Chemical Analysis. Francis Rouessac
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Название: Chemical Analysis

Автор: Francis Rouessac

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Химия


isbn: 9781119701347


СКАЧАТЬ the injection methods

      List the main detectors

      Optimize a separation

      Address new orientations of micro GC and fast GC

      Explain retention indexes and constants of stationary phases

      Analysis starts when a very small quantity of sample is introduced in either liquid or gas form into the injector, which has the dual function of vaporizing the sample and mixing it with the gas flow at the head of the column. The column is usually a narrow‐bore tube that coils around itself with a length that can vary from 1 m to over 100 m, depending upon the type and the contents of the stationary phase. The column, which can serve for thousands of successive injections, is housed in a temperature‐controlled oven. At the end of the column, the mobile phase (carrier gas) passes through a detector before it exits to the atmosphere. Some gas chromatograph models of reduced size have their own electrical supply, enabling them to operate in the field (Figure 2.1).

      In GC, there are four operational parameters for a given stationary phase: L, length of the column; u, velocity of the mobile phase (which affects the theoretical efficiency N); T, temperature of the column; and β, phase ratio, which affects the retention factor k. The settings of the chromatograph enable modifications in terms of T and u, and therefore both the efficiency of the column and the retention factors can be adjusted as well.

      (Source: GC‐2010 model from Shimadzu).

      The instrument represented is equipped with a sample holder (carousel), an injector, an automatic sampler, and a mass spectrometry detection system (GC‐MS). c) Portable model for analyses made in the field (volatile organic compounds, toxic industrial materials)

      (Source: Hapsite ER, information courtesy of Inficon).

      The mobile phase is a gas (helium, hydrogen or nitrogen), either drawn from a commercially available gas cylinder or obtained, in the case of hydrogen or nitrogen, from an on‐site generator (water electrolysis for H2 and air separation for N2), dedicated to the installation. To eliminate all harmful traces of water vapour and oxygen from polar stationary phases and detectors, a double filter, for drying and reducing, is placed before the injector.

Schematic illustration of efficiency as a function of the nature and linear velocity of the carrier gas.

      The pressure at the head of the column (several tens to hundreds of kPa – a few tenths to a few bar) is stabilized by electronic pressure control (EPC), so that the flow rate remains constant at its optimal value. This device is valuable because if the analysis is performed with ascending temperature programming (temperature gradient), the viscosity of the stationary phase and, by consequence, the pressure drop in the column, increase with time. By controlling the pressure, we conserve a constant and optimal speed of the carrier gas. The result is a faster analysis with the same efficiency.

      The comparison of the three Van Deemter curves shows that the minimum of each is obtained for various linear velocities of the carrier gas: low for nitrogen, higher for helium and even higher for hydrogen. This means that the latter gas reduces the analysis time. For hydrogen also, the growth of the curve after the peak is less quick than for the other two gases, which gives more latitude in choosing the carrier gas speed without impacting the column’s efficiency (Figure 2.2). The three curves plotting the viscosity of these gases versus temperature T again show that hydrogen has a lower viscosity than the other two carrier gases. Lower viscosity means a lower pressure drop and an increased column life.

      2.3.1 Sample Introduction

      The sample to be analysed is never introduced into the chromatogram as is, whether it is a liquid or a solid, but rather in a highly diluted solution. We use either a microsyringe (or loop injector) or a device such as a headspace sampler for volatile compounds, which both concentrates the sample and introduces it into the chromatograph.

      Microsyringe and septum

Schematic illustration of microsyringe for GC and principle of an injection loop installed in a continuous process.