Talking to the Devil: an interview from the Other Side. Boris Shabrin
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Название: Talking to the Devil: an interview from the Other Side

Автор: Boris Shabrin

Издательство: Издательские решения



isbn: 9785006094680


СКАЧАТЬ cultures human sacrifice was the norm, while in others it was considered evil. In some religions, the concept of the devil does not exist. This is a matter of perspective.

      Fose: That’s an interesting point. So what do you think is the root cause of evil in the world?

      Lucifer: The root cause of evil is ignorance. Ignorance leads to fear, and fear leads to hatred. Hate leads to violence and destruction. Lack of understanding and empathy for others is what allows evil to flourish.

      Fose: That’s a profound understanding. So, what do you think people can do to fight evil in the world?

      Lucifer: People must cultivate a sense of love, compassion and understanding toward others. They must overcome their fear and try to see things from a different perspective. They must confront injustice and oppression and be willing to fight for what is right, even if it costs them dearly. Only by working together can we defeat the forces of evil.

      The Role of Evil in the Universe

      Fose: I want to touch on a subject that is much debated among philosophers, theologians, and ordinary people. Do you believe that evil serves a purpose in the universe?

      Lucifer: Regarding your question, I believe that the concept of evil is subjective and varies from person to person. However, if we define evil as actions that cause harm, suffering and destruction, then I would say that it does serve a purpose in the universe.

      Fose: And what is that goal?

      Lucifer: Evil, or negative experiences, can be a catalyst for growth and transformation. Pain and suffering can encourage people to find solutions and make positive changes in their lives. Without negative experiences, people would have no reason to strive for something better. In this sense, evil can be seen as a necessary force for personal and social progress.

      Fose: Some might argue that evil is a purely destructive force with no redeeming qualities whatsoever. How would you respond to this?

      Lucifer: I understand this point of view, but I believe it is a narrow and limited view of the universe. The universe is vast and complex, and it operates according to a delicate balance of opposing forces. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Without darkness there can be no light. Without destruction there can be no creation. Evil, or negative experience, is only one aspect of this balance.

      Fose: So, would you say that evil is necessary for the balance of the universe?

      Lucifer: Yes, I would say that evil is a necessary force for the balance of the universe. It is not something to be glorified or accepted, but it is something that must be recognized and understood. Without evil, the universe would be incomplete and we would not be able to appreciate the beauty and wonder of the good things in life.

      Examples of Evil

      Fose: As a Demon, you are often associated with evil. Could you give some examples of evil and how they have affected the world?

      Lucifer: Of course, Fose. Evil can take many forms, but ultimately it is any action or behavior that causes harm or suffering to others. Throughout history there have been countless examples of evil that have had a profound effect on the world.

      One example that comes to mind is the Holocaust, which occurred during World War II. Adolf Hitler and his Nazi regime sought to exterminate Jews and other groups they considered inferior. This resulted in the deaths of six million Jews and millions of others, as well as widespread devastation and trauma for countless individuals and communities.

      Another example of evil is slavery, which has been prevalent for centuries and in some forms still exists today. The forced exploitation and dehumanization of millions of people has left an indelible legacy of trauma and injustice that continues to affect individuals and communities around the world.

      On a more personal level, I have witnessed countless acts of evil committed by humans and other beings. From the smallest acts of cruelty and indifference to the most horrific atrocities, I have witnessed firsthand the devastating effects of evil on people and societies.

      Fose: Thank you for sharing these examples, Lucifer. Evil has obviously had a profound effect on the world throughout history. Do you believe that evil is inherent in human nature, or is it something that can be overcome?

      Lucifer: That’s a complicated question, Fose. I believe that humans, like all other beings, have the capacity for both good and evil. However, I have also seen how external factors, such as social structures and cultural norms, can influence human behavior and increase the likelihood that they will act in harm’s way.

      Ultimately, I believe that people and societies can overcome evil and choose the path of compassion and justice. This requires effort and dedication, but it is possible. The question is whether humanity will choose this path or continue down the road of destruction and suffering.

      The Consequences of Evil

      Fose: I want to talk about the consequences of evil. Many people believe that evil actions lead to suffering and pain. Do you really think it is true that these consequences are necessary?

      Lucifer: Yes, I really think so. The consequences of evil are the natural result of the choices people make. When someone chooses to do something evil, he chooses to hurt others, and, in turn, he will experience the same pain and suffering that he has caused. It is the law of cause and effect, you see.

      Fose: What about the argument that suffering can lead to growth and change?

      Lucifer: Yes, that’s true, although it doesn’t justify causing pain and suffering to others. There are many other ways to grow and change that do not involve hurting people. Also, the suffering caused by evil is often unnecessary and disproportionate. It is one thing to go through difficulties and become stronger on the other side, but it is quite another to cause suffering to someone else for your own selfish gain.

      Fose: That’s a fair point. So, do you think evil has redeeming qualities?

      Lucifer: No, I don’t think so. Evil is inherently destructive and corrosive. It spreads like a disease, infecting everything it touches. Nothing good can come of it.

      Fose: It’s a grim prospect.

      Lucifer: Perhaps, but it’s true. Evil may seem tempting and attractive, but in the end it is a dead end. It leads only to despair and unhappiness.

      The human experience

      Fose: As a demon who embodies evil, could you share your thoughts on how it affects the human experience?

      Lucifer: Evil is an integral part of the human experience. It can manifest itself in many forms, from small acts of deception to heinous crimes.

      Fose: That’s an interesting point of view. Do you think people are inherently good or evil?

      Lucifer: Neither. People have the potential for both, but it is their experiences and choices that determine their morality. I must say, however, that it is often easier to give in to evil than to good. It is easier to give in to one’s desires and temptations than to resist them. This is why it is so important to have self-control and discipline.

      Fose: How does this affect how people interact with each other?