В постели с Елизаветой. Интимная история английского королевского двора. Анна Уайтлок
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СКАЧАТЬ Chamberlin, The Private Character of Queen Elizabeth, 51; TNA KB 8/40; CSP Span, 1558–1567, 259–260.


      TNA KB 8/40.


      J. H. M. Salmon, Society in Crisis: France in the Sixteenth Century (New York, 1975); Nicola M. Sutherland, The Massacre of St Bartholomew and the European Conflict, 1559–1572 (London, 1973); Nicola M. Sutherland, The Huguenot Struggle for Recognition (New Haven, Conn., 1980).


      W. T. MacCaffrey, ‘The Newhaven expedition, 1562–1563’, Historical Journal, 40 (1997)? 1–2.


      Wright (comp.), Queen Elizabeth and her Times, I, 127.


      AGS E 816, l. 43, перевод см.: CSP Span, 1558–1567, 269.


      BL Cotton MS Titus F I, l. 59.


      Ibid., l. 59–60v, 65–75v.


      Ibid., l. 61–64, см.: G. E. Corrie (comp.), A Catechism by Alexander Nowell, Parker Society (Cambridge, 1853), 223–229.


      BL Harleian MS 5176, l. 89–92; Hartley (comp.), Proceedings in the Parliaments, I, 84. См.: J. E. Neale, ‘Parliament and the Succession Question in 1562/3 and 1566’, English Historical Review, january – october (1921),497–519, см. также: Mortimer Levine, ‘A “Letter” on the Elizabethan Succession Question, 1566’, The Huntington Library Quarterly, 19 (1995), 13–38.


      Wright (comp.), Queen Elizabeth and her Times, I, 121.


      TNA SP 12/28, l. 68r – 69v; CSP Span, 1558–1567, 316–317.


      Nugae Antiquae, III, 186–187.


      TNA SP 12/27/35; Hartley (comp.), Proceedings in the Parliaments, I, 90–93.


      TNA SP 12/27/36; Hartley (comp.), Proceedings in the Parliaments, I, 94–95.


      TNA SP 12/27/85 – копия секретаря с пометками Сесила на полях. См. также: BL Add. MS 32379.


      BL Add. MS 32379, l. 17–20.


      CSP Span, 1558–1567, 295–298.


      5 Eliz I, 1 in Statutes IV, 402–405.


      CSP Span, 1558–1567, 322; John Bruce, T. T. Perowne (comp.); Correspondence of Matthew Parker, Archbishop of Canterbury 1535–1575; Parker Society (Cambridge, 1853), 173–175.


      См.: Kristen Post Walton, Catholic Queen, Protestant Patriarchy. Mary Queen of Scots and the Politics of Gender and Religion (Basingstoke, 2007), 51; ‘Sir William Cecil to Sir Thomas Smith, 27 February 1563’; см.: Wright (comp.), Queen Elizabeth and her Times, I, 127; TNA KB 8/40; Kristen Post Walton, ‘The Plot of the Devouring Lions’.


      5 Eliz I, 16 in Statutes IV, 446–447.


      5 Eliz I, 16 in Statutes IV, 445–446.


      Nichols (comp.), Diary of Henry Machyn, 300.


      J. H. Baker (comp.), Reports from the Lost Notebooks of Sir James Dyer, in 2 vol. (London, 1994), I, 81–82; BLO Tanner MS 84, l. 191, 196v.


      CSP Rome, 1558–1571, 51; BL Add. MS 35830, l. 185; Levine, The Early Elizabethan Succession Question, 14; TNA SP 12/21, l. 76–77.


      CSP Scot, 1547–1563, 684.


      CSP Span, 1558–1567, 314.


      CSP Foreign, 1562, 154; CSP Scot, 1547–1563, 684–686.


      BL Harleian MS 5176, l. 97; Neale, Elizabeth I and her Parliaments, I, 126–127.


      CSP Foreign, 1563, 439, 443, 453, 473; BL Add. MS 35831, l. 145v – 146; TNA SP 70/59/846, l. 48v.


      Stowe, Three fifteenth-century chronicles, 122; Nichols (comp.), The Diary of Henry Machyn, 310.


      CSP Span, 1558–1567, 346.


      Stowe, Three fifteenth-century chronicles, 127.


      CSP Scot, 1547–1563, 666.
