Whistler. He’s coming for you. Рамиль Латыпов
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Название: Whistler. He’s coming for you

Автор: Рамиль Латыпов

Издательство: Издательские решения



isbn: 9785005919557


СКАЧАТЬ that they were worth nothing. He received them from his grandfather, who was afraid for his grandson, knowing that there would be a lot of darkness and evil in his life. The friend also hid the locket. He did not trust such things to strangers.

      – I also hear well and can give a neck, just give me a reason. So stop talking about a fast schoolboy bus. How tired I am of your conversations, it’s good that I won’t see you for three months. – Uncle Senya, our personal school driver drove us every day. The elite school where I studied did not allow parents to carry their children themselves, although many did not have free time for this. The children of ministers and local businessmen studied here, only Petka and I were from ordinary families, this put us in an unenviable position many times, but we coped.

      We didn’t argue with the evil Uncle Senya and we all got on the bus together. There were twenty of us. Together we started the trip. I didn’t know how it would end. But I only hoped for the best. Katya sat next to her friend Svetka, she is the daughter of the mayor, in front of us, and I admired her long blond hair and long arms all the way when she exchanged. She does gymnastics and is very fit. Everything must be decided this summer, so you can’t pull it, otherwise I will burst with love.

      – Why are you sighing from behind. – Turning to me, said Sveta, while her friend slept peacefully next to her.

      – I’m nothing. – I hesitated. I liked listening to Katya’s breathing too much. – I’m admiring the views here.

      – I don’t believe you. The girl looked at me intently. What does she want from me? I knew that I was cute, but before that Svetka rarely spoke to me, only once after school I walked her to a stop under an umbrella and that’s it. Then she clung to me with her whole body, although she did not show it, but stared at my muscles. No wonder I worked out with dumbbells every day.

      – What are you doing to him? – Petka got in, he didn’t like that the girls didn’t notice him. It’s not my fault that I’m so handsome and smart. I heard several times that various rumors circulate about a friend at school and they are not the most pleasant, everyone considered him a pervert and a lover of girls to paw, although he was caught red-handed only twice. – Do you want to meet him? Your interest in a friend, I noticed a long time ago. If he refuses, I will comfort you. Let’s walk together under the moon.

      – You are too smart Petka and you always speak strangely. The girl chuckled and turned away.

      She’s been eyeing you for a long time. Although I don’t understand why?

      – Petya, don’t think about it. You shouldn’t think about it yet, we’re still kids.

      – After those adventures that we had, we are no longer children. He laughed softly so as not to wake Katya. I noticed more than once that he sometimes glances at her and this is not an ordinary look like other girls, this is a look of love, although he will not admit this if I ask directly. My friend has always liked to take what I like, toys, clothes and girls are no exception. Although we haven’t had anything serious yet. But I had high hopes for this trip. And not in vain, but not in the way I thought.

      Chapter 2 The Leader and the Dark Secrets of the Camp

      We stopped near the stop «Revolution Square», a young guy sat down next to us. Then he went to the center of the bus. He looked no older than twenty, with pimples and glasses, like a student. You can see by the stupid face that he is studying to be a psychologist. His short white shorts and T-shirt with the camp logo told me that he was a counselor, and an experienced one, this was not his first shift. Or at least wants to appear experienced. The girls laughed when they saw him. They are greedy for old people. Especially endowed with power, albeit minimal. But they loved to brag to their girlfriends.

      – Good afternoon, children. I am your counselor Eduard, but you can call me Edik, everyone does that. The main thing is not to add anything else to the name. He smiled thinly. No luck with his name. – We will have fun this shift in our nice camp «Birch Groves». Let the guys loudly say our slogan «In Birch Groves you will not get lost, but you will find only a good mood and true friends.»

      – What a stupid slogan you have. – I could not stand it and said loudly. – No wonder you just opened and have been closed for many years. You don’t want to tell everyone why?

      – The fact that it was closed is true. And we won’t talk about the past.

      – What was there? Katya asked in her sweet voice. She’s very curious, which is why I like her. Although most often her curiosity ends with fashion magazines and fashion blogs.

      – I have no right to talk about it. When I was hired, I signed a non-disclosure agreement.

      – Then Victor tell me. Katya turned to me. Her blue eyes are looking at me, I’m drowning in them. I could not say a word, it hurts beautiful. My heart beats like crazy, and the smell of her perfume suffocates me, luring me to such distances of perception where I cannot survive without losing my mind. – Are you silent? You don’t want to talk to me or something. Although you always come up to say hello in the morning.

      – No, he hung up. – Sveta laughed, followed by the whole bus. Even Petka let out a laugh, but I don’t blame him, I look stupid myself.

      – I was just remembering. – I gathered myself and took my eyes off Katya. There was a massacre in this camp in the eighties. Five pioneers were killed with an axe. Terrible place.

      – Who killed them. – Petka perked up, he always likes such scary stories. Although he knew everything in advance, he loves to stir up interest.

      – A fugitive jailer came to the camp. There used to be a prison nearby for special convicts with super powers.

      – What is there now? – Light became curious. She’s cute when she’s not trying to be better than she is. And she always smells good, and now she is looking at me, smiling sweetly. I would love to talk to her when no one is watching. Even though she’s the mayor’s daughter, she doesn’t act like a superstar with me.

      – There is no prison there now, it was closed two years ago. Lack of funding and some kind of emergency happened. It’s calm there now. I saw the video from the diggers, it’s empty there. – Everyone calmed down. So I continued. – Like this. This jailer was imprisoned for the murder of his family, saying that the dark forces from the darkness ordered him to do this. He made his way to the camp at night, changed from prison clothes into clothes that he found in the camp and.

      And killed everyone? – Asked the witch Antonina Mikhailovna. Has she heard of this camp? Or maybe she just decided to make fun of me.

      I read about it in an old newspaper, there is not a word about the murder in Birch Groves on the Internet. Someone did a good job of hiding it from everyone. This newspaper was kept secret in the city archives, I had to give two thousand to read it. The dear old woman librarian Svetla Semyonovna loved me and always brought something secret from the archive to read.

      – No, he dressed up as a counselor and spent five days with them. With the pioneers that didn’t suspect anything until it was too late.

      – And why weren’t they looking for him? – Asked Katya. She was terrified of this story and at the same time fascinated.

      – No, in prison they СКАЧАТЬ