The Official (ISC)2 CCSP CBK Reference. Leslie Fife
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      Containers make a predictable environment for developers and can be deployed anywhere the container runtime is available. Similar to the Java Virtual Machine, a runtime is available for common operating systems and environments. Containers can be widely deployed. This improves portability by allowing the movement of containers from one CSP to another. Versioning and maintenance of the underlying infrastructure do not impact the containers as long as the container runtime is kept current.

      The container itself is treated like a privileged user, which creates security concerns that must be addressed. Techniques and servers exist to address each of these security concerns such as a Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB). Security concerns exist and must be carefully managed. All major CSPs support some form of containerization.

      Quantum Computing

      Quantum computers use quantum physics to build extremely powerful computers. When these are linked to the cloud, it becomes quantum cloud computing. IBM, AWS, and Azure all provide a quantum computing service to select customers. The increased power of quantum computers and the use of the cloud may make AI and ML more powerful and will allow modeling of complex systems available on a scale never seen before. Quantum cloud computing has the ability to transform medical research, AI, and communication technologies.

      A concern for quantum computing is that traditional methods for encryption/decryption could become obsolete as the vast power of the cloud coupled with quantum computing makes the search space more manageable. This would effectively break current cryptographic methods. New quantum methods of encryption would be necessary or methods not susceptible to quantum computing.

      Security concepts for cloud computing mirror the same concepts in on-premises security, with some differences. Most of these differences are related to the customer not having access to the physical hardware and storage media. These concepts and concerns will be discussed in the following sections.

      Cryptography and Key Management

      Cryptography is essential in the cloud to support security and privacy. With multitenancy and the inability to securely wipe the physical drive used in a CSP's data center, information security and data privacy are more challenging, and the primary solution is cryptography.

      Data at rest and data in motion must be securely encrypted. A customer will need to be able to determine whether a VM or container has been unaltered after deployment, requiring cryptographic tools. Secure communications are essential when moving data and processes between CSPs as well as to and from on-premise users. Again, cryptography is the solution.

      One of the challenges with cryptography has always been key management. With many organizations using a multicloud strategy, key management becomes even more challenging. The questions to answer are

       Where are the keys stored?

       Who manages the keys (customer or CSP)?

       Should a key management service be used?

      In a multicloud environment, there are additional concerns:

       How is key management automated?

       How is key management audited and monitored?

       How is key management policy enforced?

      The power of a key management service (KMS) is that many of these questions are answered.

      Using a KMS does not mean that you turn over the keys to another organization any more than using a cloud file repository gives away your data to the service storing your files. You choose the level of service provided by the KMS to fit your organization and needs.

      The last three questions—automation, monitoring and auditing, and policy enforcement—are the questions to keep in mind when reviewing the different KMSs available. Like any other service, the features and prices vary, and each organization will have to choose the best service for their situation. A number of CSPs offer cryptographic KMSs. This KMS makes a multicloud environment scalable.

      Access Control

      There are three types of access control. These are physical access control, technical access control, and administrative access control. In a shared security model, the CSP and the customer have different responsibilities.

      Physical access control refers to actual physical access to the servers and data centers where the data and processes of the cloud customer are stored. Physical access is entirely the responsibility of the CSP. The CSP owns the physical infrastructure and the facilities that house the infrastructure. Only they can provide physical security.

      Administrative access control refers to the policies and procedures a company uses to regulate and monitor access. These policies include who can authorize access to a system, how system access is logged and monitored, and how frequently access is reviewed. The customer is responsible for determining policies and enforcing those policies as related to procedures for provisioning/deprovisioning user access and reviewing access approvals.

      Technical access control is the primary area of shared responsibility. While the CSP is responsible for protecting the physical environment and the company is responsible for the creation and enforcement of policies, both the customer and the CSP share responsibilities for technical access controls.

      Logging system access and reviewing the logs for unusual activity can also be a shared responsibility, with the CSP or third-party IAM provider logging access and the customer reviewing the logs or with the CSP providing both services. Either choice requires coordination between the customer and the CSP. Access attempts can come from a variety of devices and locations throughout the world, making IAM an essential function.

      Data and Media Sanitization

      Internally, it is possible to sanitize storage media as you have physical access to the media. You determine the manner of sanitization to include physical destruction of the storage media. You also determine the schedule for data deletion and media sanitization.

      In the cloud this becomes more challenging. The data storage is shared and distributed, and access to the physical media is not provided. The CSP will not СКАЧАТЬ