The Parental Leave Playbook. Sue Campbell
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Название: The Parental Leave Playbook

Автор: Sue Campbell

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited

Жанр: Поиск работы, карьера


isbn: 9781119789246


СКАЧАТЬ I realized how many challenges they face when it comes to parental leave. For example, beyond talent attraction, retention, and compliance issues, lack of a good leave policy also compounds risk management costs. If exhausted new parents come back to work too soon, they present an increased safety risk. AAA's Traffic Safety Advocacy and Research department reported that “a driver who has slept for less than five hours has a crash risk comparable to someone driving drunk.”5 Imagine how a sleep-deprived new parent plays that out in the workplace, especially if heavy equipment or important decisions are involved. Having someone come back to work too soon increases health care costs and jeopardizes health and wellness initiatives. If people don't get the time and support they need to heal and rest, their health suffers and insurance costs and absenteeism rates increase.

      Small businesses are affected more than larger businesses because larger companies can afford to offer paid leave benefits that attract the best talent, and the administrative costs that come with them. Small businesses often cannot. Even though in most states our current system doesn't legally obligate them to provide paid leave, there are other detrimental financial effects—such as having to pay to replace workers who leave after becoming a parent.

      Clearly, the best thing for families and companies would be a generous federal benefit that provides clarity and stability for everyone involved.

      There is a shortage of data about parental leave in the United States, but the data we do have from progressive organizations and other countries show that providing generous paid leave policies and supporting practices works. Let's look at some of the rewards of getting this right.

       Reward 1: Healthier Kids

       Reward 2: Healthier Moms and Birthing Parents

       Reward 3: Healthier Dads and Non-Birthing Parents

       Reward 4: Healthier Relationships at Work and at Home