Ivanov. Anton Chekhov
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Название: Ivanov

Автор: Anton Chekhov

Издательство: Ingram

Жанр: Языкознание


isbn: 9780802191021


СКАЧАТЬ his hand dismissively) Kindly don’t bother me now.

      AnnaNow don’t get high and mighty – women find it unattractive. Oh Nikolay! – let’s go and do cartwheels in the hay!

      IvanovIt can’t be good for you standing at an open window, do go inside, Anyuta darling. (Shouts.) Uncle – close the window!

      The window closes.

      BorkinAnd another thing – Lebedev’s due his interest the day after tomorrow.

      IvanovI know. I’m going over there later – I’ll ask for more time.

      BorkinYou’re going when?

      Ivanov(looking at his pocket watch) Now – soon –

      Borkin(eagerly) Hang on, isn’t it Sasha’s birthday today? Silly me – I almost forgot – what a memory! (Hops about.) Tell you what, I’ll come along with you – (Sings.) I’ll come along with you . . . First a swim, chew some paper, splash on some anti-booze and start off the day again. Mon ange, mon frère, mon petit Nikolay Alekseevich – you’re all jumpy and down in the dumps all the time, always moaning, goodness me – You and me, me and you, what the two of us couldn’t do only the devil could! There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you How about if I marry Marfushka Babakina? Half the dowry is yours. Did I say half? – have the lot!

      IvanovDo stop talking rubbish.

      BorkinNo, I’m serious, really and truly – Do you want me to marry Marfa? Divvy up the dowry? . . . I don’t know why I bother. (Mimics him.) ’Do stop talking rubbish’! You’re not a bad chap, quite bright, really, but what you need is a bit of get up and go . . . You’re a case, a chronic gloom merchant, which if you weren’t, you could have a million inside a year. Here’s a for instance: Ovsyanov is selling a strip of land on the other bank just opposite, for 2, 300 roubles. If we buy it we’ll own both sides of the river. And if both banks are ours – follow me? – we’d have the right to build a dam. Yes? We start building a mill, and as soon as we tell them we want to make a mill pond, everyone downstream will kick up a fuss and we’ll put it to them straight – kommen Sie hier – if you don’t want the dam, it will cost you. Am I getting through? The Zarevsky factory will be good for five thousand, Korokolkov three thousand, five thousand from the monastery . . .

      IvanovThat’s called extortion. If you don’t want a row keep your ideas to yourself.

      Borkin(sits down at the table) Of course! I should have known.

      Shabelsky comes out of the house with Lvov.

      ShabelskyDoctors! – They’re like lawyers, only with doctors when they’ve finished robbing you, you die . . . any doctors present excepted, of course. Bloodsucking quacks. There may be some utopia where exceptions prove the rule, but in my life I must have spent about twenty thousand on doctors and never met one who wasn’t an out-and-out swindler with a licence to practise.

      Borkin(resuming, to Ivanov) Yes, tie my hands and sit on your own – that’s why we’re broke.

      ShabelskyPresent company excepted, as I say – there could be anomalies . . . (Yawns.) though frankly I doubt it.

      Ivanov(closing his book) So, doctor, what’s the verdict?

      Lvov(glancing round at the window) No different from this morning – she needs to go south immediately – to the Crimea.

      Shabelsky(snorts with laughter) To the Crimea! . . . We should all be doctors! It’s so simple – Madame’s got a tickle in her throat, or coughing for something to do, so grab a sheet of paper and prescribe as follows: take one young doctor, followed by one trip to the Crimea, and in the Crimea, one good-looking Tartar to put the colour in her cheeks . . .

      Ivanov(to Shabelsky) Would you stop blathering on! (To Lvov.) To go to the Crimea requires money, and even supposing I find it, she won’t hear of it.

      LvovI know.

      BorkinI say, Doctor, is Anna Petrovna really as ill as all that? – Crimea and everything?

      Lvov(glancing round at the window) Yes, it’s tuberculosis.

      BorkinOof! . . . Not good . . . I could see in her face for a while now she’s not long for this world.

      LvovPlease keep your voice down – you can be heard indoors.

      Borkin(sighing) Life . . .! Life is like a flower in a field – we just have time to come into bloom, then along comes a goat and goodbye flower.

      ShabelskyIt’s all nonsense and nothing but nonsense! . . . (Yawns.) Nonsense and humbug . . .


      BorkinI’ve been telling Nikolay Alekseevich how to make some money. I gave him a wonderful idea, but as ever the powder flashed in the pan. You can’t shift him . . . Look at him – a picture of misery . . . apathetic, worried sick.

      Shabelsky(stands up and stretches) You have a fat-headed genius for scheming and telling everybody how to change their lives – but you’ve never once taught me anything – go on, show me how, if you’re so clever – show me the way.

      Borkin(moving off) I’m going for a swim . . . Au revoir, gents – I could teach you twenty ways –

      Shabelsky(following him) Go on then, show me.

      BorkinNothing to it. In your shoes I’d have twenty thousand in a week. (Comes back.) Nikolay Alekseevich, can you give me a rouble?

      Ivanov silently hands him the money.

      Merci! (To Shabelsky.) You’ve got all the cards in your hand.

      Shabelsky(following him) So, what are they?

      BorkinIn your place I’d have thirty thousand in a week.

      Shabelsky follows Borkin out.

      Ivanov(aside) Useless people, useless talk, stupid questions . . . I’m ill with it. I’ve become crotchety, bad-tempered, rude to everyone . . . small-minded . . . I don’t know myself any more. My headaches last for days, I can’t sleep, there’s a buzzing in my ears, and there’s nowhere, absolutely nowhere, I can get away from everything.

      LvovI need to have a serious talk with you.

      Ivanov(continuing) Nowhere.

      LvovAbout your wife. She won’t agree to the Crimea but she’d go if you went with her.

      Ivanov turns to Lvov.

      IvanovThe cost of both of us going . . . Anyway I can’t get away. I’ve already taken time off this year.

      LvovAll right, say you can’t. Next point. The best medicine for TB is complete rest, and your wife doesn’t get a moment’s peace. She’s constantly upset by the way you treat her. Forgive me – I’m upset myself and I have to speak plainly. Your behaviour is killing her. Nikolay Alekseevich – please help me to think better of you.

      IvanovIt’s true. It’s all true. I’m terribly to blame no doubt, but my mind is so confused, I’m sick to my soul with a sort of lassitude, I haven’t СКАЧАТЬ