Название: Адаптированный текст рассказа А. К. Дойла «Скандал в Богемии» на английском языке. Учебное пособие
Автор: Александр Левкин
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр: Языкознание
isbn: 9785005387578
«Precisely [prɪsaɪsli]. And [ænd] the [ðə] man [mæn] who [hu¦] wrote [rəʊt] the [ðə] note [nəʊt] is [ɪz] a [ə] German [ʤɜ¦mən]. Do [du¦] you [ju¦] note [nəʊt] the [ðə] peculiar [pɪkju¦liə] construction [kənstrʌkʃən] of [ɒv] the [ðə] sentence [sɛntəns] – „This [ðɪs] account [əkaʊnt] of [ɒv] you [ju¦] we [wi¦] have [hæv] from [frɒm] all [ɔ¦l] quarters [kwɔ¦təz] received [rɪsi¦vd].“ A [ə] Frenchman [frɛnʧmən] or [ɔ¦] Russian [rʌʃn] could [kʊd] not [nɒt] have [hæv] written [rɪtn] that [ðæt]. It [ɪt] is [ɪz] the [ðə] German [ʤɜ¦mən] who [hu¦] is [ɪz] so [səʊ] uncourteous [ʌnkɜ¦tiəs] to [tu¦] his [hɪz] verbs [vɜ¦bz]. It [ɪt] only [əʊnli] remains [rɪmeɪnz], therefore [ðeəfɔ¦], to [tu¦] discover [dɪskʌvə] what [wɒt] is [ɪz] wanted [wɒntɪd] by [baɪ] this [ðɪs] German [ʤɜ¦mən] who [hu¦] writes [raɪts] upon [əpɒn] Bohemian [bəʊhi¦mjən] paper [peɪpər] and [ænd] prefers [prifɜ¦z] wearing [weərɪŋ] a [ə] mask [mɑ¦sk] to [tu¦] showing [ʃəʊɪŋ] his [hɪz] face [feɪs]. And [ænd] here [hɪə] he [hi¦] comes [kʌmz], if [ɪf] I [aɪ] am [æm] not [nɒt] mistaken [mɪsteɪkən], to [tu¦] resolve [rɪzɒlv] all [ɔ¦l] our [aʊə] doubts [daʊts].»
As [æz] he [hi¦] spoke [spəʊk] there [ðeə] was [wɒz] the [ðə] sharp [ʃɑ¦p] sound [saʊnd] of [ɒv] horses’ [hɔ¦sɪz] ’ hoofs [hu¦fs] and [ænd] grating [greɪtɪŋ] wheels [wi¦lz] against [əgɛnst] the [ðə] curb [kɜ¦b], followed [fɒləʊd] by [baɪ] a [ə] sharp [ʃɑ¦p] pull [pʊl] at [æt] the [ðə] bell [bɛl]. Holmes [həʊmz] whistled [wɪsld].
«A [ə] pair [peə], by [baɪ] the [ðə] sound [saʊnd],» said [sɛd] he [hi¦]. «Yes [jɛs],» he [hi¦] continued [kəntɪnjud], glancing [glɑ¦nsɪŋ] out [aʊt] of [ɒv] the [ðə] window [wɪndəʊ]. «A [ə] nice [naɪs] little [lɪtl] brougham [bruəm] and [ænd] a [ə] pair [peər] of [ɒv] beauties [bju¦tiz]. A [ə] hundred [hʌndrəd] and [ænd] fifty [fɪfti] guineas [gɪniz] apiece [əpi¦s]. There’s [ðeəz] money [mʌni] in [ɪn] this [ðɪs] case [keɪs], Watson [wɒtsən], if [ɪf] there [ðeər] is [ɪz] nothing [nʌθɪŋ] else [ɛls].»
«I [aɪ] think [θɪŋk] that [ðæt] I [aɪ] had [hæd] better [bɛtə] go [gəʊ], Holmes [həʊmz].»
«Not [nɒt] a [ə] bit [bɪt], Doctor [dɒktə]. Stay [steɪ] where [weə] you [ju¦] are [ɑ¦]. I [aɪ] am [æm] lost [lɒst] without [wɪðaʊt] my [maɪ] Boswell. And [ænd] this [ðɪs] promises [prɒmɪsɪz] to [tu¦] be [bi¦] interesting [ɪntrɪstɪŋ]. It [ɪt] would [wʊd] be [bi¦] a [ə] pity [pɪti] to [tu¦] miss [mɪs] it [ɪt].»
«But [bʌt] your [jɔ¦] client [klaɪənt] – »
«Never [nɛvə] mind [maɪnd] him [hɪm]. I [aɪ] may [meɪ] want [wɒnt] your [jɔ¦] help [hɛlp], and [ænd] so [səʊ] may [meɪ] he [hi¦]. Here [hɪə] he [hi¦] comes [kʌmz]. Sit [sɪt] down [daʊn] in [ɪn] that [ðæt] armchair [ɑ¦mʧeə], Doctor [dɒktə], and [ænd] give [gɪv] us [ʌs] your [jɔ¦] best [bɛst] attention [ətɛnʃn].»
A [ə] slow [sləʊ] and [ænd] heavy [hɛvi] step [stɛp], which [wɪʧ] had [hæd] been [bi¦n] heard [hɜ¦d] upon [əpɒn] the [ðə] stairs [steəz] and [ænd] in [ɪn] the [ðə] passage [pæsɪʤ], paused [pɔ¦zd] immediately [ɪmi¦diətli] outside [aʊtsaɪd] the [ðə] door [dɔ¦]. Then [ðɛn] there [ðeə] was [wɒz] a [ə] loud [laʊd] and [ænd] authoritative [ɔ¦θɒrɪtətɪv] tap [tæp].
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