Making Perfect. Teri Ann Lindeberg
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Название: Making Perfect

Автор: Teri Ann Lindeberg


Жанр: Управление, подбор персонала


isbn: 978-5-906185-03-7


СКАЧАТЬ To have less management controls on them when they are not needed; and

      • To prove to management that they can make significant contributions without help.


      “Our CRM needs to be improved and full documentation written on it, there is a useless function on reporting on statistics, update the operations manual”…”Anything! Participation in operations (operations manual and systems review and overhaul, and training, IT training not sales training, I can analyze if it is effective or not effective and I can make content of tracking programs and make them into measurable results”…

      Fantastic! I am a true believer in strong operations so I support ideas people may have to enhance them. Operations need to be constantly improved, as they can become quickly outdated. We try our best, like most companies do, but realize it is a never-ending task.

      For me, these were very useful answers as they gave specific areas of improvement that we can work on, fix, or implement. I made notes to follow-up on these issues and to include those commenting here in the process.

      Employees want:

      • Strong, optimally-efficient operations; and

      • To help with operational improvements.


      “The team needs to be motivated and developed”…

      I believe this to always be the case. This quote is from a top manager, indicating, I believe, what she personally needs to focus on to achieve success for the company and for herself.

      I notice a pattern in her answers which I find interesting. She never answers in terms of herself. Rather, she focuses on the team and what we need to do to improve team members so that the company improves. These are very selfless, big picture answers and, to me, indicative of good leadership and executive management qualities.

      Employees want:

      • Employees to always be the best they can be.


      “The new office and new services that we have now”…”I asked for a cold-calling room and got it”…

      I was glad to know that these staff members felt taken care of.

      The new office referred to here was in Saint Petersburg, where we down-sized into a smaller, but nicer office space. The new services were related to out-placement and gave our staff a brand new project to focus on and sell to clients amidst a slow market.

      I personally like an open-plan office as I think it promotes teamwork, accountability and a group-bonding environment. However, it can get loud at times when everyone is talking on the phone or with each other. The cold calling room was requested to enable the team to occasionally have private, quiet, important discussions, when needed, with clients or candidates with whom they are working.

      Employees want:

      • What they ask for;

      • On occasion, privacy – for important business calls; and

      • Nothing at times, because all may be fine just as it is.


      “My current seating location is not great and the room is too stuffy for me and hot and there is not enough light”

      This is an easy aspect to fix and look into immediately, especially as it is a one-person issue.

      Some staff members have specific issues that many others do not. This person was sitting in one of our smaller, darker rooms with a window looking out onto trees. Many people like that environment as it is cozy and quiet. However, she did not. Therefore, I immediately approved moving her to our largest and brightest room, which made her happy.

      Employees want:

      • A comfortable work station and environment.


      “A lighter laptop”…

      All of our Directors use company laptops to give presentations to clients. We are the only company in our local industry that does this and it does differentiate us in terms of professionalism. However, the laptops became a bit dated and heavy, which can make it overly cumbersome for some of the female members in our Directors’ team.

      This was a high-ticket replacement item for us at that time but something we still needed to consider as the team’s happiness and comfort is directly related to their performance.

      Employees want:

      • Equipment that is easy to handle and use.


      “Maybe have a telemarketer/researcher to make me more productive as they can give me the names of people to call on”…

      I agree with this suggestion as anything that can make us more productive is something we should look into.

      We have never hired a person to simply collect names for the sales team as the Directors are responsible for this, as part of their defined role. However, this is worth considering and, perhaps, trying in order to see if we can increase our revenues.

      Employees want:

      • Assistance, in order to be more productive themselves and for the company.


      “Trainings for new or existing team members, or to participate in this and can also do an industry info session”…”Again, I am very good in sales and can train everyone in this, I am ready to share my talent with everyone”…”I can develop talents of others to provide better service”…

      These comments came from three Directors and Consultants that are very good at what they do, and are high-level performers. It is encouraging that they are offering their time and talent to train others so that we may develop a better team and a better company.

      I firmly believe that the best trainers can often be the talent within your own company. This is especially the case when they are training others about a role or task which they, themselves, already do very well. I made notes to take all three of these people up on their offer to help train others in the team.

      Employees want:

      • To train others, in their areas of expertise; and

      • To share their knowledge to help the company perform better.


      “Getting help on writing highlights, using the database, etc.”…

      This is someone asking for help in specific areas and I think it is great that this person wants to improve. I made a note to immediately follow up on this.

      Employees want:

      • To perfect their skills; and

      • Training to improve their job performance.


      “All СКАЧАТЬ