The Workplace You Need Now. Sanjay Rishi
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Название: The Workplace You Need Now

Автор: Sanjay Rishi

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: О бизнесе популярно


isbn: 9781119815129


СКАЧАТЬ ISBN 9781119814801 (cloth) | ISBN 9781119815136 (adobe pdf) | ISBN 9781119815129 (epub)

      Subjects: LCSH: Work environment. | Office layout. | Office buildings. | Flexible work arrangements. | Organizational change. | Organizational effectiveness.

      Classification: LCC HD7261 .R4968 2021 (print) | LCC HD7261 (ebook) | DDC 658.2/3—dc23

      LC record available at

      LC ebook record available at

      Cover Design: Wiley

      Author Photos: © JLL Americas

       To the perfection in my life – my wife, Neha, and our children, Natasha, Sumit, and Shivani. To the priceless little treasure, Sanjana! And to Dad, Mom – the force of nature for her boys – my brother Girish, and our enriching weekend banters!

       —Sanjay Rishi

      To my wife, Edie; my children, Sam, Emma, and Jack; my parents, Susan and Bill Breslau; my brother, Jeremy; and all my family, friends, and colleagues who support and inspire me every day.

       —Ben Breslau

      To honor and in loving memory of our father, John A. Miscovich; to our amazing mother, Mary Miscovich; and with heartfelt dedication to my wonderful partner of 31 years, Damon Owen.

       —Peter Miscovich

      A global software powerhouse, a bank that changed the very definition of innovation, and a technological and research leader with envied brand recognition in industries as diverse as defense, intelligence, and health care. Together, these three companies represent more than half a million employees and partners who have filed in and out of almost 100 million square feet of offices – the equivalent of five of the largest stadiums in the world – every day. These workplaces, and the work done within by the talented workers, have fueled lifestyles, successes, prosperity, security, and health around the world.

      Workplaces have served as gathering spaces for generations of workers in pursuit of success, but, just as important, as places where people find fulfilment, a sense of belonging, and opportunities to learn and grow. In varying measures, organizations have used their workplaces and offices as sources of competitive advantage.


      More than a decade ago, Microsoft recognized changes in the way its products and services were developed and the need for the workplace to support a more agile and collaborative work style. New insights led to a substantial change in the company’s office design, modernizing offices across the globe, while embarking on an ambitious 3-million-square-foot redevelopment project at its Redmond, Washington, headquarters that will shape the lives and work of its associates for decades to come.

      The redevelopment now underway replaces legacy buildings primarily featuring closed offices with new team-based workspaces supported by technology to enhance the work experience. Retaining only a small portion of the original Microsoft campus, the new design incorporates the needs of the workforce today, to address the way work is evolving. Collaboration and creativity will create a new, refreshed, energized experience at Microsoft, with workplaces designed to support smaller development and project teams.

      Microsoft is using its own Microsoft Azure platform to manage a portion of the buildings at its headquarters campus and at locations around the world. Incorporating Azure Digital Twins technology, facility managers can digitally model physical space layers, with real-time data anonymization, to learn about the spaces people are using and how they are using them, informing data-driven space planning and allocation. The Azure platform also ensures that buildings operate efficiently to minimize energy and waste, and optimize indoor air quality.

      Capital One

      You can’t miss the towering presence of Capital One, a global brand that is considered a leader in innovation and banking, as you drive down the Washington, DC, beltway. The landmark campus attracts employees and the community to the promise and ambition of this bank that has embraced digital capabilities to differentiate itself, redefining brand and customer intimacy.

      As guests arrive at Capital One’s seventh-floor sky lobby, the experience is more akin to visiting a world-class hotel or restaurant than a leading bank. Each floor is connected with interior stairs, alternating on either side of the building, to make employees on each level feel connected. Open seating areas around each staircase allow for impromptu meetings. Art and sculptures line the walls and halls are strategically placed to inspire associates and create a sense of connectedness to surrounding communities.


      A world leader in technology and research, Leidos stands apart in the complex industries it serves, which include defense, intelligence, and health care. One of the largest government contractors on the planet, Leidos manages complex challenges on a daily basis as it operates across the globe – and its workplaces mirror that complexity. Few organizations anywhere in the world have facilities that manufacture the next lunar lander, precision-guided munitions, under- and over-water combat vehicles, while also operating wet labs for cancer research and other facilities that produce and distribute vaccines – including those used to combat Ebola. СКАЧАТЬ