Counseling the Culturally Diverse. Laura Smith L.
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      There is growing evidence to suggest that racial, gender, and sexual orientation microaggressions have a detrimental effect on the therapeutic alliance for clients of color (Owen et al., 2014), women (Owen, Tao, & Rodolfa, 2010), and LGBTQ individuals (Shelton & Delgado‐Romero, 2011, 2013). Specifically, “microaggressions can be thought of as a special case of ruptures in therapy, wherein experiences of discrimination and oppression from the larger society are recapitulated, which places the therapeutic relationship under duress and strain” (Owen et al., 2014, p. 287). Qualitative work with LGBTQ clients supports this finding, where the therapeutic alliance has been diminished by the presence of sexual orientation microaggressions: “affective consequences of sexual orientation microaggressions included clients feeling uncomfortable, confused, powerless, invisible, rejected, and forced or manipulated to comply with treatment” (Shelton & Delgado‐Romero, 2013, p. 66).

      One study found that microaggressions that went unaddressed by therapists were associated with a weaker working alliance compared to situations with (a) no microaggression or (b) a resolved microaggression (Owen et al., 2015). Although studies on microaggressions in therapy suggest that they are frequent and harmful, evidence also shows that when microaggressions are acknowledged and addressed, the therapeutic alliance can be restored with positive clinical outcomes (Owen et al., 2014; Owen, Tao, & Drinane, 2019). Therefore, it is paramount that helping professionals examine their own biases and beliefs and remain aware of how they may unintentionally communicate these when working with clients who are culturally diverse.

       Table 4.2 Examples of Microaggressions in Therapeutic Practice

      Adapted from Sue, Bucceri et al. (2007).

Themes Microaggression Message
Alien in Own Land When Asian Americans and Latinx Americans are assumed to be foreign‐born A White client does not want to work with an Asian American therapist because she “will not understand my problem” You are not American
A White therapist tells an American‐born Latinx client that he or she should seek a Spanish‐speaking therapist
Ascription of Intelligence Assigning a degree of intelligence to a Person of Color or a woman based on race or gender A school counselor reacts with surprise when an Asian American student says they have had trouble on the math portion of a standardized test All Asian people are smart and good at math
A career counselor asking a Black or Latinx student, “Do you think you're ready for college?” It is unusual for People of Color to succeed
A school counselor reacting with surprise at hearing that a female student scored high on the math portion of a standardized test It is unusual for women to be smart and good at math
Color Blindness Statements that indicate that a White person does not want to acknowledge race A therapist says, “I think you are being too paranoid. We should emphasize similarities, not people's differences” when a client attempts to discuss her feelings about being the only Person of Color at her job and feeling alienated and dismissed by her coworkers Race and culture are not important variables that affect people's lives
A client of color expresses concern in discussing racial issues with her therapist; her therapist replies, “When I see you, I don't see color” Your racial experiences are not valid
Criminality/Assumption of Criminal Status A Person of Color is presumed to be dangerous, criminal, or deviant based on their race When a Black client shares that she was accused of stealing from work, her therapist encourages her to explore how she might have contributed to her employer's mistrust of her You are a criminal
A therapist takes great care to ask all substance‐abuse questions in an intake with a Native American client and is suspicious of the client's nonexistent history with substances You are deviant
Use of Sexist/Heterosexist Language Terms that exclude or degrade women and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) groups During the intake session, when a female client discloses that she has been in her current relationship for 1 year, the therapist asks how long the client has known her boyfriend Heterosexuality is the norm
When an adult female client explains she is feeling isolated at work, her male therapist asks, “Aren't there any girls you can gossip with there?” Application of language that implies to adolescent or adult females, “your problems are trivial”
Denial of Individual Racism/Sexism/Heterosexism A statement made when a member of the power group renounces their biases When a client of color asks his or her therapist about how race affects their working relationship, the therapist replies, “Race does not affect the way I treat you” Your racial/ethnic experience is not important