Whistler. He’s coming for you. Рамиль Латыпов
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Название: Whistler. He’s coming for you

Автор: Рамиль Латыпов

Издательство: Издательские решения



isbn: 9785005919557


СКАЧАТЬ And now I’m gone. – He said cheerfully and closed the door, sighing heavily. He did this more than once in his life, he has experience in this matter.

      Then we realized that the time had come. Time to choose the best beds for yourself, no one wanted to sleep near the toilet, so we, pushing and fighting, took the beds, it was fun and my friend and I took places near the window. From them you can see the whole camp and the lake. And, of course, the house near which the girls were standing. I threw things on the bed and looked at them from the window. How beautiful they are when they stand with their backs to us. Especially counselor Julia, my new love. Although, as always in her youth, she is unrequited, but not devoid of romance and drama from this.

      – Again you fly in the clouds. – Habitually hit me in the side Petka. It is necessary to wean him from this habit that is harmful to me, I will find nothing, how to take revenge on him, then it will stop.

      – There is little. But you yourself see how beautiful it is here. Fresh air.

      At these words, the fat man Tolik, the son of the local gangster director of the vegetable market, loudly spoiled the air. It’s good that he doesn’t do that in front of the ladies. The worst thing is that he doesn’t even apologize for it. The smell in the house was disgusting.

      – Yes, Victor. The cleanest air I’ve ever smelled. Let’s open the window.

      But then we found out that all our windows were boarded up. Anyone in their right mind would board up windows, just as it is impossible.

      – Weird guys. Yegorka said. A smart and athletic guy with dark hair. His golden sweatshirt has been my envy since I saw it a month ago. My parents don’t have enough money for it. He is the son of a local funeral business. Profitable business by the way he dresses. We call him «The Gravedigger» behind his back in class. He is not offended by this and says that, having completed his studies at school, he will help his father in business. I don’t blame him, to each his own. I wouldn’t turn down that kind of money myself. Although I don’t like buggers. They don’t scare me, just don’t like the smell. Too sweet, cloying. – Only my father in the office and in the basement closes the doors so that thieves do not enter.

      – What is there to rob then? – Asked Oleg, a cheerful guy does not communicate with us much, he is a hooligan worse than us, the son of a world boxing champion. Bullies others but is afraid of us. At first, when I just transferred to this elite school, he started flattering me, I had to scare him. Every day I began to put bugs on his collar and said that I would not stop until he left me behind. He has a fear of insects. Here he is behind. We often remind him of this when he forgets. We show the antennae of the cockroach with our fingers. It makes him pale. Serve him a bully.

      – There is one coffin for a hundred thousand. And that’s the cheapest. There is a price up to a million, but this is for special customers. Wreaths of fifty thousand. So they nailed it after we were robbed. He touched the glass. – Armored glass, that’s all too much. You can’t even break them with a shot. And the nails look like military ones. You can’t buy these in the store. On them and symbols, some are drawn.

      I took a closer look. The symbols on the hats looked too familiar to me. It is a pity that all the phones were taken away from us.

      – These are Mayan symbols or even earlier. – Petka said with a smart look. He read a lot about ancient peoples. His grandfather has a large library of ancient books and parchments. – They were found in deserted stone cities in the mountains in North and South America. Grandpa says that this is how the ancient Maya protected themselves from evil. But according to him, this did not help them, and they fled into the forest. Many died there.

      – All this is strange. Maybe we’ll unpack our stuff and play outside. Something scary to me. – Said the quiet boy Andryusha who got the place closest to the toilet. Although there are still three empty beds before him. Will they add someone else to us, we did not know, and he is glad about this position in our peculiar society. We feel sorry for him, but we don’t want to help him. Let yourself learn to deal with difficulties. We’ll keep an eye on him anyway. His mother is a champion in figure skating, she cooks delicious pies. He did not have a father, they say that this is her former coach. I would be sorry not to try her cabbage pies again, because I often went to visit him. He tried to be friends with me so, through the stomach. Although I didn’t want Petka to be enough for me or already gone. This camp pulls me to sad thoughts.

      – Who is the last rotten egg. – Shouted Petka and we ran.

      It was fun to watch others. They take everything seriously. So that Andryusha would not be the last, I left after him. How pleased he is with this, he even put his hand to his chest. I am also satisfied, I did it pleasantly and in my heart as if it were a holiday. The guys did not dare to laugh at me, they would have laughed at him until the evening. Maybe in this camp I will find a new friend or girlfriend.

      Chapter 4 Whistler

      It smells good in the summer outside. The flowers are blooming. Insects fly in their summer mating rituals. All is well under the light of the sun.

      A dark figure is standing near the toilet booth. His clothes were rubbish and in places all corroded by rats. But the number on the chest can be read, under the layers of the clothes of the camp leaders. The figure smiles. For a long time he waited for new victims. He pursed his lips and whistled. From this whistle, insects fell to the ground next to him. The grass turned into black goo. The figure liked what he did and what he was going to do. Strength returned to him after this place came to life again after so many years of silence. Children’s laughter for him is music that gives strength, he has already heard screams, and the pain that he can give them, darkness craves new offerings, animals from the forest can no longer get enough of them, give victims of a completely different level.

      – Let these kids play enough and have fun. I do not like to kill those who are sad.

      And the figure disappeared leaving nothing behind, only death and sadness.

      – What was it? – The fat man Tolik came out of the toilet all cold, although it was plus twenty-eight in the yard. Steam was coming out of his mouth. «I’ve never experienced anything like this, it’s like I’m going to give up eating chocolate before dinner. – Then he scratched his ass and went to the booth. «Well, no, nothing in this world can keep me from chocolate. Even hallucinations.

      The witch smiled in the corner of her senior counselor’s booth. The tarot cards were laid out. All candles are lit. Goat head in pictogram on the floor. The room smelled of sulfur.

      – Everything is ready. She smiled happily, she had been preparing for this day for a long time.

      Nothing was reflected in the mirror in front of her, although she should have been reflected. She liked it. It’s not the first time she’s performed such rituals, and it won’t be the last. But this one is different. She was answered with this.

      Come darkness to my call. Make these naughty children obedient to my will and let them begin to learn, and not misbehave.

      A blurred silhouette appeared in the mirror. Although you can’t make out anything, the view is terrible. The witch’s breathing became heavy, from the smoke that went around the room, she began to cough. And it spoke in a hoarse voice.

      – Your sacrifice is accepted and everything will be fulfilled according to the contract. But you must know that СКАЧАТЬ