Russia. Crimea. History. Nikolay Starikov
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Название: Russia. Crimea. History

Автор: Nikolay Starikov


Жанр: История


isbn: 978-5-496-01693-3


СКАЧАТЬ of the elections of 2004 Yushchenko won 39.26 % votes, while Yanukovich – 39.11 % of them. Yanukovich won the second round of the elections. But the opposition started the first Maidan. 3 December 2004 the Supreme Court of Ukraine decreed that an unparalleled in all human history third round of elections should take place – as a new voting instead of that, which had taken place during the second



Also a builder according to his education and first professional experience, but such persons should rather be referred as professional demolishers.


The details of such a strange diplomacy – when winners pay money to a defeated party – see N. V. Starikov. Geopolitics. How it is done. – SPb, 2013 (in Russian).


A. Gamov. Leonid Kravchuk, ex-President of Ukraine: Yeltsin solicited to get Crimea back to Russia… (in Russian).


Russian authorities understood this very well, therefore after the victory of the first Maidan, emerged a number of youth organizations (for example, “Nashi” – “Ours”). Their main purpose was to occupy squares and streets just in time – in order to prevent deployment of an “orange” scenario.


Just recall Russia after the events on “Bolotnaya square” – it is quite a demonstrative example how the “orange” elite “got hurt”. They were deprived of mandates, removed from mass media, was sentenced to probation. No preventive steps of the same kind with respect to the local elite were made in Ukraine. As a result, an accomplice and a colleague of Yanukovich – Petr Poroshenko, the former foreign minister and former minister of economics and trade, – became one of the main sponsors of the Maidan. And later he became the President.


After arrests of the main leaders of the turmoil at Bolotnaya square in Moscow on 6 May 2012, further unrests would never reach such scale. It was not done in Ukraine.


In Ukraine, Yanukovich – instead of “switching on a fool” – has believed to the promises of the West, he started “fair” negotiations, he fulfilled all his obligations, and after that was immediately deceived and had a narrow escape from being murdered.


In the first round of the elections of 2004 Yushchenko won 39.26 % votes, while Yanukovich – 39.11 % of them. Yanukovich won the second round of the elections. But the opposition started the first Maidan. 3 December 2004 the Supreme Court of Ukraine decreed that an unparalleled in all human history third round of elections should take place – as a new voting instead of that, which had taken place during the second round. Finally, Yushchenko won 51.99 % votes, while Yanukovich – 44.21 %. The results of the elections has divided Ukraine into two almost equal parts. Now it is obvious, that those were first steps to the civil strife.


Victor Yushchenko before taking a position of the Prime Minister also was the head of the Bank of Ukraine – the main banking regulator of the country – a kind of a Central Bank.


It is a kind of a paradox, but it is true. It is an art of the “realpolitik” – not to let the Western propaganda make him a marginal monster – no matter how eagerly this propaganda tries to do so. And very many ordinary people in the world really respect and like our President.


At the moment, when the West did this, Yanukovich was a legitimate President who was overthrown by a coup. Whose accounts should be arrested by the “truth-lovers” from the USA, who were so fiercely arguing about the impossibility for Vladimir Putin to ballot for the third time in a row – according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation? Are not the accounts of those, who have violated, trampled on the Constitution of Ukraine, i. e. the putschists, or of the victim of the coup – i. e. Yanukovich? The correct answer is – of those, who ceased to serve the interests of the USA.


Not only by their appearance, but also by their Russian passports which they could have got from their “curators”.


Of course, this chronology is not 100 % comprehensive, but the authors do not pretend to be solving such challenge.


The Government unanimously approved a draft of the Ukraine–European Union Association Agreement (in Russian).


The European Parliament supported the signing of association with Ukraine (in Russian); In original:–0446%2b0%2bDOC%2bXML%2bV0%2f%2fEN&language=EN


Rada rejected all six laws to allow Timoshenko to travel for medical treatment. (in Russian).


Ukraine has suspended the process leading to the conclusion of the Association Agreement with the EU–11–21/ukraina-priostanovila-process-podgotovki-k-zaklyucheniyu-dogovora-ob-associacii-s-es/(in Russian).


The Maidan chronology. (as of 14 June 2014, in Russian)


Such tent camp could have grown also in Moscow, on Pushkin’s square, but to prevent it the Moscow police did good job. “Earlier had been said, that the tents would be handed out at the square to all potential participants of future protest actions, forecasted on 5 March – according to activists – after the Presidential elections. Vadim Korovin from “RosAgit” already on 28 February announced about the tents hand out. He claimed that the tents are suitable for installation in urban conditions. He has also stressed that “RosAgit” does not call on for protests; they just want to “help people”. The famous blogger Alexey Naval’ny supported the initiative with the tents’ distribution, but at the same time, he claimed that he is not involved in the action. The action “Tent for free” at the Pushkin’s square did not happen. Using its authority, the police confiscated all tents as allegedly stolen.” Details see: V. Borodina. The Police took tents. (in Russian).


As well as the Russian naval fleet in Crimea – there must be a base for the American navy. All economic ties with Russia would have been cut off.


The Crimean Parliament supported Azarov and Russia. (as of 14 June 2014, in Russian).


The Maidan chronology. (in Russian).


Instead of accurate and precise work on instigators in the crowd, there were deliberately deployed “carpet bombing”, when everybody could become an object of brutal force. Of course, it resulted in escalation of indignation. Ultimately, this rude and stupid crackdown of the protesters has become the starting point of the future real coup d’état.

24 (in Russian).


Ukrainian Interior Ministry has denied that the Russian special forces “Vityaz” came to aid to local police forces. novityaz.html (in Russian).

26 (as of 14 June 2014, in Russian).


M. Petrik, O. Omelianchuk. The Kiev’s City Hall has been made a revolution’s headquarter. (in Russian).


L. Donetskaya. The Extremists have beaten the “Berkut” soldiers with chains close to the Presidential Administration.


The “Euro-integrators” crushed policemen by a tractor and poisoned with gas. (in Russian).