at saying a few sentences in English; maybe you learned a little poem or a rhyme in English. I don’t know. But one thing I know for sure is that if you did it before and if you were successful, you can do it again, but this time you are going to do it much faster and far better.

      If it happened to you before, it can happen again. If you did it once, you can do it again.

      All this will give you confidence, and it will give you the emotional boost to start working at this fantastic course.

      Third step: Make it real. Make it tangible. Make it viable. Breath life into it

      Every single day you listen, read and say loudly one lesson. You do it as many times as you can. Not one time, not two times and not three times. No! You do it as many times as you can. One time is never enough. One time never works.

      And finally step number four which is discipline. Discipline is the last piece of miracle. This is the most critical step, because discipline is the bridge between your wish to speak English and your ultimate goal to become an excellent English speaker. Every single day you have to build that bridge by listening to my voice and by answering the questions.

      Every day (except Saturday and Sunday) you train your brain. Every day you help yourself become better at English. Every day you make another small step across that bridge, you endeavor in the direction of your dream which is to speak true, real and excellent English.

      So let’s sum it up:

      1. You imagine yourself speaking English.

      2. You believe in yourself. You believe that you can do it. You believe that you will speak English better than you are doing now, much better.

      3. You work hard to breathe life into your dream.

      4. You discipline yourself. Every single day you listen to me and answer the questions.

      That’s it. This is a very easy formula, but it is very powerful. It does work!

      If you follow this simple formula, I promise, you will certainly understand English better and you will speak English better than you are doing now. You are changing now, so your English is changing with you.

      Good luck to you!

      See you soon.

      With love and respect,

      Your English teacher Alex.

      Unit 1 “What does it take to be an English Learner?”

      Hi there! This is Alex and this is our first lesson of our fantastic English course called “Change your English, Change your life”.

      In this lesson I am going to talk about things that English learners can face with while learning English. Actually, I am answering the question “What does it take to be an English learner?” In other words, what you should do to become what СКАЧАТЬ