Chemical Analysis. Francis Rouessac
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Название: Chemical Analysis

Автор: Francis Rouessac

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Химия


isbn: 9781119701347


СКАЧАТЬ detector is fairly selective but it has only a narrow range of applications. It is suitable for hydrocarbons as well as for sulfur or phosphorus derivatives. The operating principle consists in provoking ionization of the analytes by irradiation with a UV lamp emitting high‐energy photons (8.4–11.8 eV). Photo‐ionization occurs when the energy of the photon is greater than the first ionization energy of the compound (Figure 2.14). A photon of 9.6 eV can, for example, ionize benzene (PI1 = 9.2 eV) but not isopropanol (PI1 = 10.2 eV), which will therefore not be very visible on the chromatogram. Electrons released by an electrode connected to the terminal of an electrometer are collected for concentration measurements.

      This detector can function at more than 400°C and is not destructive, as the ionization is reversible and affects only a small fraction of the molecules of each compound.

      2.7.3 Detectors Providing Structural Data

      None of the detectors previously described yield any information as to the nature of the eluted analytes. At most, they are selective for a certain category of compounds. Identification involves the use of an internal calibration based on retention times or requires the knowledge of retention indexes (see Section 2.10). When the chromatogram has peaks that are close together, a confusion of identity could occur.

Schematic illustration of three detectors connected in series.

      If we assume that the optimal stationary phase has been chosen, the length and internal diameter ID of a capillary column as well as its stationary phase film thickness (df) must also be taken into account. The conditions for a good separation of the analytes need to be found without increasing the analysis time. From a practical standpoint, in GC, we can only change the temperature and the carrier gas flow rate. In both cases, retention factors k and selectivities α are not much changed. For the carrier gas, we choose a flow rate such that its speed ū is close to the optimal value of the Van Deemter curve. For volatile compounds, we choose a column with a weak phase ratio (β < 100), hence with a thick film. Inversely, we choose a thin‐film column for less volatile compounds.

      However, we must not forget that coupled GC‐MS does not necessarily require greatly optimized separation of chromatographic peaks (sufficient resolution), which is a significant time gain for the chromatographer. Moreover, in a series of analyses, if we can avoid the use of a temperature gradient, we can thus eliminate the time necessary to return to initial conditions in order to conduct the following analysis.

      2D GC. Optimization sometimes involves dual chromatography on two different stationary phases (for example, polar and nonpolar) with a single set‐up including a carrier gas inlet shared by the two columns. The first chromatograph is used to isolate a peak, possibly corresponding to an unresolved mixture, which then goes through a second column for another separation.

      2.9.1 ‘Fast’ and ‘Ultra‐Fast’ Chromatography

GC type Ramp (°C/min) Analysis time (min) Peak width (s) Column length (m) Internal diameter (μm)
Conventional Conventional oven (1–20) ~30 5–10 15–100 250–320
Fast chromatography Conventional oven (20–100) 5–10 0.5–5 5–15 100–250
Ultra‐fast chromatography Resistive heating (60–1,200) ~1 0.05–0.2 2–5 50–100
Schematic illustration of ‘Ultra-fast’ chromatogram.