В постели с Елизаветой. Интимная история английского королевского двора. Анна Уайтлок
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СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      CSP Foreign, 1559–1560, 581–582.


      Haynes, Burghley State Papers, I, 368.


      C. C. Jones, Court Fragments, in 2 vol. (London, 1828), II, 43.


      CSP Span, 1558–1567, 75–76, 83. См.: Stephen Alford, The Early Elizabethan Polity: William Cecil and the British Succession Crisis, 1558–1569 (Cambridge, 1998), 53–55; Jane E. A. Dawson, ‘William Cecil and the British Dimension of Early Elizabethan Foreign Policy’, History, 74 (1989),196–216.


      BL Cotton MS Titus B II, l. 419r; CSP Span, 1558–1567, 133.


      CP 152/127, цит. по: HMC Salisbury, I, 257.


      TNA SP 12/13, l. 21.


      TNA SP 12/12/51, l. 107.


      CSP Span, 1558–1567, 174.


      L. Howard (comp.), A Collection of Letters: from the original manuscripts of many princes, great personages and statesmen (London, 1753), 210–211; S. Adams (comp.), Household Accounts of Robert Dudley, 141–142; TNA SP 70/19, l. 360.


      The Registers of Christenings, Marriages and Burials in the parish of Allhallows, London Wall, Within the City of London, from the year of our Lord 1559 to 1675, ed. Basil Jupp и Robert Hovenden (London, 1878), 5.


      См.: D. H. Craig, Sir John Harington (Boston, 1985); Jason Scott Warren, Sir John Harington and the Book As Gift (Oxford, 2001); Ian Grimble, The Harington Family (London, 1957), 116–117.


      См.: Henry Harington, Nugae Autiquae: being a miscellaneous collection of papers, written during the reign of Henry VIII, Edward VI, Queen Mary, Elizabeth and King James by Sir John Harington, in 2 vol. (London, 1804), II, 178.


      John Harington, A Tract on the Succession to the Crown, 40–41.


      Thomas Wright (comp.), Queen Elizabeth I and her Times: A Series of Original Letters, in 2 vol. (London, 1838), I, 30–32.


      AGS E 814, l. 24, зарегистрировано в: CSP Span, 1558–1567, 174–176, см.: Lettenhove, Relations Politiques, II, 529–533.


      CSP Span, 1558–1567, 175.


      CSP Foreign, 1560–1561, 385.


      CSP Span, 1558–1567, 175.


      AGS E 14, l. 24, см.: Lettenhove, Relations Politiques, II, 529–533 и частично зарегистрировано в: CSP Span, 1558–1567, 174–176.


      О недавней дискуссии на эту тему см.: Chris Skidmore, Death and the Virgin. Elizabeth, Dudley and the Mysterious Fate of Amy Robsart (London, 2010).


      См.: CSP Span, 1558–1567, 176.


      TNA SP 70/22, l. 43; TNA SP 70/19, l. 39r.


      BL Add. MS 48023, см.: ‘A Journal of Matters of State Happened from Time to Time as Well Within and Without the Realme from and Before the Death of King Edw. the 6th Untill the Yere 1562’// Ian W. Archer, Simon Adams, G. W. Bernard, Paul E. J. Hammer, Mark Greengrass and Fiona Kisby (comp.), Religion, Politics and Society in Sixteenth Century England (Cambridge, 2003), 35–112.


      BL Add. MS 48023, l. 353v; ‘A Journal of Matters of State’.


      TNA SP 63/2, l. 82r.


      См.: William Vaughan, Naturall and Artificial Directions for Health (London, 1626), 64.


      См.: T. Laquer, ‘Orgasm, Generation and the Politics of Reproductive Biology’, Representations, 14 (1986), 1–41. См.: P. Crawford, ‘Sexual Knowledge in England, 1500–1750’, см.: Roy Porter and M. Teich (comp.), Sexual Knowledge, Sexual Science: The History of Attitudes to Sexuality (Cambridge, 1994), 91. О бытовавших взглядах медиков на женское тело в начале Нового времени см.: Ian Maclean, The Renaissance Notion of Woman (Cambridge, 1980). См. также: Peter Stallybrass, ‘Patriarchal Territories: The Body Enclosed’//Margaret Ferguson, Maureen Quilligan, Nancy Vickers (comp.), Rewriting the Renaissance: The Discourses of Sexual Difference in Early Modern Europe (Chicago, 1986), 123–142.


      См.: Cogan, The Haven of Health, 247–248.


      F. Chamberlin, Elizabeth and Leycester (New York, 1939), 93.


      Philip Yorke, Earl of Hardwicke (comp.), Miscellaneous State Papers, from 1501 to 1726, in 2 vol. (London, 1778), I, 121–123.