Space Physics and Aeronomy, Ionosphere Dynamics and Applications. Группа авторов
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СКАЧАТЬ regions ( >5 x 1011 m‐3), the electron temperature needs to be only ~2300 K to have a sufficient number of energetic electrons. This study suggests that in the case of particle precipitation, besides direct impact excitation, the luminosity increase in patches may also be partially attributed to thermal excitation. Because the classical patches have colder electron temperature than the surrounding region, the thermal emission may not be important, while this type of emission would be more significant in the hot patch case. Results from the above studies emphasize that variations in the patch emission could be attributed to multiple factors, and one needs to be very careful when interpreting those variations.

      This chapter aims to briefly review the most recent advances in the area of polar cap ionosphere density structures, in particular polar cap patches, and call for future work needed in this area. Reviews by Carlson (1994, 2012) and Crowley (1996) (and references therein) provide synthesized summaries for many earlier works. Since 2012, further advances in this area are enabled by new capabilities, such as much better GPS TEC coverage from ground‐ and space‐based instruments and ISRs deep in the polar cap.

      Significant progress has been made in quantifying the occurrence rate of polar cap patches and the new results challenged earlier results by showing that patches occur more often in December in both hemispheres than in each hemisphere's winter. An improved definition of polar cap patch should be created, which not only considers the density enhancements in the immediate adjacent region but also reflects the fact that patches should be of higher densities than the larger‐scale background. Statistical results based on TEC data confirmed the UT and seasonal dependence of patch occurrence predicted by model. However, the occurrence rate of TOI/patch shows no clear relationship with the geomagnetic activity level indicated by Kp. More detailed analysis is needed in the future to take into consideration the storm phases and thermosphere composition changes. In addition, further statistical studies are needed to understand the most probable IMF conditions right at the time when the patches are produced, in order to single out the major segmenting mechanism of patch.

      The RISRs in the polar cap have revealed 3‐D patch density structures, their internal plasma dynamics, and the altitude profiles of plasma characteristics within patches. Statistically, the patch electron temperature is lower than that of the surrounding region, and the plasma flow and flux are downward inside the patch. However, “hot” patches with higher electron temperature have also been observed and further studies are needed to distinguish the classical cold and hot patches, in particular, whether they are generated due to different mechanisms or produced by similar mechanisms but evolve under different precipitating particle and field‐aligned current environments. In the future, it may be more sensible to treat the relatively lower‐density patches and higher‐density patches separately, since they might be produced by different mechanisms, and the similarities and differences of their evolution, as well as their relationship with the hot and cold patches, are of great interest.

      Enhanced 630 nm airglow emissions due to recombination are often used to image the polar cap high‐density structures. However, besides the recombination‐induced 630 nm emission, other mechanisms can also lead to variations in 630 nm emission, such as soft electron precipitation, thermal excitation, and lifting or descending of the F‐region height. Therefore, care is needed when interpreting the 630 nm emission variations, and it is better to be combined with other diagnosis tools, such as electron temperature. The relative contributions of those mechanisms to the total patch emission under various conditions and for different types of patch should be further explored.

      S. Zou would like to acknowledge NASA grant NNX14AF31G, NSF grant AGS 1400998 and NASA grant 80NSSC20K1313. G. W. Perry acknowledges the support from the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Discovery Grant RGPIN/06069‐2014.

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