Destiny's Puppets. Henri Mallet
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Название: Destiny's Puppets

Автор: Henri Mallet

Издательство: ЛитРес: Самиздат

Жанр: Приключения: прочее


isbn: 978-5-532-97273-5


СКАЧАТЬ The dancing of multicolored leaves and the flocks of birds heading south brought back memories, emotions, and an undeniable desire to escape from oneself. Anatoly wished to leave behind the all-consuming feeling of solitude which constantly pulled at his heart.

      He was lonely, poignantly lonely. He spent all his free time working or training. At times the major tried to persuade himself that he was actually free, not lonely. He was free from love-affairs, the stress of starting a family, or any potential emotional baggage, but sometimes he had to admit that it was far from the truth.

      He drove to his apartment building, parked his car, went up to his floor, unlocked the door and entered the hall, in which his steps resounded loudly.

      Anatoly Lazarev went up to the fridge and opened it, «oh, I completely forgot to buy groceries.»

      He opened the pantry, «so, what we have,» critically examining the contents, took out a large package of pasta and tinned meat.

      He was lucky to have stocked up enough tinned meat. He habitually poured some water into the saucepan and put it on the stove. While the pasta was being cooked, Anatoly opened the tin and dropped the contents out onto the frying pan.

      “Well, pasta and tinned meat are not so bad,” he said out loud, “I promise to buy some food tomorrow.”

      Anatoly laughed, “Here you are, major, you’ve already started talking to yourself, congratulations!”


      Gleb opened his eyes and stretched out lusciously on the wide and comfortable bed covered with silky sheets. The room was gleaming with sunlight, reflected in the edges of the beautiful crystal vase standing on the window sill. The air was permeated with the fragrance of fresh coffee, toasts and something else, wonderful and impossible to identify. Svetlov was savoring this pleasant trance between sleep and wokeness and he closed his eyes again. He heard the quiet footsteps, a rustle, and at once a warm palm touched his hand and he felt a kiss upon his lips. The young man opened one eye and stared at the girl in front of him. He gradually began recollecting what had happened in the evening, at night and even this morning. He groaned slightly and sat up in bed.

      «Holy Mozes! What have I done that.»

      «And what exactly have you done?» he heard the answer and the question at the same time.

      Gleb finally woke up and saw Larisa Panko in front of him in an inconceivable lace translucent peignoir, which very favorably emphasized all the advantages of her figure. Blond, silky hair fell in waves over chiseled shoulders.

      «You had a pleasant time and relieved stress in a traditional and rather ancient method,» Larisa cooed with a light, inviting smile. Her eyes the colors of gold sparkled invitingly.

      Gleb peered at them, but saw there only desire and bliss.

      “I’ve spent a blissful night. I think you liked our games, too.” Her hand slipped under the blanket, anticipating the further consequences of quite a predictable climax.

      “Never regret something which happened if you were happy at that moment. Do you agree?” Larisa’s eyes were now very close to Gleb’s face and all her features became blurred. A wave of desire surged through him.

      Later, when they were sitting in the kitchen, enjoying the breakfast cooked by Larisa beforehand, Gleb suddenly realized that he was smiling and couldn’t help it. He felt so good, there was such lightness inside, that he did not want to know anything about either the past or the future. He felt good here and now and he did not want to leave. He was experiencing true bliss.

      “Gleb, honey, eat up. We must leave,” whispered Larisa. She tilted her head to the right, and the lock of her fair hair covered her face. Gleb nipped off a large piece of the toast with marmalade and began chewing it theatrically, with delight.

      “Look, I am in a hurry. I am chewing, very fast,” he laughed and sipped his coffee.

      Half an hour later they went down the stairs, left the building, and went to the theatre.

      “Larisa, please, forgive me, if something went wrong last night,” Gleb took the girl by the arm and they stopped. He was looking at her earnestly, with a question in his eyes. “I will never forgive myself, if the unforeseen happens to you and you get pregnant.”

      “Gleb, trust me, it’s not your problem. The last night was great. Moreover, I’d like to repeat it.” Larisa quickly kissed him and took a step back.

      Now he could see her eyes. For a moment, Gleb saw in them not just fear, but a cry for help, but everything quickly disappeared. And now, beautiful eyes filled with tenderness were already looking at him.

      «Come on, we have to go,» the girl pulled him with her, and they moved further along the sidewalk to the bus stop.

      Gleb let Larisa into the building of the theatre several seconds before himself, because he did not want anyone to think that they had come together. Tatiana Roshin was the first one to meet him in the theatre. She was standing near the dressing-room, obviously waiting for him.

      “Gleb, sweetheart, we really need to talk,” she started, but did not finish, seeing Svetlov’s happy countenance.

      “Yes, of course,” answered Gleb with a light smile and motioned her to enter the dressing-room.

      Inside, Tatiana embraced Gleb at once and pressed herself closer to him.

      “No hard feelings. I am not to blame for what happened yesterday. George is my childhood friend, we grew up on the same street, but we haven’t seen each other for ages. I did not expect him to play such a trick on me. This is all a lie. We are childhood friends, and we haven’t got any common children. Do you believe me?” The girl looked into Gleb’s eyes ingratiatingly.

      “Tatiana, this all does not matter. What is important is that our wedding is in only days away,” Svetlov leaned towards Roshin and dropped her a kiss.

      Everything was not as simple as he wanted it to be. Today, in the morning he realized that there are things in this world miraculously changing everything around him. Only yesterday he was determined to do Fedorov a bad turn and marry his lover Roshin. He quite liked her, so he decided they would be able to live together.

      When he woke up today, he felt indecently happy and suddenly realized how beautiful the fallen multicolored leaves under his feet were, how warm the morning autumn sun was, how blue the sky was, and how pleasant the smell of coffee and scones at breakfast was. It dawned upon Gleb that he was not quite ready now to lose something more than a free man’s status by marrying a girl he had never loved. He finally understood that he might lose his appetite for life! And he loved life in all its manifestations. On the other hand, he had promised her to become her husband. Gleb Svetlov considered himself a man of honor, he could not explain what made him think so, but ever since had been a child, he had been going out of his way to keep his promises. So now Gleb was facing a choice: to break his promise to Tatiana or to fulfill it and marry the girl he did not love.

      “We shall get married,” he said firmly. Blue eyes gleaming with steel, and a fine line between his eyebrows. Svetlov stepped back slightly, opened the door and went out into the corridor.

      Fedorov saw Tatiana and Gleb enter the dressing-room together, but Svetlov soon came out alone and he didn’t look happy, one might even say that he was extremely puzzled.

      “Gleb, come in, we need to talk”, Mikhail motioned to the open door of his office.

      “The СКАЧАТЬ