Destiny's Puppets. Henri Mallet
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Название: Destiny's Puppets

Автор: Henri Mallet

Издательство: ЛитРес: Самиздат

Жанр: Приключения: прочее


isbn: 978-5-532-97273-5


СКАЧАТЬ has become known to us that your actors Tatiana Roshin and Gleb Svetlov,» Anatoly Lazarev began slowly, «are going to be married soon. We think that this marriage is highly undesirable and are asking you to help us ruin their plans.»

      Mikhail was still looking at the major. His face was absolutely expressionless, but there was a storm of different feelings inside and a host of different thoughts were rushing through his head.

      «You say! That is, this wedding does not suit the KGB, wow, the alignment. What is so special about this Gleb?» Fedorov was sure that Roshin had nothing to do with it. He had known Tatiana for ages and her tricks had never interested secret agents. But the fact that KGB cared so much about Svetlov surprised and alarmed at the same time.

      «There was no doubt that Gleb was talented – nobody would argue that, but here the underlying reason was totally different. Well, he would have to ruin this wedding. If a person like a KGB major personally asked for this, then there is no choice at all. He himself did not like much this farce of a wedding,» his storm of emotions was finally subdued.

      « It's clear, how much time have I got?»

      «The sooner, the better. But you understand, you need not just upset the marriage of this couple, you need them to end their close relationship, since Roshina's pregnancy from Svetlov is extremely undesirable. We will also take some measures, but I think your help will be useful to us,» Lazarev's blue eyes were calm.

      «I see. Do I have to contact you after this mission?»

      «No, your activities will be monitored, but, if you need help you can contact me directly,» Major Lazarev handed Mikhail a slip of paper with his phone number.

      «OK, anything else?» Fedorov’s eyes expressed neither annoyance, nor discontent – only a question.

      «He’ll be able to play anybody without any rehearsals – from the forest spirit in the bog to the Byzantian emperor,» Fedorov was immediately charmed with his interlocutor’s extraordinary talent and the way of moving – this guy was really gifted. «Chameleon eyes changing their color from blue to green are not very common. What a unique talent is being wasted,» a thought crossed his mind, «but why wasted? It is actually not. Only such talented and strong people are fit for this hard work unsuitable for a man in the crowd

      «No, that’s all.» Anatoly Lazarev got up and extended his hand to say good bye.

      «OK, I’ll do everything as you said. Bye.»

      When the door behind his visitor closed, Fedorov came up to a small mirror hanging on the wall. He saw a handsome man, with the expression of fatigue and light sadness in his eyes because he often had to fulfill KGB officers’ orders in order to get a permission to do what he really liked.

      «Well, that was not the worst offer, we’ll get through it.»

      He looked out into the corridor and saw several actors.

      «Has Tatiana left? Do you know where she is?» asked Fedorov.

      «She is in the foyer, shall I call her?»

      «Yes, please, tell her to come to my office.»

      In a couple of minutes Tatiana knocked on the door and entered the room. The neckline of the burgundy satin dress revealed soft, rounded shoulders and favorably emphasized the chic breasts, the object of admiration for men and envy of women. Her big, gray eyes had alarm sitting deep within them and were shining on her round face framed by her curly hair. Plump, discontentedly pursed lips expressed protest and resentment.

      «Please, close the door, and stop demonstrating universal grief. I know, you are a talented actress,» Fedorov smiled benevolently, «sit down, we need to have a serious talk,» he motioned to the chair.

      Roshin jerked her shoulder, raised her chin even higher and sat down. She was looking at the window away and it seemed that nothing would induce her to look at Mikhail.

      «I know that you are mad at me. I’ve told you many times that I cannot divorce my wife and marry you. This will damage my career seriously. This is no selfishness, just inevitable reality. I know you are angry, but, please, try to understand that this is beyond my power. We can see each other, as before. Of course, only if you want it. I implore you not to proceed with what you plan to do. You don’t love Gleb, and he doesn’t love you. I know these things. I don’t know Svetlov’s real motives, but I know yours, perfectly well. I wish you no evil, that’s why I’m asking you to cancel your wedding. This will bring only trouble to both of you. If you agree, I could talk with your fiancé,» Fedorov spoke in a calm, soulful voice and looking straight in her eyes.

      No real emotions emerged on the face of the professional actress. She was still sitting motionless, with her chin up, looking at the window. The trendy plastic heart-shaped pendant fell right between her breasts, heaving with breathing.

      «That's all, that's enough, you've already sustained a pause enough, then there is a bust,» Fedorov smiled again. He took her palm with one hand and kissed her, and with the other gently ran over her shoulder, coquettishly displayed in the latest fashion.

      Tatiana turned her head to Mikhail and looking straight into his eyes she asked him in the coldest possible tone, «would that be all? I can get away?

      «You want to leave? Just get up and leave?» Fedorov gently lifted the girl.

      Tatiana abruptly writhed herself free. Her eyes framed with thick eyelashes were ablaze with passion and rage. They were not gray anymore – they’d become velvet black. Mikhail tried to press her body towards his, but she propped her little fists against his chest.

      «Leave it, I am not the one I used to be. I don’t want to be your lover anymore. Am I making myself clear? I can get away?» the girl was breathing agitatedly.

      «Of course, you can go, but think about what I have told you. Trust me, it’s very important for both you and Gleb.»

      «And what, are you going to fire us?» the actress haughtily looked at Mikhail and went to the door.

      « Tatiana, please calm down and look at this whole circus from the side. You are much older than him, he is still quite young. These are also significant arguments against your marriage.»

      «Оh! Now you remembered my age! I’ve wasted several years on you and I have nothing as a result: neither a home, nor a family! Would you like to tell me something about it?» The girl’s voice became shrill. «I will not change my mind, I will marry Gleb!»

      She banged the door defiantly, the clicking of her heels died away in the distance.

      «No, you will not,» Fedorov sighed and looked out of the window.

      Autumn was reigning there, Moscow autumn, the time of magic changes from the warm, tender, sweet summer to icy winter cold and fluffy white snow.


      Major Lazarev was sitting at a small table in a cozy café. He was sure the talk in a natural, familiar setting would set his interlocutor at ease and be more productive than the one in the bleak office on Dzerzhinsky square. Larisa Panko with a regal bearing was sitting near Anatoly, her legs crossed beautifully. Capron stockings emphasized the elegance of her perfect legs. The girl was dressed in the latest fashion, her hair was neatly and elegantly styled. Larissa beautifully drank coffee from a tiny cup and favorably accepted enthusiastic male gazes.

      «So, СКАЧАТЬ