Послания любви. 365 писем Ошо. Бхагаван Шри Раджниш (Ошо)
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СКАЧАТЬ style="font-size:15px;">      one day you come face to face with the sun

      which dispels all life’s darkness.





      A journey of a thousand miles is covered

      step by small step,

      so don’t lose heart.

      Vast distances can be covered one step at a time

      and an ocean filled drop by drop.

      My regards to all.

      I shall be coming soon now.

      The rest when we meet.

      42. Love.

      Your letter has arrived.

      You ask me about sex.

      That energy too belongs to God

      and through meditation it too can be transformed.

      No energy is bad but there can, of course,

      be wrong use of energy.

      When sex energy flows upwards

      it turns into brahmacharya (godly behavior).

      It is good that you are becoming detached from it

      but that isn’t enough.

      You have to go through it to transform it,

      rejection just leaves you arid and dry!

      It is true you are not alone in your sex life

      but sex is not essentially of the body at all

      but a modification of the mind.

      If the mind is completely transformed

      it affects the other person too,

      and one who is related so intimately

      is quickly affected.

      Until we meet, keep in mind that:

      there should be no calculated ill-will towards sex –

      cultivated detachment is useless.

      Stay aware whilst making love,

      be a witness in this situation;

      if one can stay

      in a state of meditation and right-mindfulness

      then the sex energy can be successfully transformed.

      We shall talk more about this when we meet.

      Brahmacharya is a complete science in itself

      and many doors to bliss open on that path.

      Still, the very first thing is

      a friendly attitude towards all one’s energies.

      Enmity towards them does not lead to spiritual revolution

      but to self-destruction.

      Give my regards to all there.

      You are not coming to Pune – I shall miss you.

      43. Love.

      You have asked me about the sense of humor.

      We can talk about it in detail when we meet

      but first of all:

      the sense of humor should be directed towards oneself –

      it is a very great thing to laugh at oneself

      and he who can laugh at himself

      gradually becomes full of concern

      and compassion for others.

      In the entire world no event,

      no subject, invites laughter

      like oneself.

      About the truth of dreams as well

      we shall have to talk in detail.

      Some dreams are definitely true.

      As the mind quietens down

      glimpses of truth begin to appear in dreams.

      Dreams are of four kinds

      – those concerned with past lives,

      – those concerned with the future,

      – those concerned with the present,

      – and those concerned with repressed desires.

      Contemporary psychology knows something

      about the fourth type only.

      I am glad to know

      that your mind moves towards being at peace.

      Mind is what we want it to be,

      peace and restlessness are both our own creations.

      Man binds himself with his own chains

      and so he is always at liberty to become free of the mind.


      44. Love.

      What gift is greater than love?

      And still you ask – What have I given?

      Oh, mad one!

      When love is given

      there is nothing left to give,

      not even the giver,

      for to give love is to give oneself.

      You have given yourself,

      now where are you?

      Having lost yourself,

      now you are bound to find

      the one you have been longing to meet.

      Now she has been born,

      and I am a witness to it,

      I have watched it happen.

      I can hear the music that you are going to be.

      The СКАЧАТЬ