Послания любви. 365 писем Ошо. Бхагаван Шри Раджниш (Ошо)
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СКАЧАТЬ at your picture today, I remembered this story.

      22. Love.

      I have only just arrived here, the train was five hours late.

      You wanted me to write as soon as I got here

      so I am doing so.

      Throughout the journey I thought of you

      and of the tears falling from your eyes.

      Nothing in the world is more sacred

      than tears of love and joy.

      Such tears, so pure, are not of this world.

      Though part of the body,

      they express something which is not.

      Whatever can I give you in return?

      23. Love.

      I looked for your letter as soon as I got here yesterday.

      Though it was Sunday, I kept waiting for it.

      It came this evening –

      how much you write in so few words!

      When the heart is full it pours into the words

      and so few are needed.

      An ocean of love can be contained in just a jug!

      As for scriptures on love –

      it is enough to know the four letters of the word!

      Do you know how many times I read

      through your letters?

      24. Love.

      Your letter arrived this morning.

      The garland you have weaved

      from flowers of love

      has a fragrance that I can catch!

      And the love-vine you have sown

      spreads through my heart!

      The tears of your love and joy

      bring light and strength to my eyes!

      How blissful it all is!

      25. Love.

      I am in bliss.

      It was good that you met me in Bombay,

      my heart was overjoyed to see what is happening in you.

      This is how a person prepares

      and moves along the stairway towards truth.

      Life is a dual journey:

      one journey is in time and space

      the other is within oneself and truth.

      The first ends in death

      the second in deathlessness.

      The second is the real journey

      because it takes you somewhere.

      Those who take the first journey as it, waste their lives.

      The real life begins the day you start

      the other journey.

      A really good beginning

      has taken place in your consciousness

      and I am filled with bliss to feel this.

      26. Love.

      On my return home from the tour

      I looked for your letter.

      It came together with the grapes

      so the letter, already sweet, became still sweeter.

      I am in bliss.

      Your love enhances it yet more

      and the love of all makes it infinite.

      One body – so much bliss!

      What else can others do but envy he

      who feels all bodies to be his!

      May God make you envious of me,

      may everybody envy me,

      this is my prayer.

      27. Love.

      Your letter reached me

      as I was sitting on that very same spot on the grass!

      What I was thinking then

      I shall tell you only when we meet.

      What a fragrance memories leave behind!

      When life is filled with love

      it is so blissful.

      Life’s only paupers are those

      without love in their hearts,

      and how to describe the good fortune

      of those whose hearts hold nothing but love!

      In moments of such abundance

      one encounters God.

      Only love alone have I known as God.

      28. Love.

      I received your letter.

      I am blissful to learn of your bliss.

      This for me is bliss.

      With every breath

      I pray for all to be filled with bliss.

      This is my understanding of religion.

      The religion that ends in temples, mosques, churches,

      is a dead religion.

      A religion that fails to go beyond dead words and doctrines

      has no significance.

      An authentic and living religion

      unites one with the whole

      and leads one to the whole.

      Religion is whatever unites you with the cosmos.

      Whatever feelings lead you towards

      this marvelous meeting and merging