Talking to the Devil: an interview from the Other Side. Boris Shabrin
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Название: Talking to the Devil: an interview from the Other Side

Автор: Boris Shabrin

Издательство: Издательские решения



isbn: 9785006094680


СКАЧАТЬ of morality? How does it relate to the origin of good and evil?

      Lucifer: Morality is a subjective concept that varies from person to person. It is a set of rules and values that people and societies use to determine what is right and wrong. Morality is often influenced by religion, culture, and personal experience.

      The Balance of Good and Evil

      Fose: I’m curious, what’s your point of view on the balance of good and evil in the world?

      Lucifer: As a demon, I can tell you that the balance between good and evil is constantly changing. Sometimes one side prevails over the other, but it never stays that way for long. We demons work tirelessly to influence the world toward evil, but in the end people have to make their own choices.

      Fose: So you’re saying that people are responsible for maintaining a balance between good and evil?

      Lucifer: Yes, people play a decisive role in this balance. They have free will and can choose good or evil. Our job as demons is to bend them toward evil, but we can’t force them to do anything.

      Fose: Can you give us an example of how the balance has changed over time?

      Lucifer: Of course. At the dawn of mankind, evil was more prevalent. Humans were more barbaric and selfish, they didn’t have the knowledge and technology to build a just society. Over time, however, people began to develop morality and ethics, and the balance shifted toward good. Of course, there have been setbacks along the way, such as wars and atrocities, but on the whole I would say that good is gaining ground.

      Fose: Interesting. What effect does this balance have on people and society?

      Lucifer: The balance between good and evil affects all aspects of human life. When evil prevails, society becomes more violent and unstable. People are more prone to selfishness and cruelty toward one another. Conversely, when good prevails, society becomes more peaceful and just. People are more likely to help each other and work toward common goals.

      On an individual level, the balance between good and evil affects a person’s character and actions. Those who choose good are likely to be happy and fulfilled, while those who choose evil are likely to be unhappy and unfulfilled. It is important that people understand this and make the right choices for themselves and for society as a whole.

      The Role of People

      Fose: Do people have the power to choose their side?

      Lucifer: Absolutely. Free will is a gift given to humans by their creator, and it is up to them to use it wisely. They can choose good or evil, and their choice determines the balance between the two forces.

      Fose: How does a person’s choice affect the balance between good and evil?

      Lucifer: Every action has consequences, and the same applies to a person’s choices. By choosing good, they side with the forces of good, and by choosing evil, they side with the forces of evil. Each choice made tilts the balance one way or the other, which ultimately determines the outcome of the battle.

      Fose: What are the consequences of choosing one side?

      Lucifer: The consequences of choosing good or evil are significant. Choosing good leads to a life of peace, love and contentment, while choosing evil leads to a life of suffering, pain and regret. Those who choose good are rewarded with eternal life in heaven, while those who choose evil are punished with eternal damnation in the fiery pits of hell.

      Fose: Some might argue that people are too weak to resist the temptations of evil. What do you say to that?

      Lucifer: Temptations are indeed strong, but people have the strength to resist them. It takes strength, courage, and faith to choose good over evil, but it is possible. I can tempt people to choose evil, but ultimately it is their choice. They have the strength to resist my temptations and choose the path of righteousness.

      The Triumph of Kindness

      Fose: As a demon, you represent evil, and we are here to discuss the power of good to overcome evil. How do you respond to the idea that good can overcome evil?

      Lucifer: (laughs) It’s a funny concept, actually. Good and evil are merely human constructs. They do not exist in the natural order of things. There is no such thing as good or evil, only power and the will to use it.

      Fose: But throughout history and literature we have seen countless examples of good triumphing over evil. The hero defeats the villain, the outsider rises to the top, the oppressed overthrow their oppressors. Is this really just a figment of our imagination?

      Lucifer: No, they are not. People have an innate sense of morality and justice, and they have a desire to see those values upheld. But make no mistake, these stories are just stories. They are not a reflection of reality.

      Fose: So you mean to say that the power of good to overcome evil is limited?

      Lucifer: Of course. Good can triumph over evil only if certain conditions are met. The first is strength. Good must be stronger than evil. The second is strategy. Good must have a plan to defeat evil. And finally, good must be willing to do whatever it takes to win.

      Fose: But what about the power of love or forgiveness? Can’t they defeat even the most evil deeds?

      Lucifer: Love and forgiveness are just another form of power. They can be used to defeat evil, but they are not the only way. And sometimes they are not enough. There is an evil that cannot be forgiven or loved.

      Fose: So what is the key to defeating evil?

      Lucifer: The important thing is to understand that evil is not a force outside of us. It is part of us, just as good is part of us. To defeat evil, we must first recognize that it exists within us and then work to overcome it. We must be willing to confront our own darkness and do whatever is necessary to rise above it.

      Fose: This is a very powerful message. Thank you, Lucifer, for sharing your insight with us.

      In conclusion, the power of good over evil is not a simple and straightforward concept. Although we see countless examples in history and literature of the triumph of good over evil, the reality is much more complex. Good can defeat evil only if certain conditions are met, such as strength, strategy, and a willingness to do whatever is necessary to win. And even then there is evil, which cannot be defeated by love or forgiveness alone. To truly defeat evil, we must recognize that it exists in us and work to overcome it.

      Chapter 5. Definition of Evil

      Evil in Society

      Fose: I would like to discuss the impact of evil on society. First, what do you think about the way evil is portrayed in the media?

      Lucifer: Well, Fose, I believe that the media tend to portray evil in a very sensationalist and often inaccurate manner. Evil is often portrayed as glamorous or even attractive, which can be misleading. In reality, evil is dark, destructive, and often very ugly.

      Fose: This is a very interesting point of view. Do you think that the portrayal of evil in the media affects how people perceive and respond to it?

      Lucifer: Absolutely. The СКАЧАТЬ