Труды IV Республиканской научно-практической online-конференции «Образование XXI века: проблемы, тенденции и перспективы». Николай Сергеевич Лустов
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СКАЧАТЬ (missed pregnancy), early and late miscarriage, hemolytic disease of the newborn, etc. Various harmful environmental factors (physical, chemical, biological) can lead to the occurrence of congenital malformations due to violations of the hereditary apparatus (mutations, chromosome aberrations) in the gametes of parents or more distant ancestors, as well as as a result of their influence through the mother’s body on a blastocyst or an embryo with a violation of the processes of its development.

      Further development and improvement of medical technologies (methods of assisted reproductive technology, preimplantation and prenatal diagnosis, modification of endoscopic operations) is required on the basis of fundamental research in the field of reproduction and the introduction of new medical equipment in practical healthcare. The solution of medical aspects, however, can be carried out only on the condition that the latest achievements of medical science become available not to the elite, but to the majority of doctors and patients.

      Suleimenov Torebek


      (Scientific supervisor: Assiya Turgambayeva, c.m.s., ass.professor

      NCJSC «Semey medical university», Semey)

      Relevance. The HIV epidemic, which has taken on the character of a pandemic, is now recognized as a medical and social phenomenon that is difficult to control. This problem is of concern and concern to physicians, social workers, politicians, as in Kazakhstan there is a situation in which there has been a significant deterioration in the health of the nation as a whole against the backdrop of the loss of cultural traditions in the field of prevention and protection of personal health. There is an increase in drug addiction, an increase in the prevalence of infections among young people, predominantly sexually transmitted, which indirectly indicates behavior associated with the risk of contracting HIV infection. Risk groups are extremely important in terms of influencing the spread of HIV infection in our country. Their behavior and risks have been studied for several years now. However, knowledge of the social and economic characteristics of high-risk individuals, injecting drug users and commercial sex workers, remains insufficient. Little is known about the social and economic status of individuals belonging to groups. Effective prevention and treatment programs require resources and need to be used effectively to carry out the intended activities. Despite the fact that various HIV prevention programs have been developed over the past decade, the knowledge of the population in the field of HIV prevention remains insufficient. The HIV epidemic is different from many other social problems because it is a relatively new phenomenon and no one knows exactly how it might develop. In this regard, new interventions are constantly being proposed, and each of them must be validated for inclusion in the response to the epidemic at the national and international levels. Improving the management of the effectiveness of measures to combat the spread of HIV infection through the synchronization of information flows from the population, patients, doctors of various specialties and specialists in this field seems to be the most timely.

      The purpose of the study: scientific and methodological substantiation and evaluation of the effectiveness of modeling measures to counteract the spread of HIV infection.

      Research objectives:

      1. Analyze structural and methodological approaches to the formation of a policy to counteract the spread of HIV infection.

      2. Assess the level of awareness of the population and doctors of general medical institutions on the problem of HIV infection.

      3. To study the opinion of experts on the effectiveness of measures to counteract the spread of HIV infection.

      4. Improve measures to counteract the spread of HIV infection by modeling the process of teaching differentiated groups of the population knowledge, skills and habits of self-control of preventive measures for HIV infection based on neurolinguistic theory.

      Materials and research methods. sociological, analytical, statistical.

      Scientific novelty: a medical and social educational program for the population practicing «risk behavior» will be developed. Teaching technology for individuals with «risk behavior» based on neurolinguistic modeling of didactic material.

      Practical significance, expected results: recommendations will be developed and implemented on the use of monitoring data on the medical and social characteristics of persons at high risk of HIV infection in the AIDS center.

      Zhorabekova Aruzhan

      The importance of teaching pragmatic competence in higher education: analysis of emails to the instructors

      (Suleyman Demirel University)


      Pragmatic competence has become an integral part of language acquisition, as good linguistic knowledge would not be enough to have a successful communication. Emailing has become an official communication tool between instructors and students in higher education. In universities teachers usually use corporate mail to announce deadlines, to share with course materials and for other educational purposes. Students often use corporate mail for requesting, which might be in and out of educators’ responsibilities, for instance, asking for extra tasks, to make a personal appointment, asking for recommendation letters.This means making requests tends to be common discourse in higher educational institutions, however, it is still face-threatening act for students.By taking into consideration power relations, cultural norms and other socio-linguistic factors, writing emails to teachers requires sufficient knowledge of pragmatics. This article is intended to provide a brief review of pragmatic competence and the role of pragmatic development in achieving positive outcomes in communication.

      Key words: pragmatic competence, pragmatic development in higher education


      Effective communication is crucial for success in academic and professional settings. Pragmatic competence, which refers to the ability to use language appropriately in social contexts, is essential for effective communication. In higher education, students need to communicate effectively with their instructors, peers, and potential employers. This article review examines the importance of teaching pragmatic competence in higher education, with a focus on the analysis of emails to instructors.

      Pragmatic competence refers to the ability to use language effectively in social interactions, taking into account the context, the speaker’s intentions, and the listener’s expectations. It is a crucial aspect of communication that is often overlooked in traditional language teaching. In recent years, there has been growing recognition of the importance of teaching pragmatic competence in higher education, as it is essential for success in academic, professional, and social contexts.

      Email communication is an essential aspect of higher education, with students often sending emails to instructors to ask for clarification on assignments, to schedule appointments, or to request feedback. However, many students struggle with writing effective emails, which can lead to misunderstandings and miscommunication. Research has shown that teaching pragmatic competence can help students write more effective emails. A study by Lee and Lim (2017) analyzed emails sent by Korean students to their instructors and found that students who had received training in pragmatic competence were more successful in communicating their needs and concerns in their emails.The study also СКАЧАТЬ